
37 lines
1016 B

## just a placholder
api_key = "ef4ahfbwzwwtlwfpbertgq1i6mq0ab1q"
## enable log collect or not
enable = false
## the server receive logs, http/tcp/kafka, only kafka brokers can be multiple ip:ports with concatenation character ","
send_to = ""
## send logs with protocol: http/tcp/kafka
send_type = "http"
topic = "flashcatcloud"
## send logs with compression or not
use_compress = false
## use ssl or not
send_with_tls = false
## send logs in batchs
batch_wait = 5
## save offset in this path
run_path = "/opt/categraf/run"
## max files can be open
open_files_limit = 100
## scan config file in 10 seconds
scan_period = 10
## read buffer of udp
frame_size = 9000
collect_container_all = true
## glog processing rules
## single log configure
## file/journald/tcp/udp
type = "file"
## type=file, path is required; type=journald/tcp/udp, port is required
path = "/opt/tomcat/logs/*.txt"
source = "tomcat"
service = "my_service"