diff --git a/chaos_monkey/config.py b/chaos_monkey/config.py
index cfda27913..b0f615552 100644
--- a/chaos_monkey/config.py
+++ b/chaos_monkey/config.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import sys
 from network.range import FixedRange, RelativeRange, ClassCRange
 from exploit import WmiExploiter, Ms08_067_Exploiter, SmbExploiter, RdpExploiter, SSHExploiter, ShellShockExploiter,\
-from network import TcpScanner, PingScanner, SMBFinger, SSHFinger, HTTPFinger
+from network import TcpScanner, PingScanner, SMBFinger, SSHFinger, HTTPFinger, MySQLFinger
 from abc import ABCMeta
 from itertools import product
 import uuid
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Configuration(object):
     max_iterations = 1
     scanner_class = TcpScanner
-    finger_classes = [SMBFinger, SSHFinger, PingScanner, HTTPFinger]
+    finger_classes = [SMBFinger, SSHFinger, PingScanner, HTTPFinger, MySQLFinger]
     exploiter_classes = [SmbExploiter, WmiExploiter, RdpExploiter, Ms08_067_Exploiter,  # Windows exploits
                          SSHExploiter, ShellShockExploiter, SambaCryExploiter  # Linux
diff --git a/chaos_monkey/example.conf b/chaos_monkey/example.conf
index 4396cae34..55a716c7c 100644
--- a/chaos_monkey/example.conf
+++ b/chaos_monkey/example.conf
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
-        "SMBFinger"
+        "SMBFinger",
+        "MySQLFinger"
     "max_iterations": 3,
     "monkey_log_path_windows": "%temp%\\~df1563.tmp",
diff --git a/chaos_monkey/network/__init__.py b/chaos_monkey/network/__init__.py
index 850159342..e7f22de28 100644
--- a/chaos_monkey/network/__init__.py
+++ b/chaos_monkey/network/__init__.py
@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@ from tcp_scanner import TcpScanner
 from smbfinger import SMBFinger
 from sshfinger import SSHFinger
 from httpfinger import HTTPFinger
+from mysqlfinger import MySQLFinger
 from info import local_ips
 from info import get_free_tcp_port
diff --git a/chaos_monkey/network/mysqlfinger.py b/chaos_monkey/network/mysqlfinger.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bda6c5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chaos_monkey/network/mysqlfinger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import socket
+import logging
+from network import HostFinger
+from .tools import struct_unpack_tracker, struct_unpack_tracker_string
+from model.host import VictimHost
+MYSQL_PORT = 3306
+SQL_SERVICE = 'mysqld-3306'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MySQLFinger(HostFinger):
+    """
+        Fingerprints mysql databases, only on port 3306
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._config = __import__('config').WormConfiguration
+    def get_host_fingerprint(self, host):
+        """
+        Returns mySQLd data using the host header
+        :param host:
+        :return: Success/failure, data is saved in the host struct
+        """
+        assert isinstance(host, VictimHost)
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        s.settimeout(0.5)
+        try:
+            s.connect((host.ip_addr, MYSQL_PORT))
+            header = s.recv(4)  # max header size?
+            tmp, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(header, 0, "I")
+            tmp = tmp[0]
+            response_length = tmp & 0xff
+            data = s.recv(response_length)
+            # now we can start parsing
+            protocol, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, 0, "B")
+            protocol = protocol[0]
+            if protocol == 0xFF:
+                # error code, bug out
+                LOG.debug("Mysql server returned error")
+                return False
+            version, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker_string(data, curpos)  # special coded to solve string parsing
+            version = version[0]
+            host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['version'] = version
+            version = version.split('-')[0].split('.')
+            host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['major_version'] = version[0]
+            host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['minor_version'] = version[1]
+            host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['build_version'] = version[2]
+            thread_id, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "<I")  # ignore thread id
+            if protocol == 10:
+                # new protocol
+                self._parse_protocol_10(curpos, data, host)
+                return True
+            if protocol == 9:
+                return True
+            s.close()
+        except Exception as err:
+            LOG.debug("Error getting mysql fingerprint: %s", err)
+        return False
+    def _parse_protocol_10(self, curpos, data, host):
+        salt, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "s8B")
+        capabilities, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "<H")
+        host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['capabilities'] = capabilities[0]
+        charset, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "B")
+        status, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "<H")
+        extcapabilities, curpos = struct_unpack_tracker(data, curpos, "<H")
+        host.services[SQL_SERVICE]['extcapabilities'] = extcapabilities[0]
+        # there's more data but it doesn't matter
diff --git a/chaos_monkey/network/tools.py b/chaos_monkey/network/tools.py
index 8eb85704f..3d7fe64ef 100644
--- a/chaos_monkey/network/tools.py
+++ b/chaos_monkey/network/tools.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import socket
 import select
 import logging
+import struct
@@ -8,6 +9,33 @@ BANNER_READ = 1024
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def struct_unpack_tracker(data, index, fmt):
+    """
+    Unpacks a struct from the specified index according to specified format.
+    Returns the data and the next index
+    :param data:  Buffer
+    :param index: Position index
+    :param fmt: Struct format
+    :return: (Data, new index)
+    """
+    unpacked = struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, index)
+    return unpacked, struct.calcsize(fmt)
+def struct_unpack_tracker_string(data, index):
+    """
+    Unpacks a null terminated string from the specified index
+    Returns the data and the next index
+    :param data:  Buffer
+    :param index: Position index
+    :return: (Data, new index)
+    """
+    ascii_len = data[index:].find('\0')
+    fmt = "%ds" % ascii_len
+    unpacked = struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, index)
+    return unpacked, struct.calcsize(fmt)
 def check_port_tcp(ip, port, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, get_banner=False):
     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)