This guide will show you how to create a new _post-breach action_ (PBA) for the Infection Monkey. PBA are "extra" actions that the Infection Monkey can perform on victim machines after propagating to them.
If all you want to do is execute shell commands, then there's no need to add a new PBA - just configure the required commands in the Monkey Island configuration! If you think that those specific commands have reuse value in other deployments besides your own, you can add a new PBA. Additionally, if you need to run actual Python code, you must add a new PBA.
1. Create your new action in the following directory: `monkey/infection_monkey/post_breach/actions` by first creating a new file with the name of your action.
2. In that file, create a class that inherits from the `PBA` class:
If your PBA consists only of simple shell commands, you can reuse the generic PBA by passing the commands into the constructor. See the `` PBA for reference.
Otherwise, you'll need to override the `run` method with your own implementation. See the `` PBA for reference. Make sure to send the relevant PostBreachTelem upon success/failure. You can log during the PBA as well.
If you wish to process your PBA telemetry (for example, to analyze it for report data), add a processing function to the `POST_BREACH_TELEMETRY_PROCESSING_FUNCS`, which can be found at `monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/telemetry/processing/`. You can reference the `process_communicate_as_new_user_telemetry` method as an example.