268 lines
8.1 KiB
268 lines
8.1 KiB
// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
// under the Apache License Version 2.0.
// This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/).
// Copyright 2016-present Datadog, Inc.
package decoder
import (
config "flashcat.cloud/categraf/config/logs"
// defaultContentLenLimit represents the max size for a line,
// if a line is bigger than this limit, it will be truncated.
const defaultContentLenLimit = 256 * 1000
// Input represents a chunk of line.
type Input struct {
content []byte
// NewInput returns a new input.
func NewInput(content []byte) *Input {
return &Input{
content: content,
// DecodedInput represents a decoded line and the raw length
type DecodedInput struct {
content []byte
rawDataLen int
// NewDecodedInput returns a new decoded input.
func NewDecodedInput(content []byte, rawDataLen int) *DecodedInput {
return &DecodedInput{
content: content,
rawDataLen: rawDataLen,
// Message represents a structured line.
type Message struct {
Content []byte
Status string
RawDataLen int
Timestamp string
IngestionTimestamp int64
// NewMessage returns a new output.
func NewMessage(content []byte, status string, rawDataLen int, timestamp string) *Message {
return &Message{
Content: content,
Status: status,
RawDataLen: rawDataLen,
Timestamp: timestamp,
IngestionTimestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),
// Decoder splits raw data into lines and passes them to a lineParser that passes them to
// a lineHandler that emits outputs
// Input->[decoder]->[parser]->[handler]->Message
type Decoder struct {
// The number of raw lines decoded from the input before they are processed.
// Needs to be first to ensure 64 bit alignment
linesDecoded int64
InputChan chan *Input
OutputChan chan *Message
matcher EndLineMatcher
lineBuffer *bytes.Buffer
lineParser LineParser
contentLenLimit int
rawDataLen int
// The decoder holds on to an instace of DetectedPattern which is a thread safe container used to
// pass a multiline pattern up from the line handler in order to surface it to the tailer.
// The tailer uses this to determine if a pattern should be reused when a file rotates.
detectedPattern *DetectedPattern
// InitializeDecoder returns a properly initialized Decoder
func InitializeDecoder(source *config.LogSource, parser parser.Parser) *Decoder {
return NewDecoderWithEndLineMatcher(source, parser, &NewLineMatcher{}, nil)
// NewDecoderWithEndLineMatcher initialize a decoder with given endline strategy.
func NewDecoderWithEndLineMatcher(source *config.LogSource, parser parser.Parser, matcher EndLineMatcher, multiLinePattern *regexp.Regexp) *Decoder {
inputChan := make(chan *Input)
outputChan := make(chan *Message)
lineLimit := defaultContentLenLimit
var lineHandler LineHandler
var lineParser LineParser
detectedPattern := &DetectedPattern{}
for _, rule := range source.Config.ProcessingRules {
if rule.Type == config.MultiLine {
lh := NewMultiLineHandler(outputChan, rule.Regex, config.AggregationTimeout(), lineLimit)
// Since a single source can have multiple file tailers - each with their own decoder instance,
// Make sure we keep track of the multiline match count info from all of the decoders so the
// status page displays it correctly.
if existingInfo, ok := source.GetInfo(lh.countInfo.InfoKey()).(*config.CountInfo); ok {
// override the new decoders info to the instance we are already using
lh.countInfo = existingInfo
} else {
// this is the first decoder we have seen for this source - use it's count info
lineHandler = lh
if lineHandler == nil {
// TODO configure multiline
if source.Config.AutoMultiLine {
log.Println("Auto multi line log detection enabled")
if multiLinePattern != nil {
log.Println("Found a previously detected pattern - using multiline handler")
// Save the pattern again for the next rotation
lineHandler = NewMultiLineHandler(outputChan, multiLinePattern, config.AggregationTimeout(), lineLimit)
} else {
lineHandler = buildAutoMultilineHandlerFromConfig(outputChan, lineLimit, source, detectedPattern)
} else {
lineHandler = NewSingleLineHandler(outputChan, lineLimit)
if parser.SupportsPartialLine() {
lineParser = NewMultiLineParser(config.AggregationTimeout(), parser, lineHandler, lineLimit)
} else {
lineParser = NewSingleLineParser(parser, lineHandler)
return New(inputChan, outputChan, lineParser, lineLimit, matcher, detectedPattern)
func buildAutoMultilineHandlerFromConfig(outputChan chan *Message, lineLimit int, source *config.LogSource, detectedPattern *DetectedPattern) *AutoMultilineHandler {
linesToSample := source.Config.AutoMultiLineSampleSize
if linesToSample <= 0 {
linesToSample = 500 // TODO
matchThreshold := source.Config.AutoMultiLineMatchThreshold
if matchThreshold == 0 {
matchThreshold = 0.48 // TODO
additionalPatterns := []string{} // TODO
additionalPatternsCompiled := []*regexp.Regexp{}
for _, p := range additionalPatterns {
compiled, err := regexp.Compile("^" + p)
if err != nil {
log.Println("logs_config.auto_multi_line_extra_patterns containing value: ", p, " is not a valid regular expression")
additionalPatternsCompiled = append(additionalPatternsCompiled, compiled)
matchTimeout := time.Second * time.Duration(30)
return NewAutoMultilineHandler(outputChan,
// New returns an initialized Decoder
func New(InputChan chan *Input, OutputChan chan *Message, lineParser LineParser, contentLenLimit int, matcher EndLineMatcher, detectedPattern *DetectedPattern) *Decoder {
var lineBuffer bytes.Buffer
return &Decoder{
InputChan: InputChan,
OutputChan: OutputChan,
lineBuffer: &lineBuffer,
lineParser: lineParser,
contentLenLimit: contentLenLimit,
matcher: matcher,
detectedPattern: detectedPattern,
// Start starts the Decoder
func (d *Decoder) Start() {
go d.run()
// Stop stops the Decoder
func (d *Decoder) Stop() {
// GetLineCount returns the number of decoded lines
func (d *Decoder) GetLineCount() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&d.linesDecoded)
// GetDetectedPattern returns a detected pattern (if any)
func (d *Decoder) GetDetectedPattern() *regexp.Regexp {
if d.detectedPattern == nil {
return nil
return d.detectedPattern.Get()
// run lets the Decoder handle data coming from InputChan
func (d *Decoder) run() {
for data := range d.InputChan {
// finish to stop decoder
// decodeIncomingData splits raw data based on '\n', creates and processes new lines
func (d *Decoder) decodeIncomingData(inBuf []byte) {
i, j := 0, 0
n := len(inBuf)
maxj := d.contentLenLimit - d.lineBuffer.Len()
for ; j < n; j++ {
if j == maxj {
// send line because it is too long
d.rawDataLen += (j - i)
i = j
maxj = i + d.contentLenLimit
} else if d.matcher.Match(d.lineBuffer.Bytes(), inBuf, i, j) {
d.rawDataLen += (j - i)
d.rawDataLen++ // account for the matching byte
i = j + 1 // skip the last bytes of the matched sequence
maxj = i + d.contentLenLimit
d.rawDataLen += (j - i)
// sendLine copies content from lineBuffer which is passed to lineHandler
func (d *Decoder) sendLine() {
// Account for longer-than-1-byte line separator
content := make([]byte, d.lineBuffer.Len()-(d.matcher.SeparatorLen()-1))
copy(content, d.lineBuffer.Bytes())
d.lineParser.Handle(NewDecodedInput(content, d.rawDataLen))
d.rawDataLen = 0
atomic.AddInt64(&d.linesDecoded, 1)