221 lines
6.5 KiB
221 lines
6.5 KiB
// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
// under the Apache License Version 2.0.
// This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/).
// Copyright 2016-present Datadog, Inc.
package decoder
import (
logsconfig "flashcat.cloud/categraf/config/logs"
type scoredPattern struct {
score int
regexp *regexp.Regexp
// DetectedPattern is a container to safely access a detected multiline pattern
type DetectedPattern struct {
pattern *regexp.Regexp
// Set sets the pattern
func (d *DetectedPattern) Set(pattern *regexp.Regexp) {
defer d.Unlock()
d.pattern = pattern
// Get gets the pattern
func (d *DetectedPattern) Get() *regexp.Regexp {
defer d.Unlock()
return d.pattern
// AutoMultilineHandler can attempts to detect a known/commob pattern (a timestamp) in the logs
// and will switch to a MultiLine handler if one is detected and the thresholds are met.
type AutoMultilineHandler struct {
multiLineHandler *MultiLineHandler
singleLineHandler *SingleLineHandler
inputChan chan *Message
outputChan chan *Message
isRunning bool
linesToAssess int
linesTested int
lineLimit int
matchThreshold float64
scoredMatches []*scoredPattern
processsingFunc func(message *Message)
flushTimeout time.Duration
source *logsconfig.LogSource
timeoutTimer *time.Timer
detectedPattern *DetectedPattern
// NewAutoMultilineHandler returns a new AutoMultilineHandler.
func NewAutoMultilineHandler(outputChan chan *Message,
lineLimit, linesToAssess int,
matchThreshold float64,
matchTimeout time.Duration,
flushTimeout time.Duration,
source *logsconfig.LogSource,
additionalPatterns []*regexp.Regexp,
detectedPattern *DetectedPattern,
) *AutoMultilineHandler {
// Put the user patterns at the beginning of the list so we prioritize them if there is a conflicting match.
patterns := append(additionalPatterns, formatsToTry...)
scoredMatches := make([]*scoredPattern, len(patterns))
for i, v := range patterns {
scoredMatches[i] = &scoredPattern{
score: 0,
regexp: v,
h := &AutoMultilineHandler{
inputChan: make(chan *Message),
outputChan: outputChan,
isRunning: true,
lineLimit: lineLimit,
matchThreshold: matchThreshold,
scoredMatches: scoredMatches,
linesToAssess: linesToAssess,
flushTimeout: flushTimeout,
source: source,
timeoutTimer: time.NewTimer(matchTimeout),
detectedPattern: detectedPattern,
h.singleLineHandler = NewSingleLineHandler(outputChan, lineLimit)
h.processsingFunc = h.processAndTry
return h
// Handle puts all new lines into a channel for later processing.
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) Handle(input *Message) {
h.inputChan <- input
// Stop stops the handler.
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) Stop() {
// Start starts the handler.
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) Start() {
go h.run()
// run consumes new lines and processes them.
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) run() {
for {
if !h.isRunning {
line, isOpen := <-h.inputChan
if !isOpen {
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) processAndTry(message *Message) {
// Process message before anything else
for i, scoredPattern := range h.scoredMatches {
match := scoredPattern.regexp.Match(message.Content)
if match {
// By keeping the scored matches sorted, the best match always comes first. Since we expect one timestamp to match overwhelmingly
// it should match most often causing few re-sorts.
if i != 0 {
sort.Slice(h.scoredMatches, func(i, j int) bool {
return h.scoredMatches[i].score > h.scoredMatches[j].score
timeout := false
select {
case <-h.timeoutTimer.C:
log.Println("Multiline auto detect timed out before reaching line test threshold")
timeout = true
if h.linesTested >= h.linesToAssess || timeout {
topMatch := h.scoredMatches[0]
matchRatio := float64(topMatch.score) / float64(h.linesTested)
if matchRatio >= h.matchThreshold {
log.Printf("Pattern %v matched %d lines with a ratio of %f\n", topMatch.regexp.String(), topMatch.score, matchRatio)
} else {
log.Println("No pattern met the line match threshold during multiline autosensing - using single line handler")
// Stay with the single line handler and no longer attempt to detect multiline matches.
h.processsingFunc = h.singleLineHandler.process
func (h *AutoMultilineHandler) switchToMultilineHandler(r *regexp.Regexp) {
h.isRunning = false
h.singleLineHandler = nil
// Build and start a multiline-handler
h.multiLineHandler = newMultiLineHandler(h.inputChan, h.outputChan, r, h.flushTimeout, h.lineLimit)
// At this point control is handed over to the multiline handler and the AutoMultilineHandler read loop has stopped.
// Originally referenced from https://github.com/egnyte/ax/blob/master/pkg/heuristic/timestamp.go
// All line matching rules must only match the beginning of a line, so when adding new expressions
// make sure to prepend it with `^`
var formatsToTry = []*regexp.Regexp{
// time.RFC3339,
// time.ANSIC,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+ [A-Za-z_]+ +\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d+`),
// time.UnixDate,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+ [A-Za-z_]+ +\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+( [A-Za-z_]+ \d+)?`),
// time.RubyDate,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+ [A-Za-z_]+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ [\-\+]\d+ \d+`),
// time.RFC822,
regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+ [A-Za-z_]+ \d+ \d+:\d+ [A-Za-z_]+`),
// time.RFC822Z,
regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+ [A-Za-z_]+ \d+ \d+:\d+ -\d+`),
// time.RFC850,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+, \d+-[A-Za-z_]+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ [A-Za-z_]+`),
// time.RFC1123,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+, \d+ [A-Za-z_]+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ [A-Za-z_]+`),
// time.RFC1123Z,
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+, \d+ [A-Za-z_]+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ -\d+`),
// time.RFC3339Nano,
// 2021-07-08 05:08:19,214
regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+(,\d+)?`),
// Default java logging SimpleFormatter date format
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_]+ \d+, \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ (AM|PM)`),