forked from p15670423/monkey
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- credentials.json file for storing Monkey Island user login information. #1206
- "GET /api/propagation-credentials/string:guid" endpoint for agents to retrieve updated credentials from the Island. #1538
- "GET /api/island/ip-addresses" endpoint to get IP addresses of the Island server network interfaces. #1996
- SSHCollector as a configurable System info Collector. #1606
- deployment_scrips/ to install an AppImage as a service. #1552
- The ability to download the Monkey Island logs from the Infection Map page. #1640
endpoint. #2036/api/clear-simulation-data
endpoint. #2036
- Reset workflow. Now it's possible to delete data gathered by agents without resetting the configuration and reset procedure requires fewer clicks. #957
- "Communicate as Backdoor User" PBA's HTTP requests to request headers only and include a timeout. #1577
- The setup procedure for custom server_config.json files to be simpler. #1576
- The order and content of Monkey Island's initialization logging to give clearer instructions to the user and avoid confusion. #1684
- The process list collection system info collector to now be a post-breach action. #1697
- The "/api/monkey/download" endpoint to accept an OS and return a file. #1675
- Log messages to contain human-readable thread names. #1766
- The log file name to
. #1761 - "Logs" page renamed to "Telemetries". #1640
- The "/api/fileUpload" endpoint to "/api/file-upload". #1888
- The "/api/test/clear_caches" endpoint to "/api/test/clear-caches". #1888
- The "/api/netmap/nodeStates" endpoint to "/api/netmap/node-states". #1888
- All "/api/monkey_control" endpoints to "/api/monkey-control". #1888
- All "/api/monkey" endpoints to "/api/agent". #1888
- Update MongoDB version to 4.4.x. #1924
- Endpoint to get agent binaries from "/api/agent/download/string:os" to "/api/agent-binaries/string:os". #1978
- Depth flag (-d) on the agent now acts the way you would expect(it represents the current depth of the agent, not hops remaining). #2033
- Agent configuration structure. #1996, #1998, #1961, #1997, #1994, #1741, #1761, #1695, #1605, #2028, #2003
to accept and return new "unset" mode. #2036- The
. #2106
- VSFTPD exploiter. #1533
- Manual agent run command for CMD. #1556
- Sambacry exploiter. #1567, #1693
- "Kill file" option in the config. #1536
- Netstat collector, because network connection information wasn't used anywhere. #1535
- Checkbox to disable/enable sending log to server. #1537
- Checkbox for self deleting a monkey agent on cleanup. #1537
- Checkbox for file logging. #1537
- Remove serialization of config. #1537
- Checkbox that gave the option to not try to first move the dropper file. #1537
- Custom singleton mutex name config option. #1589
- Removed environment system info collector #1535
- Azure credential collector, because it was broken (not gathering credentials). #1535
- Custom monkey directory name config option. #1537
- Hostname system info collector. #1535
- Max iterations and timeout between iterations config options. #1600
- MITRE ATT&CK configuration screen. #1532
- Propagation credentials from "GET /api/monkey/string:guid" endpoint. #1538
- "GET /api/monkey_control/check_remote_port/string:port" endpoint. #1635
- Max victims to find/exploit, TCP scan interval and TCP scan get banner internal options. #1597
- MySQL fingerprinter. #1648
- MS08-067 (Conficker) exploiter. #1677
- Agent bootloader. #1676
- Zero Trust integration with ScoutSuite. #1669
- ShellShock exploiter. #1733
- ElasticGroovy exploiter. #1732
- T1082 attack technique report. #1695
- 32-bit agents. #1675
- Log path config options. #1761
- "smb_service_name" option. #1741
- Struts2 exploiter. #1869
- Drupal exploiter. #1869
- WebLogic exploiter. #1869
- The /api/t1216-pba/download endpoint. #1864
- Island log download button from "Telemetries"(previously called "Logs") page. #1640
- "/api/client-monkey" endpoint. #1889
- "+dev" from version numbers. #1553
- agent's "--config" argument. #906
- Option to export monkey telemetries. #1998
- "/api/configuration/import" endpoint. #2002
- "/api/configuration/export" endpoint. #2002
- "/api/island-configuration" endpoint. #2003
- A bug in network map page that caused delay of telemetry log loading. #1545
- Windows "run as a user" powershell command for manual agent runs. #1556
- A bug in the "Signed Script Proxy Execution" PBA that downloaded the exe on Linux systems as well. #1557
- A bug where T1216_random_executable.exe was copied to disk even if the signed script proxy execution PBA was disabled. #1864
- Unnecessary collection of kerberos credentials. #1771
- A bug where bogus users were collected by Mimikatz and added to the config. #1860
- A bug where windows executable was not self deleting. #1763
- Incorrect line number in the telemetry overview window on the Map page. #1850
- Automatic jumping to the bottom in the telemetry overview windows. #1850
- 2-second delay when the Island server starts, and it's not running on AWS. #1636
- Malformed MSSQL agent launch command. #2018
- Change SSH exploiter so that it does not set the permissions of the agent binary in /tmp on the target system to 777, as this could allow a malicious actor with local access to escalate their privileges. #1750
[1.13.0] - 2022-01-25
- A new exploiter that allows propagation via the Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228). #1663
- Exploiters attempting to start servers listening on privileged ports,
resulting in failed propagation.
[1.12.0] - 2021-10-27
- A new exploiter that allows propagation via PowerShell Remoting. #1246
- A warning regarding antivirus when agent binaries are missing. #1450
- A deployment.json file to store the deployment type. #1205
- The name of the "Communicate as new user" post-breach action to "Communicate as backdoor user". #1410
- Resetting login credentials also cleans the contents of the database. #1495
- ATT&CK report messages (more accurate now). #1483
- T1086 (PowerShell) now also reports if ps1 scripts were run by PBAs. #1513
- ATT&CK report messages to include internal config options as reasons for unscanned attack techniques. #1518
- Internet access check on agent start. #1402
- The "internal.monkey.internet_services" configuration option that enabled internet access checks. #1402
- Disused traceroute binaries. #1397
- "Back door user" post-breach action. #1410
- Stale code in the Windows system info collector that collected installed packages and WMI info. #1389
- Insecure access feature in the Monkey Island. #1418
- The "deployment" field from the server_config.json. #1205
- The "Execution through module load" ATT&CK technique, since it can no longer be exercise with current code. #1416
- Browser window pop-up when Monkey Island starts on Windows. #1428
- Misaligned buttons and input fields on exploiter and network configuration pages. #1353
- Credentials shown in plain text on configuration screens. #1183
- Crash when unexpected character encoding is used by ping command on German language systems. #1175
- Malfunctioning timestomping PBA. #1405
- Malfunctioning shell startup script PBA. #1419
- Trap command produced no output. #1406
- Overlapping Guardicore logo in the landing page. #1441
- PBA table collapse in security report on data change. #1423
- Unsigned Windows agent binaries in Linux packages are now signed. #1444
- Some of the gathered credentials no longer appear in plaintext in the database. #1454
- Encryptor breaking with UTF-8 characters. (Passwords in different languages can be submitted in the config successfully now.) #1490
- Mimikatz collector no longer fails if Azure credential collector is disabled. #1512, #1493
- Unhandled error when "modify shell startup files PBA" is unable to find regular users. #1507
- ATT&CK report bug that showed different techniques' results under a technique if the PBA behind them was the same. #1514
- ATT&CK report bug that said that the technique "
" was not attempted when it actually was attempted but failed. #1511 - Bug that periodically cleared the telemetry table's filter. #1392
- Crashes, stack traces, and other malfunctions when data from older versions of Infection Monkey is present in the data directory. #1114
- Broken update links. #1524
- Generate a random password when creating a new user for CommunicateAsNewUser PBA. #1434
- Credentials gathered from victim machines are no longer stored plaintext in the database. #1454
- Encrypt the database key with user's credentials. #1463
[1.11.0] - 2021-08-13
- A runtime-configurable option to specify a data directory where runtime configuration and other artifacts can be stored. #994
- Scripts to build an AppImage for Monkey Island. #1069, #1090, #1136, #1381
option to server config. #1151- A ransomware simulation payload. #1238
- The capability for a user to specify their own SSL certificate. #1208
- API endpoint for ransomware report. #1297
- A ransomware report. #1240
- A script to build a docker image locally. #1140
- Select server_config.json at runtime. #963
- Select Logger configuration at runtime. #971
- Select
file location at runtime. #994 - Store Monkey agents in the configurable data_dir when monkey is "run from the
- island". #997
- Reformat all code using black. #1070
- Sort all imports using isort. #1081
- Address all flake8 issues. #1071
- Use pipenv for python dependency management. #1091
- Move unit tests to a dedicated
directory to improve pytest collection time. #1102 - Skip BB performance tests by default. Run them if
flag is specified. - Write Zerologon exploiter's runtime artifacts to a secure temporary directory instead of $HOME. #1143
- Put environment config options in
into a separate section named "environment". #1161 - Automatically register if BlackBox tests are run on a fresh installation. #1180
- Limit the ports used for scanning in blackbox tests. #1368
- Limit the propagation depth of most blackbox tests. #1400
- Wait less time for monkeys to die when running BlackBox tests. #1400
- Improve the structure of unit tests by scoping fixtures only to relevant modules instead of having a one huge fixture file. #1178
- Improve and rename the directory structure of unit tests and unit test infrastructure. #1178
- Launch MongoDB when the Island starts via python. #1148
- Create/check data directory on Island initialization. #1170
- Format some log messages to make them more readable. #1283
- Improve runtime of some unit tests. #1125
- Run curl OR wget (not both) when attempting to communicate as a new user on Linux. #1407
- Relevant dead code as reported by Vulture. #1149
- Island logger config and --logger-config CLI option. #1151
- Attempt to delete a directory when monkey config reset was called. #1054
- An errant space in the windows commands to run monkey manually. #1153
- Gevent tracebacks in console output. #859
- Crash and failure to run PBAs if max depth reached. #1374
- Address minor issues discovered by Dlint. #1075
- Hash passwords on server-side instead of client side. #1139
- Generate random passwords when creating a new user (create user PBA, ms08_67 exploit). #1174
- Implemented configuration encryption/decryption. #1189, #1204
- Create local custom PBA directory with secure permissions. #1270
- Create encryption key file for MongoDB with secure permissions. #1232