import os from typing import Dict, List from jinja2 import Template import yaml sysPath = os.getcwd() tempPath = f"{sysPath}/pkg/structure/generate" structurePath = f"{sysPath}/pkg/structure" protobufPath = f"{sysPath}/protobuf" def to_camel(val: str) -> str: return "".join([k.capitalize() for k in val.split('_')]) def load_conf(): conf_path = f"{tempPath}/tem.yaml" with open(conf_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: cfg = cfg = yaml.load(cfg) cfg_camel = {} for key, val in cfg.items(): key = to_camel(key).lower() cfg_camel[key] = [to_camel(v) for v in val] return cfg, cfg_camel # 生成文件,并写入 def mkdir(cfg_camel): path = "protobuf" storagePath = f"{protobufPath}/storage.proto" for key,value in cfg_camel.items(): '''生成、更新数据结构proto文件''' proto_path = path + '/' + key + '.proto' if not os.path.exists(proto_path): # 如果这个文件不存在 '''生成对应的数据结构proto文件''' file = open(proto_path,'w') file.write('syntax = "proto3";\nimport "base.proto";\noption go_package = "pkg/proto";\n') for v in value: file.write('\nmessage ' + v +'Request '+'{\n\tBaseKey key = 1;\n}') file.close() '''给strong.proto添加import该新的数据结构''' import_structure = 'import "'+ key +'.proto";\n' mess = 'message CommendResponse {\n' with open(storagePath) as f: line = f.readlines() # print(line) f.close for i in range(len(line)): if mess in line[i]: break line.insert(i,import_structure) file = open(storagePath,'w') for l in line: file.write(l) file.close() i=0 for i in range(len(line)-1,0,-1): if '}' in line[i]: break for v in value: line.insert(i,'\trpc '+ v +' ('+ v +'Request) returns (CommendResponse);\n') file = open(storagePath,'w') for l in line: file.write(l) file.close() else: # 如果这个文件存在 with open(proto_path) as f: line = f.readlines() f.close() for v in value: function = v + 'Request' flag = 0 for l in line: if function in l: flag=1 break if flag == 0: file = open(proto_path,'a') file.write('\nmessage ' + v +'Request '+'{\n\tBaseKey key = 1;\n}') file.close() flag = 0 '''更新storage.proto文件''' with open(storagePath) as f: line = f.readlines() f.close for v in value: flg=0 for l in range(len(line)): if '\trpc '+ v +' ('+ v +'Request) returns (CommendResponse);\n' in line[l]: flg = 1 break if flg==0: i=0 for i in range(len(line)-1,0,-1): if '}' in line[i]: break line.insert(i,'\trpc '+ v +' ('+ v +'Request) returns (CommendResponse);\n') i=0 file = open(storagePath,'w') for l in line: file.write(l) file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": conf, cfg_camel = load_conf() print(cfg_camel) mkdir(cfg_camel)