If you want to contribute new code or fix bugs, please read the following sections. You can also contact us (the
maintainers of this project) at our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/infectionmonkey/shared_invite/enQtNDU5MjAxMjg1MjU1LTM2ZTg0ZDlmNWNlZjQ5NDI5NTM1NWJlYTRlMGIwY2VmZGMxZDlhMTE2OTYwYmZhZjM1MGZhZjA2ZjI4MzA1NDk).
The following is a *short* list of recommendations. PRs that don't match these criteria won't be closed but it'll be harder to merge the changes into the code.
* **Do** stick to [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
* **Do** target your pull request to the **develop branch**.
* **Do** specify a descriptive title to make searching foryour pull request easier.
* **Do** list verification steps so your code is testable.
* **Don't** leave your pull request description blank.