build from c&c batch for windows build

This commit is contained in:
Barak Hoffer 2015-10-12 15:22:21 +03:00
parent 5b647f97af
commit 92584a662a
1 changed files with 41 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
@Echo Off
Set _Delay=10
Set _Monitor=Z:\
Set _Base=%temp%\BaselineState.dir
Set _Chck=%temp%\ChkState.dir
Set _OS=6
Set _SourceStore=C:\Code\monkey\chaos_monkey
Set _OutputName=%1
Set _BinariesOut=X:\
If "%_OutputName%"=="" Exit
Ver|Findstr /I /C:"Version 5">Nul
If %Errorlevel%==0 Set _OS=5
Echo Starting source monitor, output is %_OutputName%
Call :_SetBaseline "%_Base%" "%_Monitor%"
If %_OS%==5 (Ping -n 1 %_Delay%>Nul) Else Timeout %_Delay%>Nul
Call :_SetBaseline "%_Chck%" "%_Monitor%"
FC /A /L "%_Base%" "%_Chck%">Nul
If %ErrorLevel%==0 Goto _MonLoop
Echo Change Detected, Compiling...
rmdir /s /q "%_SourceStore%"
mkdir "%_SourceStore%"
xcopy /s /q "%_Monitor%" "%_SourceStore%"
pushd "%_SourceStore%"
cmd /c build_windows.bat
copy /y "dist\monkey.exe" "%_BinariesOut%%_OutputName%"
echo Waiting for changes...
Goto :_StartMon
:: Subroutine
If Exist "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir" Del "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir"
For /F "Tokens=* Delims=" %%I In ('Dir /S "%~2"') Do (
Set _Last=%%I
>>"%temp%\tempfmstate.dir" Echo.%%I
>"%~1" Findstr /V /C:"%_Last%" "%temp%\tempfmstate.dir"
Goto :EOF