// The JSON must be fully loaded before onload() happens for calling draw() on 'monkeys' $.ajaxSetup({ async: false }); // Images/icons constants const ICONS_DIR = "./css/img/objects/"; const ICONS_EXT = ".png"; // General options // If variable from local storage != null, assign it, otherwise set it's default value. var jobsTable = undefined; var vcenterCfg = undefined; var jobCfg = undefined; JSONEditor.defaults.theme = 'bootstrap3'; function initAdmin() { jobsTable = $("#jobs-table").DataTable({ "ordering": true, "order": [[1, "desc"]], }); jobsTable.on( 'click', 'tr', function () { if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { jobsTable.$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); } jobdata = jobsTable.row(this).data(); createNewJob(jobdata[0], jobdata[3]); } ); vcenterCfg = new JSONEditor(document.getElementById('vcenter-config'),{ schema: { type: "object", title: "vcenter", properties: { address: { title: "Address", type: "string", }, port: { title: "Port", type: "integer", }, username: { title: "Username", type: "string", }, password: { title: "Password", type: "string", }, monkey_template_name: { title: "Monkey Template Name", type: "string", }, monkey_vm_info: { title: "Monkey Creation VM", type: "object", properties: { name: { title: "Deployment Name", type: "string", }, vm_folder: { title: "VM Folder (opt.)", type: "string", }, resource_pool: { title: "Resource Pool (opt.)", type: "string", }, datacenter_name: { title: "Datacenter (opt.)", type: "string", }, cluster_name: { title: "Cluster (opt.)", type: "string", }, datastore_name: { title: "Datastore (opt.)", type: "string", }, } } }, options: { "collapsed": true }, }, disable_edit_json: false, disable_properties: true, }); window.setTimeout(updateJobs, 5000); loadVcenterConfig(); updateJobs(); } function updateJobs() { $.getJSON('/job', function(json) { jobsTable.clear(); var jobsList = json.objects; for (var i = 0; i < jobsList.length; i++) { jobsTable.row.add([jobsList[i].id, jobsList[i].creation_time, jobsList[i].type,jobsList[i].execution.state, JSON.stringify(jobsList[i].properties)]); } jobsTable.draw(); //enableJobsSelect(); }); } function loadVcenterConfig() { $.getJSON('/connector?type=VCenterConnector', function(json) { vcenterCfg.setValue(json); }); } function updateVcenterConfig() { var vc_config = vcenterCfg.getValue() vc_config["type"] = "VCenterConnector"; $.ajax({ headers : { 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }, url : '/connector', type : 'POST', data : JSON.stringify(vc_config), success : function(response, textStatus, jqXhr) { console.log("New vcenter config successfully updated!"); }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // log the error to the console console.log("The following error occured: " + textStatus, errorThrown); }, complete : function() { console.log("Sending vcenter config update..."); } }); } function createNewJob(id, state) { if (!id) { jobsTable.$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); } elem = document.getElementById('job-config'); elem.innerHTML = "" jobCfg = new JSONEditor(elem,{ schema: { type: "object", title: "Job", properties: { job: { title: "Type", $ref: "/jobcreate" + ((id)?"?id="+id:""), } }, options: { "collapsed": false }, }, ajax: true, disable_edit_json: false, disable_collapse: true, disable_properties: true, no_additional_properties: true }); jobCfg.on('ready',function() { if (id && state != "pending") { jobCfg.disable(); document.getElementById("btnSendJob").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("btnDeleteJob").style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { jobCfg.enable(); document.getElementById("btnSendJob").style.visibility = "visible"; if (id) { document.getElementById("btnDeleteJob").style.visibility = "visible"; } else { document.getElementById("btnDeleteJob").style.visibility = "hidden"; } } }); } function sendJob() { var job_config = jobCfg.getValue() $.ajax({ headers : { 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }, url : '/jobcreate', type : 'POST', data : JSON.stringify(job_config.job), success : function(response, textStatus, jqXhr) { console.log("Job successfully updated!"); updateJobs(); }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // log the error to the console console.log("The following error occured: " + textStatus, errorThrown); }, complete : function() { console.log("Sending job config..."); } }); } function deleteJob() { var job_config = jobCfg.getValue(); if (job_config.job.id) { $.ajax({ headers : { 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }, url : '/jobcreate', type : 'GET', data : "action=delete&id=" + job_config.job.id, success : function(response, textStatus, jqXhr) { console.log("Job successfully updated!"); updateJobs(); }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // log the error to the console console.log("The following error occured: " + textStatus, errorThrown); }, complete : function() { console.log("Sending job config..."); } }); } } function configSched() { } /** * Clears the value in the local storage */ function clear(key) { if (localStorage[key]) { delete localStorage[key]; } }; /** /.localStorage Section **/ /** **/ /** ----- **/ /** **/ /** Utilities Section **/ /** * Returns the differences between two arrays */ Array.prototype.diff = function(other) { var diff = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { var obj = this[i]; if (other.indexOf(obj) == -1) { diff.push(obj); } } for (var i = 0; i < other.length; i++) { var obj = other[i]; if (this.indexOf(obj) == -1 && diff.indexOf(obj) == -1) { diff.push(obj); } } return diff; }; /** /.Utilities Section **/ /** **/