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Data directory 2021-05-18T08:49:59+03:00 false <i class="fas fa-folder"></i> 9

What is the data directory?

The data directory is where the Island server stores runtime artifacts. These include the Island logs, any custom post-breach action files, configuration files, etc.

Where is it located?

On Linux, the default path is $HOME/.monkey_island. On Windows, the default path is %AppData%\monkey_island.

How do I configure the location of the data directory on Linux?

The location of the data directory is set in the data_dir field in the server_config.json file.

  1. Create a custom server_config.json file and set the data_dir field. Its contents will look like this:

      "log_level": "DEBUG",
      "environment": {
        "server_config": "password"
      "mongodb": {
            "start_mongodb": true
      "data_dir": "<PATH_TO_DATA_DIR>"
  2. Start the Infection Monkey with the --server-config parameter.

    $ InfectionMonkey-VERSION.AppImage --server-config <PATH_TO_SERVER_CONFIG>