rearrange oracle input for different arch build
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,280 +1 @@
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package oracle
import (
const inputName = "oracle"
type OrclInstance struct {
Address string `toml:"address"`
Username string `toml:"username"`
Password string `toml:"password"`
IsSysDBA bool `toml:"is_sys_dba"`
IsSysOper bool `toml:"is_sys_oper"`
DisableConnectionPool bool `toml:"disable_connection_pool"`
MaxOpenConnections int `toml:"max_open_connections"`
Labels map[string]string `toml:"labels"`
IntervalTimes int64 `toml:"interval_times"`
type MetricConfig struct {
Mesurement string `toml:"mesurement"`
LabelFields []string `toml:"label_fields"`
MetricFields []string `toml:"metric_fields"`
FieldToAppend string `toml:"field_to_append"`
Timeout config.Duration `toml:"timeout"`
Request string `toml:"request"`
IgnoreZeroResult bool `toml:"ignore_zero_result"`
type Oracle struct {
Instances []OrclInstance `toml:"instances"`
Metrics []MetricConfig `toml:"metrics"`
dbconnpool map[string]*sqlx.DB // key: instance
Counter uint64
wg sync.WaitGroup
func init() {
inputs.Add(inputName, func() inputs.Input {
return &Oracle{}
func (o *Oracle) Prefix() string {
return inputName
func (o *Oracle) Init() error {
if len(o.Instances) == 0 {
return types.ErrInstancesEmpty
o.dbconnpool = make(map[string]*sqlx.DB)
for i := 0; i < len(o.Instances); i++ {
dbConf := o.Instances[i]
if dbConf.Address == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("some oracle address is blank")
connString := getConnectionString(dbConf)
db, err := sqlx.Open("godror", connString)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open oracle connection: %v", err)
o.dbconnpool[dbConf.Address] = db
return nil
func (o *Oracle) Drop() {
for address := range o.dbconnpool {
if config.Config.DebugMode {
log.Println("D! dropping oracle connection:", address)
if err := o.dbconnpool[address].Close(); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to close oracle connection:", address, "error:", err)
func (o *Oracle) Gather(slist *list.SafeList) {
atomic.AddUint64(&o.Counter, 1)
for i := range o.Instances {
ins := o.Instances[i]
go o.gatherOnce(slist, ins)
func (o *Oracle) gatherOnce(slist *list.SafeList, ins OrclInstance) {
defer o.wg.Done()
if ins.IntervalTimes > 0 {
counter := atomic.LoadUint64(&o.Counter)
if counter%uint64(ins.IntervalTimes) != 0 {
tags := map[string]string{"address": ins.Address}
for k, v := range ins.Labels {
tags[k] = v
defer func(begun time.Time) {
use := time.Since(begun).Seconds()
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("scrape_use_seconds", use, tags))
db := o.dbconnpool[ins.Address]
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("up", 0, tags))
log.Println("E! failed to ping oracle:", ins.Address, "error:", err)
} else {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("up", 1, tags))
waitMetrics := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i := 0; i < len(o.Metrics); i++ {
m := o.Metrics[i]
go o.scrapeMetric(waitMetrics, slist, db, m, tags)
func (o *Oracle) scrapeMetric(waitMetrics *sync.WaitGroup, slist *list.SafeList, db *sqlx.DB, metricConf MetricConfig, tags map[string]string) {
defer waitMetrics.Done()
timeout := time.Duration(metricConf.Timeout)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, metricConf.Request)
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
log.Println("E! oracle query timeout, request:", metricConf.Request)
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to query:", err)
defer rows.Close()
cols, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to get columns:", err)
if config.Config.DebugMode {
log.Println("D! columns:", cols)
for rows.Next() {
columns := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
columnPointers := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i := range columns {
columnPointers[i] = &columns[i]
// Scan the result into the column pointers...
if err := rows.Scan(columnPointers...); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to scan:", err)
// Create our map, and retrieve the value for each column from the pointers slice,
// storing it in the map with the name of the column as the key.
m := make(map[string]string)
for i, colName := range cols {
val := columnPointers[i].(*interface{})
m[strings.ToLower(colName)] = fmt.Sprint(*val)
count := 0
if err = o.parseRow(m, metricConf, slist, tags); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to parse row:", err)
} else {
if !metricConf.IgnoreZeroResult && count == 0 {
log.Println("E! no metrics found while parsing")
func (o *Oracle) parseRow(row map[string]string, metricConf MetricConfig, slist *list.SafeList, tags map[string]string) error {
labels := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range tags {
labels[k] = v
for _, label := range metricConf.LabelFields {
labelValue, has := row[label]
if has {
labels[label] = strings.Replace(labelValue, " ", "_", -1)
for _, column := range metricConf.MetricFields {
value, err := conv.ToFloat64(row[column])
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to convert field:", column, "value:", value, "error:", err)
return err
if metricConf.FieldToAppend == "" {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample(metricConf.Mesurement+"_"+column, value, labels))
} else {
suffix := cleanName(row[metricConf.FieldToAppend])
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample(metricConf.Mesurement+"_"+suffix+"_"+column, value, labels))
return nil
// Oracle gives us some ugly names back. This function cleans things up for Prometheus.
func cleanName(s string) string {
s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "_", -1) // Remove spaces
s = strings.Replace(s, "(", "", -1) // Remove open parenthesis
s = strings.Replace(s, ")", "", -1) // Remove close parenthesis
s = strings.Replace(s, "/", "", -1) // Remove forward slashes
s = strings.Replace(s, "*", "", -1) // Remove asterisks
s = strings.Replace(s, "%", "percent", -1)
s = strings.ToLower(s)
return s
func getConnectionString(args OrclInstance) string {
return godror.ConnectionParams{
StandaloneConnection: args.DisableConnectionPool,
CommonParams: dsn.CommonParams{
Username: args.Username,
Password: dsn.NewPassword(args.Password),
ConnectString: args.Address,
PoolParams: dsn.PoolParams{
MinSessions: 0,
MaxSessions: args.MaxOpenConnections,
SessionIncrement: 1,
ConnParams: dsn.ConnParams{
IsSysDBA: args.IsSysDBA,
IsSysOper: args.IsSysOper,
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package oracle
import (
const inputName = "oracle"
type OrclInstance struct {
Address string `toml:"address"`
Username string `toml:"username"`
Password string `toml:"password"`
IsSysDBA bool `toml:"is_sys_dba"`
IsSysOper bool `toml:"is_sys_oper"`
DisableConnectionPool bool `toml:"disable_connection_pool"`
MaxOpenConnections int `toml:"max_open_connections"`
Labels map[string]string `toml:"labels"`
IntervalTimes int64 `toml:"interval_times"`
type MetricConfig struct {
Mesurement string `toml:"mesurement"`
LabelFields []string `toml:"label_fields"`
MetricFields []string `toml:"metric_fields"`
FieldToAppend string `toml:"field_to_append"`
Timeout config.Duration `toml:"timeout"`
Request string `toml:"request"`
IgnoreZeroResult bool `toml:"ignore_zero_result"`
type Oracle struct {
Instances []OrclInstance `toml:"instances"`
Metrics []MetricConfig `toml:"metrics"`
dbconnpool map[string]*sqlx.DB // key: instance
Counter uint64
wg sync.WaitGroup
func init() {
inputs.Add(inputName, func() inputs.Input {
return &Oracle{}
func (o *Oracle) Prefix() string {
return inputName
func (o *Oracle) Init() error {
if len(o.Instances) == 0 {
return types.ErrInstancesEmpty
o.dbconnpool = make(map[string]*sqlx.DB)
for i := 0; i < len(o.Instances); i++ {
dbConf := o.Instances[i]
if dbConf.Address == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("some oracle address is blank")
connString := getConnectionString(dbConf)
db, err := sqlx.Open("godror", connString)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open oracle connection: %v", err)
o.dbconnpool[dbConf.Address] = db
return nil
func (o *Oracle) Drop() {
for address := range o.dbconnpool {
if config.Config.DebugMode {
log.Println("D! dropping oracle connection:", address)
if err := o.dbconnpool[address].Close(); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to close oracle connection:", address, "error:", err)
func (o *Oracle) Gather(slist *list.SafeList) {
atomic.AddUint64(&o.Counter, 1)
for i := range o.Instances {
ins := o.Instances[i]
go o.gatherOnce(slist, ins)
func (o *Oracle) gatherOnce(slist *list.SafeList, ins OrclInstance) {
defer o.wg.Done()
if ins.IntervalTimes > 0 {
counter := atomic.LoadUint64(&o.Counter)
if counter%uint64(ins.IntervalTimes) != 0 {
tags := map[string]string{"address": ins.Address}
for k, v := range ins.Labels {
tags[k] = v
defer func(begun time.Time) {
use := time.Since(begun).Seconds()
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("scrape_use_seconds", use, tags))
db := o.dbconnpool[ins.Address]
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("up", 0, tags))
log.Println("E! failed to ping oracle:", ins.Address, "error:", err)
} else {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample("up", 1, tags))
waitMetrics := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i := 0; i < len(o.Metrics); i++ {
m := o.Metrics[i]
go o.scrapeMetric(waitMetrics, slist, db, m, tags)
func (o *Oracle) scrapeMetric(waitMetrics *sync.WaitGroup, slist *list.SafeList, db *sqlx.DB, metricConf MetricConfig, tags map[string]string) {
defer waitMetrics.Done()
timeout := time.Duration(metricConf.Timeout)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, metricConf.Request)
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
log.Println("E! oracle query timeout, request:", metricConf.Request)
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to query:", err)
defer rows.Close()
cols, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to get columns:", err)
if config.Config.DebugMode {
log.Println("D! columns:", cols)
for rows.Next() {
columns := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
columnPointers := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i := range columns {
columnPointers[i] = &columns[i]
// Scan the result into the column pointers...
if err := rows.Scan(columnPointers...); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to scan:", err)
// Create our map, and retrieve the value for each column from the pointers slice,
// storing it in the map with the name of the column as the key.
m := make(map[string]string)
for i, colName := range cols {
val := columnPointers[i].(*interface{})
m[strings.ToLower(colName)] = fmt.Sprint(*val)
count := 0
if err = o.parseRow(m, metricConf, slist, tags); err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to parse row:", err)
} else {
if !metricConf.IgnoreZeroResult && count == 0 {
log.Println("E! no metrics found while parsing")
func (o *Oracle) parseRow(row map[string]string, metricConf MetricConfig, slist *list.SafeList, tags map[string]string) error {
labels := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range tags {
labels[k] = v
for _, label := range metricConf.LabelFields {
labelValue, has := row[label]
if has {
labels[label] = strings.Replace(labelValue, " ", "_", -1)
for _, column := range metricConf.MetricFields {
value, err := conv.ToFloat64(row[column])
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! failed to convert field:", column, "value:", value, "error:", err)
return err
if metricConf.FieldToAppend == "" {
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample(metricConf.Mesurement+"_"+column, value, labels))
} else {
suffix := cleanName(row[metricConf.FieldToAppend])
slist.PushFront(inputs.NewSample(metricConf.Mesurement+"_"+suffix+"_"+column, value, labels))
return nil
// Oracle gives us some ugly names back. This function cleans things up for Prometheus.
func cleanName(s string) string {
s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "_", -1) // Remove spaces
s = strings.Replace(s, "(", "", -1) // Remove open parenthesis
s = strings.Replace(s, ")", "", -1) // Remove close parenthesis
s = strings.Replace(s, "/", "", -1) // Remove forward slashes
s = strings.Replace(s, "*", "", -1) // Remove asterisks
s = strings.Replace(s, "%", "percent", -1)
s = strings.ToLower(s)
return s
func getConnectionString(args OrclInstance) string {
return godror.ConnectionParams{
StandaloneConnection: args.DisableConnectionPool,
CommonParams: dsn.CommonParams{
Username: args.Username,
Password: dsn.NewPassword(args.Password),
ConnectString: args.Address,
PoolParams: dsn.PoolParams{
MinSessions: 0,
MaxSessions: args.MaxOpenConnections,
SessionIncrement: 1,
ConnParams: dsn.ConnParams{
IsSysDBA: args.IsSysDBA,
IsSysOper: args.IsSysOper,
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
//go:build windows
// +build windows
package oracle
Reference in New Issue