diff --git a/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/attack/technique_reports/__init__.py b/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/attack/technique_reports/__init__.py
index 34aa11691..8a02deb02 100644
--- a/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/attack/technique_reports/__init__.py
+++ b/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/attack/technique_reports/__init__.py
@@ -6,20 +6,21 @@ from common.utils.attack_utils import ScanStatus
from common.utils.code_utils import abstractstatic
from monkey_island.cc.database import mongo
from monkey_island.cc.models.attack.attack_mitigations import AttackMitigations
-from monkey_island.cc.services.config_schema.config_schema import SCHEMA
from monkey_island.cc.services.attack.attack_schema import SCHEMA as ATTACK_SCHEMA
-from monkey_island.cc.services.config_schema.config_schema_per_attack_technique import (
- ConfigSchemaPerAttackTechnique,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ "The configuration options corresponding to this ATT&CK technique were not "
+ "enabled in the configuration."
class AttackTechnique(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Abstract class for ATT&CK report components"""
- config_schema_per_attack_technique = None
def unscanned_msg(self):
@@ -120,52 +121,13 @@ class AttackTechnique(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
:return: message string
if status == ScanStatus.UNSCANNED.value:
- if not cls.config_schema_per_attack_technique:
- cls.config_schema_per_attack_technique = (
- ConfigSchemaPerAttackTechnique().get_config_schema_per_attack_technique(SCHEMA)
- )
- unscanned_msg = cls._get_unscanned_msg_with_reasons(
- cls.unscanned_msg, cls.config_schema_per_attack_technique
- )
+ unscanned_msg = UNSCANNED_MESSAGE
return unscanned_msg
elif status == ScanStatus.SCANNED.value:
return cls.scanned_msg
return cls.used_msg
- @classmethod
- def _get_unscanned_msg_with_reasons(
- cls, unscanned_msg: str, config_schema_per_attack_technique: Dict
- ):
- reasons = []
- if len(cls.relevant_systems) == 1:
- reasons.append(f"- Monkey did not run on any {cls.relevant_systems[0]} systems.")
- if cls.tech_id in config_schema_per_attack_technique:
- reasons.append(
- "- The following configuration options were disabled or empty:
- f"{cls._get_relevant_config_values(config_schema_per_attack_technique)}"
- )
- if reasons:
- unscanned_msg = (
- unscanned_msg.strip(".")
- + " due to one of the following reasons:\n"
- + "\n".join(reasons)
- )
- return unscanned_msg
- @classmethod
- def _get_relevant_config_values(cls, config_schema_per_attack_technique: Dict):
- config_options = ""
- for config_type in config_schema_per_attack_technique[cls.tech_id]:
- config_options += (
- f"- {config_type} — "
- f"{', '.join(config_schema_per_attack_technique[cls.tech_id][config_type])}
- )
- return config_options
def technique_title(cls):
diff --git a/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/config_schema/config_schema_per_attack_technique.py b/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/config_schema/config_schema_per_attack_technique.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a760c8d00..000000000
--- a/monkey/monkey_island/cc/services/config_schema/config_schema_per_attack_technique.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Dict, List
-class ConfigSchemaPerAttackTechnique:
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self.reverse_schema = {}
- def get_config_schema_per_attack_technique(
- self, schema: Dict
- ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]:
- """
- example: \
- { \
- "T1003": { \
- "System Info Collectors": [ \
- "Mimikatz collector", \
- ] \
- } \
- } \
- :return: dictionary mapping each attack technique to relevant config \
- fields
- """
- self._crawl_config_schema_definitions_for_reverse_schema(schema)
- self._crawl_config_schema_properties_for_reverse_schema(schema)
- return self.reverse_schema
- def _crawl_config_schema_definitions_for_reverse_schema(self, schema: Dict):
- definitions = schema["definitions"]
- for definition in definitions:
- definition_type = definitions[definition]["title"]
- for field in definitions[definition].get("anyOf", []):
- config_field = field["title"]
- for attack_technique in field.get("attack_techniques", []):
- self._add_config_field_to_reverse_schema(
- definition_type, config_field, attack_technique
- )
- def _crawl_config_schema_properties_for_reverse_schema(self, schema: Dict):
- properties = schema["properties"]
- for prop in properties:
- property_type = properties[prop]["title"]
- for category_name in properties[prop].get("properties", []):
- category = properties[prop]["properties"][category_name]
- self._crawl_properties(
- config_option_path=property_type,
- config_option=category,
- )
- def _crawl_properties(self, config_option_path: str, config_option: Dict):
- config_option_path = (
- f"{config_option_path} -> {config_option['title']}"
- if "title" in config_option
- else config_option_path
- )
- for config_option_name in config_option.get("properties", []):
- new_config_option = config_option["properties"][config_option_name]
- self._check_related_attack_techniques(
- config_option_path=config_option_path,
- config_option=new_config_option,
- )
- # check for "properties" and each property's related techniques recursively;
- # the levels of nesting and where related techniques are declared won't
- # always be fixed in the config schema
- self._crawl_properties(config_option_path, new_config_option)
- def _check_related_attack_techniques(self, config_option_path: str, config_option: Dict):
- for attack_technique in config_option.get("related_attack_techniques", []):
- # No config values could be a reason that related attack techniques are left
- # unscanned. See https://github.com/guardicore/monkey/issues/1518 for more.
- config_field = config_option["title"]
- self._add_config_field_to_reverse_schema(
- config_option_path, config_field, attack_technique
- )
- def _add_config_field_to_reverse_schema(
- self, definition_type: str, config_field: str, attack_technique: str
- ) -> None:
- self.reverse_schema.setdefault(attack_technique, {})
- self.reverse_schema[attack_technique].setdefault(definition_type, [])
- self.reverse_schema[attack_technique][definition_type].append(config_field)