
382 lines
9.5 KiB

package procstat
import (
const inputName = "procstat"
type PID int32
type Instance struct {
SearchExecSubstring string `toml:"search_exec_substring"`
SearchCmdlineSubstring string `toml:"search_cmdline_substring"`
SearchWinService string `toml:"search_win_service"`
Labels map[string]string `toml:"labels"`
IntervalTimes int64 `toml:"interval_times"`
Mode string `toml:"mode"`
GatherTotal bool `toml:"gather_total"`
GatherPerPid bool `toml:"gather_per_pid"`
GatherMoreMetrics []string `toml:"gather_more_metrics"`
searchString string
solarisMode bool
procs map[PID]Process
func (ins *Instance) Init() error {
if ins.Mode == "" {
ins.Mode = "irix"
if strings.ToLower(ins.Mode) == "solaris" {
ins.solarisMode = true
if ins.SearchExecSubstring != "" {
ins.searchString = ins.SearchExecSubstring
log.Println("I! procstat: search_exec_substring:", ins.SearchExecSubstring)
} else if ins.SearchCmdlineSubstring != "" {
ins.searchString = ins.SearchCmdlineSubstring
log.Println("I! procstat: search_cmdline_substring:", ins.SearchCmdlineSubstring)
} else if ins.SearchWinService != "" {
ins.searchString = ins.SearchWinService
log.Println("I! procstat: search_win_service:", ins.SearchWinService)
} else {
return errors.New("the fields should not be all blank: search_exec_substring, search_cmdline_substring, search_win_service")
return nil
type Procstat struct {
Instances []*Instance `toml:"instances"`
Counter uint64
wg sync.WaitGroup
func init() {
inputs.Add(inputName, func() inputs.Input {
return &Procstat{}
func (s *Procstat) Prefix() string {
return inputName
func (s *Procstat) Init() error {
if len(s.Instances) == 0 {
return types.ErrInstancesEmpty
for i := 0; i < len(s.Instances); i++ {
if err := s.Instances[i].Init(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Procstat) Drop() {}
func (s *Procstat) Gather(slist *list.SafeList) {
atomic.AddUint64(&s.Counter, 1)
for i := range s.Instances {
ins := s.Instances[i]
go s.gatherOnce(slist, ins)
func (s *Procstat) gatherOnce(slist *list.SafeList, ins *Instance) {
defer s.wg.Done()
if ins.IntervalTimes > 0 {
counter := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.Counter)
if counter%uint64(ins.IntervalTimes) != 0 {
var (
pids []PID
err error
tags = map[string]string{"search_string": ins.searchString}
for k, v := range ins.Labels {
tags[k] = v
pg, _ := NewNativeFinder()
if ins.SearchExecSubstring != "" {
pids, err = pg.Pattern(ins.SearchExecSubstring)
} else if ins.SearchCmdlineSubstring != "" {
pids, err = pg.FullPattern(ins.SearchCmdlineSubstring)
} else if ins.SearchWinService != "" {
pids, err = s.winServicePIDs(ins.SearchWinService)
} else {
log.Println("E! Oops... search string not found")
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! procstat: failed to lookup pids, search string:", ins.searchString, "error:", err)
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("lookup_count", 0, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("lookup_count", len(pids), tags))
if len(pids) == 0 {
if len(ins.GatherMoreMetrics) == 0 {
s.updateProcesses(ins, pids)
for _, field := range ins.GatherMoreMetrics {
switch field {
case "threads":
ins.gatherThreads(slist, ins.procs, tags)
case "fd":
ins.gatherFD(slist, ins.procs, tags)
case "io":
ins.gatherIO(slist, ins.procs, tags)
case "uptime":
ins.gatherUptime(slist, ins.procs, tags)
case "cpu":
ins.gatherCPU(slist, ins.procs, tags, ins.solarisMode)
case "mem":
ins.gatherMem(slist, ins.procs, tags)
case "limit":
ins.gatherLimit(slist, ins.procs, tags)
log.Println("unknown choice in gather_more_metrics:", field)
func (s *Procstat) updateProcesses(ins *Instance, pids []PID) {
procs := make(map[PID]Process)
for _, pid := range pids {
old, has := ins.procs[pid]
if has {
if name, err := old.Name(); err != nil || name == "" {
procs[pid] = old
} else {
proc, err := NewProc(pid)
if err != nil {
if name, err := proc.Name(); err != nil || name == "" {
procs[pid] = proc
ins.procs = procs
func (ins *Instance) gatherThreads(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
var val int32
for pid := range procs {
v, err := procs[pid].NumThreads()
if err == nil {
val += v
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("num_threads", val, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("num_threads_total", val, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherFD(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
var val int32
for pid := range procs {
v, err := procs[pid].NumFDs()
if err == nil {
val += v
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("num_fds", val, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("num_fds_total", val, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherIO(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
var (
readCount uint64
writeCount uint64
readBytes uint64
writeBytes uint64
for pid := range procs {
io, err := procs[pid].IOCounters()
if err == nil {
readCount += io.ReadCount
writeCount += io.WriteCount
readBytes += io.ReadBytes
writeBytes += io.WriteBytes
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("read_count", readCount, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("write_count", writeCount, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("read_bytes", readBytes, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("write_bytes", writeBytes, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("read_count_total", readCount, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("write_count_total", writeCount, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("read_bytes_total", readBytes, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("write_bytes_total", writeBytes, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherUptime(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
// use the smallest one
var value int64 = -1
for pid := range procs {
v, err := procs[pid].CreateTime() // returns epoch in ms
if err == nil {
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("uptime", value, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if value == -1 {
value = v
if value > v {
value = v
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("uptime_minimum", value, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherCPU(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string, solarisMode bool) {
var value float64
for pid := range procs {
v, err := procs[pid].Percent(time.Duration(0))
if err == nil {
if solarisMode {
value += v / float64(runtime.NumCPU())
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("cpu_usage", v/float64(runtime.NumCPU()), map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
} else {
value += v
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("cpu_usage", v, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("cpu_usage_total", value, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherMem(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
var value float32
for pid := range procs {
v, err := procs[pid].MemoryPercent()
if err == nil {
value += v
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("mem_usage", v, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("mem_usage_total", value, tags))
func (ins *Instance) gatherLimit(slist *list.SafeList, procs map[PID]Process, tags map[string]string) {
var softMin, hardMin uint64
for pid := range procs {
rlims, err := procs[pid].RlimitUsage(false)
if err == nil {
for _, rlim := range rlims {
if rlim.Resource == process.RLIMIT_NOFILE {
if ins.GatherPerPid {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("rlimit_num_fds_soft", rlim.Soft, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("rlimit_num_fds_hard", rlim.Hard, map[string]string{"pid": fmt.Sprint(pid)}, tags))
if softMin == 0 {
softMin = rlim.Soft
hardMin = rlim.Hard
if softMin > rlim.Soft {
softMin = rlim.Soft
if hardMin > rlim.Hard {
hardMin = rlim.Hard
if ins.GatherTotal {
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("rlimit_num_fds_soft_minimum", softMin, tags))
slist.PushFront(types.NewSample("rlimit_num_fds_hard_minimum", hardMin, tags))
func (s *Procstat) winServicePIDs(winService string) ([]PID, error) {
var pids []PID
pid, err := queryPidWithWinServiceName(winService)
if err != nil {
return pids, err
pids = append(pids, PID(pid))
return pids, nil