#!/bin/bash python_cmd="python3.7" APPDIR="$HOME/monkey-appdir" INSTALL_DIR="$APPDIR/usr/src" GIT=$HOME/git REPO_MONKEY_HOME=$GIT/monkey REPO_MONKEY_SRC=$REPO_MONKEY_HOME/monkey ISLAND_PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/monkey_island" MONGO_PATH="$ISLAND_PATH/bin/mongodb" ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH="$ISLAND_PATH/cc/binaries" is_root() { return "$(id -u)" } has_sudo() { # 0 true, 1 false sudo -nv > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } handle_error() { echo "Fix the errors above and rerun the script" exit 1 } log_message() { echo -e "\n\n" echo -e "DEPLOYMENT SCRIPT: $1" } setup_appdir() { rm -rf "$APPDIR" || true mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR" } install_pip_37() { pip_url=https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py curl $pip_url -o get-pip.py ${python_cmd} get-pip.py rm get-pip.py } install_nodejs() { NODE_SRC=https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x log_message "Installing nodejs" curl -sL $NODE_SRC | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs } install_build_prereqs() { sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade # appimage-builder prereqs sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools patchelf desktop-file-utils libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev fakeroot strace #monkey island prereqs sudo apt install -y curl libcurl4 python3.7 python3.7-dev openssl git build-essential moreutils install_pip_37 install_nodejs } install_appimage_builder() { sudo pip3 install appimage-builder install_appimage_tool } install_appimage_tool() { APP_TOOL_BIN=$HOME/bin/appimagetool APP_TOOL_URL=https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/12/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage mkdir "$HOME"/bin curl -L -o "$APP_TOOL_BIN" "$APP_TOOL_URL" chmod u+x "$APP_TOOL_BIN" PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin } load_monkey_binary_config() { tmpfile=$(mktemp) log_message "downloading configuration" curl -L -s -o "$tmpfile" "$config_url" log_message "loading configuration" source "$tmpfile" } clone_monkey_repo() { if [[ ! -d ${GIT} ]]; then mkdir -p "${GIT}" fi log_message "Cloning files from git" branch=${2:-"develop"} git clone --single-branch --recurse-submodules -b "$branch" "${MONKEY_GIT_URL}" "${REPO_MONKEY_HOME}" 2>&1 || handle_error chmod 774 -R "${MONKEY_HOME}" } copy_monkey_island_to_appdir() { cp "$REPO_MONKEY_SRC"/__init__.py "$INSTALL_DIR" cp "$REPO_MONKEY_SRC"/monkey_island.py "$INSTALL_DIR" cp -r "$REPO_MONKEY_SRC"/common "$INSTALL_DIR" cp -r "$REPO_MONKEY_SRC"/monkey_island "$INSTALL_DIR" cp ./run_appimage.sh "$INSTALL_DIR"/monkey_island/linux/ cp ./island_logger_config.json "$INSTALL_DIR"/ cp ./server_config.json.standard "$INSTALL_DIR"/monkey_island/cc/ # TODO: This is a workaround that may be able to be removed after PR #848 is # merged. See monkey_island/cc/environment_singleton.py for more information. cp ./server_config.json.standard "$INSTALL_DIR"/monkey_island/cc/server_config.json } install_monkey_island_python_dependencies() { log_message "Installing island requirements" requirements_island="$ISLAND_PATH/requirements.txt" # TODO: This is an ugly hack. PyInstaller and VirtualEnv are build-time # dependencies and should not be installed as a runtime requirement. cat "$requirements_island" | grep -Piv "virtualenv|pyinstaller" | sponge "$requirements_island" ${python_cmd} -m pip install -r "${requirements_island}" --ignore-installed --prefix /usr --root="$APPDIR" || handle_error } download_monkey_agent_binaries() { log_message "Downloading monkey agent binaries to ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}" mkdir -p "${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}" || handle_error curl -L -o "${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}/${LINUX_32_BINARY_NAME}" "${LINUX_32_BINARY_URL}" curl -L -o "${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}/${LINUX_64_BINARY_NAME}" "${LINUX_64_BINARY_URL}" curl -L -o "${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}/${WINDOWS_32_BINARY_NAME}" "${WINDOWS_32_BINARY_URL}" curl -L -o "${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH}/${WINDOWS_64_BINARY_NAME}" "${WINDOWS_64_BINARY_URL}" # Allow them to be executed chmod a+x "$ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH/$LINUX_32_BINARY_NAME" chmod a+x "$ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH/$LINUX_64_BINARY_NAME" } install_mongodb() { log_message "Installing MongoDB" mkdir -p "$MONGO_PATH" "${ISLAND_PATH}"/linux/install_mongo.sh "${MONGO_PATH}" || handle_error } generate_ssl_cert() { log_message "Generating certificate" chmod u+x "${ISLAND_PATH}"/linux/create_certificate.sh "${ISLAND_PATH}"/linux/create_certificate.sh "${ISLAND_PATH}"/cc } build_frontend() { pushd "$ISLAND_PATH/cc/ui" || handle_error npm install sass-loader node-sass webpack --save-dev npm update log_message "Generating front end" npm run dist popd || handle_error } build_appimage() { log_message "Building AppImage" appimage-builder --recipe monkey_island_builder.yml --log DEBUG --skip-appimage # There is a bug or unwanted behavior in appimage-builder that causes issues # if 32-bit binaries are present in the appimage. To work around this, we: # 1. Build the AppDir with appimage-builder and skip building the appimage # 2. Add the 32-bit binaries to the AppDir # 3. Build the AppImage with appimage-builder from the already-built AppDir # # Note that appimage-builder replaces the interpreter on the monkey agent binaries # when building the AppDir. This is unwanted as the monkey agents may execute in # environments where the AppImage isn't loaded. # # See https://github.com/AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder/issues/93 for more info. download_monkey_agent_binaries appimage-builder --recipe monkey_island_builder.yml --log DEBUG --skip-build } if is_root; then log_message "Please don't run this script as root" exit 1 fi if ! has_sudo; then log_message "You need root permissions for some of this script operations. \ Run \`sudo -v\`, enter your password, and then re-run this script." exit 1 fi config_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mssalvatore/monkey/linux-deploy-binaries/deployment_scripts/config" setup_appdir install_build_prereqs install_appimage_builder load_monkey_binary_config clone_monkey_repo "$@" copy_monkey_island_to_appdir # Create folders log_message "Creating island dirs under $ISLAND_PATH" mkdir -p "${MONGO_PATH}" || handle_error install_monkey_island_python_dependencies install_mongodb generate_ssl_cert build_frontend mkdir -p "$APPDIR"/usr/share/icons cp "$REPO_MONKEY_SRC"/monkey_island/cc/ui/src/images/monkey-icon.svg "$APPDIR"/usr/share/icons/monkey-icon.svg build_appimage log_message "Deployment script finished." exit 0