--- title: "ATT&CK Mitigations" date: 2021-09-30T08:18:37+03:00 draft: true pre: ' !! ' weight: 10 --- {{% notice info %}} Check out [the documentation for the MITRE ATT&CK techniques as well]({{< ref "/reports/mitre" >}}). {{% /notice %}} Infection Monkey is shipped with pre-existing ATT&CK mitigations located at `monkey/monkey_island/cc/setup/mongo/attack_mitigations.json`. This allows Monkey Island to be setup faster. The `attack_mitigations.json` can be updated by running `monkey/deployment_scripts/dump_attack_mitigations.py` by providing the link to [Cyber Threat Intelligence Repository](https://github.com/mitre/cti) , mongo host and port information and the dump file location. When starting Monkey Island this information is stored in the mongo database almost instantly, making the setup faster.