forked from p15670423/monkey
574 lines
17 KiB
574 lines
17 KiB
import flask_restful
from cc.auth import jwt_required
from import EdgeService
from import NodeService
from cc.database import mongo
import hashlib
import binascii
from pymongo import MongoClient
class PthMap(flask_restful.Resource):
def get(self, **kw):
graph = PassTheHashMap()
return \
"nodes": [{"id": x, "label": Machine(x).GetIp()} for x in graph.vertices],
"edges": [{"id": str(s) + str(t), "from": s, "to": t, "label": label} for s, t, label in graph.edges]
DsRole_RoleStandaloneWorkstation = 0
DsRole_RoleMemberWorkstation = 1
DsRole_RoleStandaloneServer = 2
DsRole_RoleMemberServer = 3
DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController = 4
DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController = 5
def myntlm(x):
hash ='md4', x.encode('utf-16le')).digest()
return str(binascii.hexlify(hash))
class Machine(object):
def __init__(self, monkey_guid):
self.monkey_guid = str(monkey_guid)
self.latest_system_info = mongo.db.telemetry.find({"telem_type":"system_info_collection", "monkey_guid": self.monkey_guid}).sort([("timestamp", 1)]).limit(1)
if self.latest_system_info.count() > 0:
self.latest_system_info = self.latest_system_info[0]
def GetMimikatzOutput(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
if not doc:
return None
return doc["data"]["mimikatz"]
def GetHostName(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for comp in doc["data"]["Win32_ComputerSystem"]:
return eval(comp["Name"])
return None
def GetIp(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for addr in doc["data"]["network_info"]["networks"]:
return str(addr["addr"])
return None
def GetDomainName(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for comp in doc["data"]["Win32_ComputerSystem"]:
return eval(comp["Domain"])
return None
def GetDomainRole(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for comp in doc["data"]["Win32_ComputerSystem"]:
return comp["DomainRole"]
return None
def IsDomainController(self):
return self.GetDomainRole() in (DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController, DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController)
def GetSidByUsername(self, username):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for user in doc["data"]["Win32_UserAccount"]:
if eval(user["Name"]) != username:
return eval(user["SID"])
return None
def GetUsernameBySid(self, sid):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for user in doc["data"]["Win32_UserAccount"]:
if eval(user["SID"]) != sid:
return eval(user["Name"])
if not self.IsDomainController():
for dc in self.GetDomainControllers():
username = dc.GetUsernameBySid(sid)
if username != None:
return username
return None
def GetUsernameBySecret(self, secret):
sam = self.GetLocalSecrets()
for user, user_secret in sam.iteritems():
if secret == user_secret:
return user
return None
def GetSidBySecret(self, secret):
username = self.GetUsernameBySecret(secret)
return self.GetSidByUsername(username)
def GetGroupSidByGroupName(self, group_name):
doc = self.latest_system_info
for group in doc["data"]["Win32_Group"]:
if eval(group["Name"]) != group_name:
return eval(group["SID"])
return None
def GetUsersByGroupSid(self, sid):
doc = self.latest_system_info
users = dict()
for group_user in doc["data"]["Win32_GroupUser"]:
if eval(group_user["GroupComponent"]["SID"]) != sid:
if "PartComponent" not in group_user.keys():
users[eval(group_user["PartComponent"]["SID"])] = eval(group_user["PartComponent"]["Name"])
return users
def GetDomainControllersMonkeyGuidByDomainName(self, domain_name):
cur = mongo.db.telemetry.find({"telem_type":"system_info_collection", "data.Win32_ComputerSystem.Domain":"u'%s'" % (domain_name,)})
GUIDs = set()
for doc in cur:
if not Machine(doc["monkey_guid"]).IsDomainController():
return GUIDs
def GetLocalAdmins(self):
return set(self.GetUsersByGroupSid(self.GetGroupSidByGroupName("Administrators")).keys())
def GetLocalSids(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
SIDs = set()
for user in doc["data"]["Win32_UserAccount"]:
return SIDs
def GetLocalAdminNames(self):
return set(self.GetUsersByGroupSid(self.GetGroupSidByGroupName("Administrators")).values())
def GetSam(self):
if not self.GetMimikatzOutput():
return {}
mimikatz = self.GetMimikatzOutput()
if mimikatz.count("\n42.") != 2:
return {}
sam_users = mimikatz.split("\n42.")[1].split("\nSAMKey :")[1].split("\n\n")[1:]
sam = {}
for sam_user_txt in sam_users:
sam_user = dict([map(unicode.strip, line.split(":")) for line in filter(lambda l: l.count(":") == 1, sam_user_txt.splitlines())])
sam[sam_user["User"]] = sam_user["NTLM"].replace("[hashed secret]", "").strip()
return sam
def GetNtds(self):
if not self.GetMimikatzOutput():
return {}
mimikatz = self.GetMimikatzOutput()
if mimikatz.count("\n42.") != 2:
return {}
ntds_users = mimikatz.split("\n42.")[2].split("\nRID :")[1:]
ntds = {}
for ntds_user_txt in ntds_users:
user = ntds_user_txt.split("User :")[1].splitlines()[0].replace("User :", "").strip()
ntlm = ntds_user_txt.split("* Primary\n NTLM :")[1].splitlines()[0].replace("NTLM :", "").strip()
ntlm = ntlm.replace("[hashed secret]", "").strip()
if ntlm:
ntds[user] = ntlm
return ntds
def GetLocalSecrets(self):
sam = self.GetSam()
ntds = self.GetNtds()
secrets = sam.copy()
return secrets
def GetLocalAdminSecrets(self):
admin_names = self.GetLocalAdminNames()
sam = self.GetLocalSecrets()
admin_secrets = set()
for user, secret in sam.iteritems():
if user not in admin_names:
return admin_secrets
def GetCachedSecrets(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
secrets = set()
for username in doc["data"]["credentials"]:
user = doc["data"]["credentials"][username]
if "password" in user.keys():
ntlm = myntlm(str(user["password"]))
elif "ntlm_hash" in user.keys():
ntlm = str(user["ntlm_hash"])
secret = hashlib.md5(ntlm.decode("hex")).hexdigest()
return secrets
def GetDomainControllers(self):
domain_name = self.GetDomainName()
DCs = self.GetDomainControllersMonkeyGuidByDomainName(domain_name)
return map(Machine, DCs)
def GetDomainAdminsOfMachine(self):
DCs = self.GetDomainControllers()
domain_admins = set()
for dc in DCs:
domain_admins |= dc.GetLocalAdmins()
return domain_admins
def GetAdmins(self):
return self.GetLocalAdmins() | self.GetDomainAdminsOfMachine()
def GetAdminNames(self):
return set(map(lambda x: self.GetUsernameBySid(x), self.GetAdmins()))
def GetCachedSids(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
SIDs = set()
for username in doc["data"]["credentials"]:
return SIDs
def GetCachedUsernames(self):
doc = self.latest_system_info
names = set()
for username in doc["data"]["credentials"]:
return names
class PassTheHashMap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vertices = self.GetAllMachines()
self.edges = set()
self.GenerateEdgesBySid() # Useful for non-cached domain users
self.GenerateEdgesBySamHash() # This will add edges based only on password hash without caring about username
def GetAllMachines(self):
cur = mongo.db.telemetry.find({"telem_type":"system_info_collection"})
GUIDs = set()
for doc in cur:
return GUIDs
def ReprSidList(self, sid_list, attacker, victim):
label = set()
for sid in sid_list:
username = Machine(victim).GetUsernameBySid(sid)
#if not username:
# username = Machine(attacker).GetUsernameBySid(sid)
if username:
return ",\n".join(label)
def ReprSecretList(self, secret_list, victim):
label = set()
for secret in secret_list:
username = Machine(victim).GetUsernameBySecret(secret)
if username:
return ",\n".join(label)
def GenerateEdgesBySid(self):
for attacker in self.vertices:
cached = Machine(attacker).GetCachedSids()
for victim in self.vertices:
if attacker == victim:
admins = Machine(victim).GetAdmins()
if len(cached & admins) > 0:
label = self.ReprSidList(cached & admins, attacker, victim)
self.edges.add((attacker, victim, label))
def GenerateEdgesBySamHash(self):
for attacker in self.vertices:
cached = Machine(attacker).GetCachedSecrets()
for victim in self.vertices:
if attacker == victim:
admins = Machine(victim).GetLocalAdminSecrets()
if len(cached & admins) > 0:
label = self.ReprSecretList(cached & admins, victim)
self.edges.add((attacker, victim, label))
def GenerateEdgesByUsername(self):
for attacker in self.vertices:
cached = Machine(attacker).GetCachedUsernames()
for victim in self.vertices:
if attacker == victim:
admins = Machine(victim).GetAdminNames()
if len(cached & admins) > 0:
self.edges.add((attacker, victim))
def Print(self):
print map(lambda x: Machine(x).GetIp(), self.vertices)
print map(lambda x: (Machine(x[0]).GetIp(), Machine(x[1]).GetIp()), self.edges)
def GetSecretBySid(self, sid):
for m in self.vertices:
for user, user_secret in m.GetLocalSecrets():
if m.GetSidByUsername(user) == sid:
return user_secret
return None
def GetAttackableMachineCountBySid(self, sid):
count = 0
for m in self.vertices:
if sid in m.GetLocalAdmins():
count += 1
return count
def GetAttackableMachineCountByMachine(self, attacker):
count = 0
for secret in attack.GetCachedSecrets():
count += len(m.GetVictimsBySecret(secret))
return count
def GetSecretCacheCount(self, secret):
count = 0
for m in self.vertices:
if secret in m.GetCachedSecrets():
count += 1
return count
def GetAllSids(self):
SIDs = set()
for m in self.vertices:
SIDs |= m.GetLocalSids()
return SIDs
def GetAllSecrets(self):
secrets = set()
for m in self.vertices:
for secret in m.GetLocalAdminSecrets():
#secrets[secret]["cache_count"] = self.GetSecretCacheCount(secret)
#secrets[secret]["sid_count"] = len(self.GetSidsBySecret(secret))
return secrets
def GetUsernameBySid(self, sid):
for m in self.vertices:
username = m.GetUsernameBySid(sid)
if username:
return username
return None
def GetSidsBySecret(self, secret):
SIDs = set()
for m in self.vertices:
return SIDs
def GetAllDomainControllers(self):
DCs = set()
for m in self.vertices:
if m.IsDomainController():
def GetSidsByUsername(self, username):
doc = self.latest_system_info
SIDs = set()
for m in self.vertices:
sid = m.GetSidByUsername(username)
if sid:
return SIDs
def GetVictimsBySid(self, sid):
machines = set()
for m in self.vertices:
if sid in m.GetAdmins():
return machines
def GetVictimsBySecret(self, secret):
machines = set()
SIDs = self.GetSidsBySecret(secret)
for m in self.vertices:
if len(SIDs & m.GetAdmins()) > 0:
return machines
def GetAttackersBySecret(self, secret):
machines = set()
for m in self.vertices:
if secret in m.GetCachedSecrets():
return machines
def GetAttackersByVictim(self, victim):
assert False, "TODO, get information from the graph"
def main():
pth = PassTheHashMap()
print "<h1>Pass The Hash Report</h1>"
print "<h2>Duplicated Passwords</h2>"
print "<h3>How many users share each secret?</h3>"
dups = dict(map(lambda x: (x, len(self.GetSidsBySecret(x))), pth.GetAllSecrets()))
print """<talbe>"""
print """<tr><th>Secret</th><th>User Count</th></tr>"""
for secret, count in sorted(dups.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True):
print """<tr><td>{secret}</td><td>{count}</td>""".format(secret=secret, count=count)
print """</talbe>"""
print "<h2>Cached Passwords</h2>"
print "<h3>On how many machines each secret is cached?</h3>"
cache_counts = dict(map(lambda x: (x, self.GetSecretCacheCount(x)), pth.GetAllSecrets()))
print """<talbe>"""
print """<tr><th>Secret</th><th>Machine Count</th></tr>"""
for secret, count in sorted(cache_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True):
print """<tr><td>{secret}</td><td>{count}</td>""".format(secret=secret, count=count)
print """</talbe>"""
print "<h2>User's Creds</h2>"
print "<h3>To how many machines each user is able to connect with admin rights?</h3>"
attackable_counts = dict(map(lambda x: (x, self.GetAttackableMachineCountBySid(x)), pth.GetAllSids()))
print """<talbe>"""
print """<tr><th>SID</th><th>Username</th><th>Machine Count</th></tr>"""
for sid, count in sorted(attackable_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True):
print """<tr><td>{sid}</td><td>{username}</td><td>{count}</td>""".format(sid=sid, username=pth.GetUsernameBySid(sid), count=count)
print """</talbe>"""
print "<h2>Machine's Creds</h2>"
print "<h3>To how many machines each machine is able to directly connect with admin rights?</h3>"
attackable_counts = dict(map(lambda m: (m, pth.GetAttackableMachineCountByMachine(m)), pth.vertices))
print """<talbe>"""
print """<tr><th>Attacker Ip</th><th>Attacker Hostname</th><th>Domain Name</th><th>Victim Machine Count</th></tr>"""
for m, count in sorted(attackable_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True):
print """<tr><td>{ip}</td><td>{hostname}</td><td>{domain}</td><td>{count}</td>""".format(ip=m.GetIp(), hostname=n.GetHostName(), domain=m.GetDomainName(), count=count)
print """</talbe>"""
print "<h2>Domain Controllers</h2>"
print "<h3>List of domain controllers (we count them as critical points, so they are listed here)</h3>"
DCs = pth.GetAllDomainControllers()
print """<talbe>"""
print """<tr><th>DC Ip</th><th>DC Hostname</th><th>Domain Name</th></tr>"""
for m in DCs:
print """<tr><td>{ip}</td><td>{hostname}</td><td>{domain}</td>""".format(ip=m.GetIp(), hostname=n.GetHostName(), domain=m.GetDomainName())
print """</talbe>"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |