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# Categraf
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Categraf is a monitoring agent for nightingale / prometheus / m3db / victoriametrics / thanos / influxdb / tdengine.
## Links
- [QuickStart](
- [FAQ](
- [Github Releases](
- [Gitlink Releases](
## Build
# export GO111MODULE=on
# export GOPROXY=
go build
## Pack
tar zcvf categraf.tar.gz categraf conf
## Run
# test mode: just print metrics to stdout
./categraf --test
# test system and mem plugins
./categraf --test --inputs system:mem
# print usage message
./categraf --help
# run
# run with specified config directory
./categraf --configs /path/to/conf-directory
# only enable system and mem plugins
./categraf --inputs system:mem
# use nohup to start categraf
nohup ./categraf &> stdout.log &
## Deploy categraf as daemonset, deployment or sidecar
edit k8s/daemonset.yaml, replace NSERVER_SERVICE_WITH_PORT with service ip:port of nserver in your cluster, replace CATEGRAF_NAMESPACE with namespace value, then run:
kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/daemonset.yaml # collect metrics, metrics/cadvisor of node
kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/sidecar.yaml # collect service metrics
kubectl apply -n monitoring -f k8s/deployment.yaml #collect apiserver coredns etc
Notice: k8s/sidecar.yaml is a demo, replace mock with your own image of service.
## Scrape like prometheus
see detail [here](
## Plugin
plugin list: [](
## Thanks
Categraf is developed on the basis of Telegraf, Exporters and the OpenTelemetry. Thanks to the great open source community.
## Community