On the [Infection Monkey’s AWS Marketplace page](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/GuardiCore-Infection-Monkey/B07B3J7K6D), click **Continue to Subscribe**.
You will be presented with a login page. Enter the username **monkey**, and the new EC2 instance's **instance ID** for your password. To find your instance ID, go to the EC2 console and select your instance. It should appear in the details pane below.
The Monkey has built-in integrations with AWS services for better execution and reporting. See [Usage -> Integrations](../../usage/integrations) for more details.
Currently, there's no "upgrade-in-place" option when a new version comes out. To get an updated version, you can deploy a new machine from the marketplace. If you'd like to keep your existing configuration, you can export it to a file using the export button and then import it to the new Monkey Island.