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# log level, enum: panic, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace, defaults to info.
log_level = "info"
# append some const labels to metrics
# NOTICE! the instance label is required for dashboards
labels = { instance="mongo-cluster-01" }
# mongodb dsn, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/
# mongodb_uri = "mongodb://"
mongodb_uri = ""
# if you don't specify the username or password in the mongodb_uri, you can set here.
# This will overwrite the dsn, it would be helpful when special characters existing in the username or password and you don't want to encode them.
# NOTICE! this user must be granted enough rights to query needed stats, see ../inputs/mongodb/README.md
username = "username@Bj"
password = "password@Bj"
# if set to true, use the direct connection way
# direct_connect = true
# collect all means you collect all the metrics, if set, all below enable_xxx flags in this section will be ignored
collect_all = true
# if set to true, collect databases metrics
# enable_db_stats = true
# if set to true, collect getDiagnosticData metrics
# enable_diagnostic_data = true
# if set to true, collect replSetGetStatus metrics
# enable_replicaset_status = true
# if set to true, collect top metrics by admin command
# enable_top_metrics = true
# if set to true, collect index metrics. You should specify one of the coll_stats_namespaces and the discovering_mode flags.
# enable_index_stats = true
# if set to true, collect collections metrics. You should specify one of the coll_stats_namespaces and the discovering_mode flags.
# enable_coll_stats = true
# Only get stats for the collections matching this list of namespaces. if none set, discovering_mode will be enabled.
# Example: db1.col1,db.col1
# coll_stats_namespaces = []
# Only get stats for index with the collections matching this list of namespaces.
# Example: db1.col1,db.col1
# index_stats_collections = []
# if set to true, replace -1 to DESC for label key_name of the descending_index metrics
# enable_override_descending_index = true
# which exposes metrics with 0.1x compatible metric names has been implemented which simplifies migration from the old version to the current version.
# compatible_mode = true
# [[instances]]
# # interval = global.interval * interval_times
# interval_times = 1
# log_level = "error"
# append some labels to metrics
# labels = { instance="mongo-cluster-02" }
# mongodb_uri = "mongodb://username:password@"
# collect_all = true
# compatible_mode = true |