2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Django was originally created in late 2003 at World Online, the Web division
of the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas.
The PRIMARY AUTHORS are (and/or have been):
2008-09-04 03:58:21 +08:00
* Adrian Holovaty
* Simon Willison
* Jacob Kaplan-Moss
* Wilson Miner
* Malcolm Tredinnick
* Georg "Hugo" Bauer
* Luke Plant
* Russell Keith-Magee
* Robert Wittams
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* James Bennett
2008-09-04 03:58:21 +08:00
* Gary Wilson
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* Matt Boersma
* Ian Kelly
* Joseph Kocherhans
2008-09-04 03:58:21 +08:00
* Brian Rosner
2009-07-18 00:44:57 +08:00
* Justin Bronn
2008-11-14 07:43:25 +08:00
* Karen Tracey
2009-10-28 18:01:16 +08:00
* Jannis Leidel
2009-11-20 05:49:31 +08:00
* James Tauber
2010-10-09 05:05:39 +08:00
* Alex Gaynor
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* Simon Meers
2010-10-09 06:55:46 +08:00
* Andrew Godwin
2010-10-09 09:47:42 +08:00
* Carl Meyer
2010-10-09 11:16:22 +08:00
* Ramiro Morales
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* Gabriel Hurley
2010-10-10 17:35:06 +08:00
* Chris Beaven
2010-10-12 09:48:21 +08:00
* Honza Král
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* Tim Graham
2011-03-22 09:38:53 +08:00
* Idan Gazit
2011-08-22 11:37:37 +08:00
* Paul McMillan
2011-08-23 09:41:47 +08:00
* Julien Phalip
2011-10-08 00:52:58 +08:00
* Aymeric Augustin
2012-03-14 01:35:00 +08:00
* Claude Paroz
2012-06-08 18:52:39 +08:00
* Anssi Kääriäinen
2012-07-18 23:22:27 +08:00
* Florian Apolloner
2012-09-09 13:36:38 +08:00
* Jeremy Dunck
2012-09-15 10:24:39 +08:00
* Bryan Veloso
2012-09-18 13:02:16 +08:00
* Preston Holmes
2013-02-02 03:52:27 +08:00
* Simon Charette
2013-03-26 23:49:39 +08:00
* Donald Stufft
2013-05-18 16:29:01 +08:00
* Daniel Lindsley
2013-05-17 21:51:13 +08:00
* Marc Tamlyn
2013-06-17 18:30:41 +08:00
* Baptiste Mispelon
2013-08-21 04:56:39 +08:00
* Daniele Procida
2008-09-04 03:58:21 +08:00
More information on the main contributors to Django can be found in
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
And here is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS --
people who have submitted patches, reported bugs, added translations, helped
answer newbie questions, and generally made Django that much better:
2010-02-23 07:38:18 +08:00
Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no>
2011-01-06 06:41:43 +08:00
Chris Adams
2011-04-27 00:49:32 +08:00
Mathieu Agopian <mathieu.agopian@gmail.com>
2013-09-07 06:36:05 +08:00
Roberto Aguilar <roberto@baremetal.io>
2008-07-22 00:30:32 +08:00
ajs <adi@sieker.info>
2007-04-27 23:06:45 +08:00
2010-10-18 19:23:07 +08:00
A S Alam <aalam@users.sf.net>
2009-11-03 20:53:26 +08:00
Andi Albrecht <albrecht.andi@gmail.com>
2007-05-08 10:57:18 +08:00
Marty Alchin <gulopine@gamemusic.org>
2008-08-31 01:52:11 +08:00
Ahmad Alhashemi <trans@ahmadh.com>
2010-01-02 05:32:24 +08:00
Ahmad Al-Ibrahim
2010-02-24 04:45:28 +08:00
Antoni Aloy
2007-04-03 12:42:40 +08:00
Daniel Alves Barbosa de Oliveira Vaz <danielvaz@gmail.com>
2007-07-05 11:29:18 +08:00
AgarFu <heaven@croasanaso.sytes.net>
2012-06-11 16:34:00 +08:00
James Aylett
2008-02-03 12:16:02 +08:00
Dagur Páll Ammendrup <dagurp@gmail.com>
2008-02-03 12:06:35 +08:00
Collin Anderson <cmawebsite@gmail.com>
2008-08-31 03:26:56 +08:00
Jeff Anderson <jefferya@programmerq.net>
2008-10-24 15:35:31 +08:00
Marian Andre <django@andre.sk>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2009-02-22 18:13:37 +08:00
Victor Andrée
2007-02-10 16:36:39 +08:00
2007-03-26 05:10:36 +08:00
Fabrice Aneche <akh@nobugware.com>
2006-09-12 02:39:11 +08:00
2007-10-20 12:42:30 +08:00
arien <regexbot@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
David Ascher <http://ascher.ca/>
2008-08-31 01:52:11 +08:00
atlithorn <atlithorn@gmail.com>
2008-02-03 12:16:02 +08:00
Jökull Sólberg Auðunsson <jokullsolberg@gmail.com>
2006-01-15 13:48:13 +08:00
Arthur <avandorp@gmail.com>
2008-06-09 02:18:01 +08:00
2008-02-19 11:38:16 +08:00
David Avsajanishvili <avsd05@gmail.com>
2008-07-01 23:10:51 +08:00
Mike Axiak <axiak@mit.edu>
2008-03-18 23:40:27 +08:00
Niran Babalola <niran@niran.org>
2010-04-15 20:41:08 +08:00
Vitaly Babiy <vbabiy86@gmail.com>
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Morten Bagai <m@bagai.com>
2010-01-27 16:21:35 +08:00
Jeff Balogh <jbalogh@mozilla.com>
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Mikaël Barbero <mikael.barbero nospam at nospam free.fr>
2009-12-13 01:20:32 +08:00
Randy Barlow <randy@electronsweatshop.com>
2008-10-07 17:23:40 +08:00
Scott Barr <scott@divisionbyzero.com.au>
2006-01-15 14:18:03 +08:00
Jiri Barton
2013-05-18 19:46:31 +08:00
Jorge Bastida <me@jorgebastida.com>
2006-02-11 05:33:07 +08:00
Ned Batchelder <http://www.nedbatchelder.com/>
2008-06-19 00:33:04 +08:00
2008-08-24 06:25:40 +08:00
2013-04-19 17:44:47 +08:00
Oliver Beattie <oliver@obeattie.com>
2009-03-24 04:22:56 +08:00
Brian Beck <http://blog.brianbeck.com/>
2006-03-03 12:53:04 +08:00
Shannon -jj Behrens <http://jjinux.blogspot.com/>
2006-11-21 00:23:48 +08:00
Esdras Beleza <linux@esdrasbeleza.com>
2013-05-19 16:52:29 +08:00
Božidar Benko <bbenko@gmail.com>
2007-07-16 11:50:22 +08:00
Chris Bennett <chrisrbennett@yahoo.com>
2012-06-11 16:34:00 +08:00
Danilo Bargen
2011-02-12 21:03:34 +08:00
Shai Berger <shai@platonix.com>
2012-12-12 11:33:03 +08:00
2008-07-26 13:07:16 +08:00
Julian Bez
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Arvis Bickovskis <viestards.lists@gmail.com>
2010-02-24 01:14:50 +08:00
Natalia Bidart <nataliabidart@gmail.com>
2011-11-13 03:06:39 +08:00
Mark Biggers <biggers@utsl.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Paul Bissex <http://e-scribe.com/>
2013-03-08 22:15:23 +08:00
Loïc Bistuer <loic.bistuer@sixmedia.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Simon Blanchard
2013-05-20 00:30:53 +08:00
Jérémie Blaser <blaserje@gmail.com>
2012-06-07 17:23:25 +08:00
Craig Blaszczyk <masterjakul@gmail.com>
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
David Blewett <david@dawninglight.net>
2012-05-16 23:47:25 +08:00
Artem Gnilov <boobsd@gmail.com>
2009-04-10 12:13:27 +08:00
Matías Bordese
2012-01-04 07:02:53 +08:00
Nate Bragg <jonathan.bragg@alum.rpi.edu>
2010-01-10 07:49:11 +08:00
Sean Brant
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Andrew Brehaut <http://brehaut.net/blog>
2010-09-28 23:07:42 +08:00
David Brenneman <http://davidbrenneman.com>
2011-08-23 12:25:07 +08:00
Anthony Briggs <anthony.briggs@gmail.com>
2011-06-16 01:29:10 +08:00
Orne Brocaar <http://brocaar.com/>
2007-02-13 14:06:09 +08:00
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
2008-02-22 20:50:10 +08:00
2007-02-10 16:36:39 +08:00
Jonathan Buchanan <jonathan.buchanan@gmail.com>
2013-05-18 18:54:59 +08:00
Jacob Burch <jacobburch@gmail.com>
2008-06-08 16:21:18 +08:00
Keith Bussell <kbussell@gmail.com>
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
2008-08-06 05:15:26 +08:00
Chris Cahoon <chris.cahoon@gmail.com>
2008-05-29 21:11:23 +08:00
Juan Manuel Caicedo <juan.manuel.caicedo@gmail.com>
2007-08-12 20:59:41 +08:00
Trevor Caira <trevor@caira.com>
2013-05-03 21:46:53 +08:00
Aaron Cannon <cannona@fireantproductions.com>
2009-03-19 00:55:59 +08:00
Brett Cannon <brett@python.org>
2007-07-05 11:29:18 +08:00
Ricardo Javier Cárdenes Medina <ricardo.cardenes@gmail.com>
2008-08-26 16:08:55 +08:00
Jeremy Carbaugh <jcarbaugh@gmail.com>
2007-11-29 23:47:47 +08:00
Graham Carlyle <graham.carlyle@maplecroft.net>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Antonio Cavedoni <http://cavedoni.com/>
2007-08-11 13:47:44 +08:00
2006-06-02 00:27:41 +08:00
Chris Chamberlin <dja@cdc.msbx.net>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Amit Chakradeo <http://amit.chakradeo.net/>
2006-03-01 11:37:57 +08:00
2008-11-10 18:13:23 +08:00
Kowito Charoenratchatabhan <kowito@felspar.com>
2007-09-14 03:51:26 +08:00
Sengtha Chay <sengtha@e-khmer.com>
2007-03-30 19:57:50 +08:00
2007-05-08 11:56:44 +08:00
Bryan Chow <bryan at verdjn dot com>
2011-09-10 01:20:16 +08:00
Tom Christie <tom@tomchristie.com>
2008-06-30 19:22:41 +08:00
Antonis Christofides <anthony@itia.ntua.gr>
2007-05-09 21:32:20 +08:00
Michal Chruszcz <troll@pld-linux.org>
2008-05-29 21:11:23 +08:00
Can Burak Çilingir <canburak@cs.bilgi.edu.tr>
2013-06-26 16:07:18 +08:00
Andrew Clark <amclark7@gmail.com>
2006-05-05 10:38:32 +08:00
Ian Clelland <clelland@gmail.com>
2010-08-17 15:07:28 +08:00
Travis Cline <travis.cline@gmail.com>
2007-09-08 13:09:39 +08:00
Russell Cloran <russell@rucus.net>
2007-08-12 18:24:05 +08:00
2006-08-12 13:15:25 +08:00
2007-09-16 11:27:38 +08:00
Paul Collier <paul@paul-collier.com>
2013-03-20 17:21:40 +08:00
Paul Collins <paul.collins.iii@gmail.com>
2009-03-06 10:36:56 +08:00
Robert Coup
2013-07-21 05:49:33 +08:00
Alex Couper <http://alexcouper.com/>
2013-03-20 17:21:40 +08:00
Deric Crago <deric.crago@gmail.com>
2013-05-22 19:57:36 +08:00
Brian Fabian Crain <http://www.bfc.do/>
2013-01-12 06:43:53 +08:00
David Cramer <dcramer@gmail.com>
2007-06-10 12:02:29 +08:00
Pete Crosier <pete.crosier@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Matt Croydon <http://www.postneo.com/>
2012-06-07 18:51:48 +08:00
Jure Cuhalev <gandalf@owca.info>
2011-06-09 23:05:13 +08:00
Leah Culver <leah.culver@gmail.com>
2012-06-07 18:51:48 +08:00
Raúl Cumplido <raulcumplido@gmail.com>
2007-03-30 13:45:17 +08:00
2013-05-18 19:26:07 +08:00
Tome Cvitan <tome@cvitan.com>
2007-09-16 05:29:14 +08:00
John D'Agostino <john.dagostino@gmail.com>
2006-09-26 18:19:40 +08:00
2011-01-24 14:36:31 +08:00
Jim Dalton <jim.dalton@gmail.com>
2008-04-26 20:46:57 +08:00
Mihai Damian <yang_damian@yahoo.com>
2011-01-24 16:16:09 +08:00
David Danier <david.danier@team23.de>
2007-02-12 08:33:24 +08:00
Dirk Datzert <dummy@habmalnefrage.de>
2005-11-30 01:09:43 +08:00
Jonathan Daugherty (cygnus) <http://www.cprogrammer.org/>
2007-02-10 16:29:34 +08:00
2008-02-03 12:16:02 +08:00
2005-12-01 04:02:45 +08:00
Jason Davies (Esaj) <http://www.jasondavies.com/>
2008-09-03 08:09:38 +08:00
Richard Davies <richard.davies@elastichosts.com>
2006-05-16 02:50:54 +08:00
Alex Dedul
2008-10-07 19:51:14 +08:00
Matt Dennenbaum
2005-12-01 14:52:16 +08:00
2007-04-21 13:43:32 +08:00
Max Derkachev <mderk@yandex.ru>
2013-02-24 02:02:01 +08:00
Carlos Matías de la Torre <cmdelatorre@gmail.com>
2007-11-30 02:15:46 +08:00
Rajesh Dhawan <rajesh.dhawan@gmail.com>
2007-08-26 02:34:28 +08:00
Sander Dijkhuis <sander.dijkhuis@gmail.com>
2007-05-14 16:12:03 +08:00
Jordan Dimov <s3x3y1@gmail.com>
2012-06-14 21:24:47 +08:00
Riccardo Di Virgilio
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
Nebojša Dorđević
2006-07-07 12:06:00 +08:00
2008-03-11 06:18:50 +08:00
dready <wil@mojipage.com>
2006-09-22 11:17:28 +08:00
Maximillian Dornseif <md@hudora.de>
2011-04-22 20:02:38 +08:00
Daniel Duan <DaNmarner@gmail.com>
2007-05-21 09:29:58 +08:00
Andrew Durdin <adurdin@gmail.com>
2007-08-06 13:04:27 +08:00
2006-08-18 10:48:34 +08:00
Andy Dustman <farcepest@gmail.com>
2010-02-23 13:17:39 +08:00
Alexander Dutton <dev@alexdutton.co.uk>
2009-12-13 06:04:04 +08:00
J. Clifford Dyer <jcd@sdf.lonestar.org>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Clint Ecker
2007-08-19 19:59:20 +08:00
Nick Efford <nick@efford.org>
2013-05-18 23:57:20 +08:00
Marc Egli <frog32@me.com>
2013-07-18 03:20:20 +08:00
Matt Deacalion Stevens <matt@dirtymonkey.co.uk>
2007-08-12 20:02:08 +08:00
2012-06-06 16:05:27 +08:00
David Eklund
2008-10-09 17:00:19 +08:00
Julia Elman
2007-04-25 18:18:56 +08:00
2006-09-30 09:21:03 +08:00
Enrico <rico.bl@gmail.com>
2007-07-13 22:14:47 +08:00
A. Murat Eren <meren@pardus.org.tr>
2007-02-26 16:48:46 +08:00
Ludvig Ericson <ludvig.ericson@gmail.com>
2007-09-29 06:34:27 +08:00
2009-02-22 18:13:37 +08:00
Tomáš Ehrlich <tomas.ehrlich@gmail.com>
2007-02-26 16:30:14 +08:00
Dirk Eschler <dirk.eschler@gmx.net>
2011-08-13 19:58:19 +08:00
Bernhard Essl <me@bernhardessl.com>
2011-04-21 04:42:07 +08:00
Dan Fairs <dan@fezconsulting.com>
2007-02-12 08:10:09 +08:00
Marc Fargas <telenieko@telenieko.com>
2007-09-14 03:39:10 +08:00
Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas@gmail.com>
2008-10-09 17:00:19 +08:00
Grigory Fateyev <greg@dial.com.ru>
2006-09-22 21:10:46 +08:00
2008-07-01 23:10:51 +08:00
fdr <drfarina@gmail.com>
2007-11-11 12:38:19 +08:00
Dmitri Fedortchenko <zeraien@gmail.com>
2008-07-01 23:10:51 +08:00
Jonathan Feignberg <jdf@pobox.com>
2008-04-05 10:59:41 +08:00
Liang Feng <hutuworm@gmail.com>
2007-04-20 18:05:39 +08:00
Bill Fenner <fenner@gmail.com>
2007-06-20 14:16:56 +08:00
Stefane Fermgier <sf@fermigier.com>
2008-06-06 21:51:09 +08:00
J. Pablo Fernandez <pupeno@pupeno.com>
2008-07-21 19:52:11 +08:00
Maciej Fijalkowski
2013-05-18 23:57:20 +08:00
Leandra Finger <leandra.finger@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 02:02:01 +08:00
Juan Pedro Fisanotti <fisadev@gmail.com>
2010-01-28 21:46:18 +08:00
Ben Firshman <ben@firshman.co.uk>
2007-04-08 21:22:48 +08:00
Matthew Flanagan <http://wadofstuff.blogspot.com>
2007-01-03 13:29:34 +08:00
Eric Floehr <eric@intellovations.com>
2008-07-29 20:41:08 +08:00
Eric Florenzano <floguy@gmail.com>
2007-09-16 12:38:20 +08:00
Vincent Foley <vfoleybourgon@yahoo.ca>
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
Alcides Fonseca
2007-12-19 12:27:18 +08:00
Rudolph Froger <rfroger@estrate.nl>
2007-03-12 17:21:22 +08:00
Jorge Gajon <gajon@gajon.org>
2006-02-19 05:26:28 +08:00
2007-07-05 11:25:11 +08:00
Marc Garcia <marc.garcia@accopensys.com>
2007-12-03 07:25:55 +08:00
Andy Gayton <andy-django@thecablelounge.com>
2009-12-13 02:18:31 +08:00
2011-12-23 04:42:40 +08:00
Jeffrey Gelens <jeffrey@gelens.org>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Baishampayan Ghose
2010-08-07 00:48:07 +08:00
Joshua Ginsberg <jag@flowtheory.net>
2007-09-14 03:28:24 +08:00
Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@glezos.com>
2007-06-20 14:13:24 +08:00
2006-08-01 10:57:08 +08:00
2008-07-26 13:07:16 +08:00
Ben Godfrey <http://aftnn.org>
2007-04-09 20:03:15 +08:00
GomoX <gomo@datafull.com>
2013-06-22 19:12:43 +08:00
Gil Gonçalves <lursty@gmail.com>
2008-04-05 10:50:01 +08:00
Guilherme Mesquita Gondim <semente@taurinus.org>
2007-07-21 11:30:38 +08:00
Mario Gonzalez <gonzalemario@gmail.com>
2010-01-10 06:34:13 +08:00
David Gouldin <dgouldin@gmail.com>
2007-08-11 18:04:19 +08:00
2008-08-26 15:56:39 +08:00
Collin Grady <collin@collingrady.com>
2010-10-09 07:54:43 +08:00
Gabriel Grant <g@briel.ca>
2013-02-09 07:45:26 +08:00
Martin Green
2012-06-11 16:34:00 +08:00
Daniel Greenfeld
2006-08-02 23:05:51 +08:00
Simon Greenhill <dev@simon.net.nz>
2007-03-08 16:46:59 +08:00
Owen Griffiths
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Espen Grindhaug <http://grindhaug.org/>
2012-07-18 20:00:31 +08:00
Mike Grouchy <http://mikegrouchy.com/>
2010-01-02 05:38:11 +08:00
Janos Guljas
Merged Unicode branch into trunk (r4952:5608). This should be fully
backwards compatible for all practical purposes.
Fixed #2391, #2489, #2996, #3322, #3344, #3370, #3406, #3432, #3454, #3492, #3582, #3690, #3878, #3891, #3937, #4039, #4141, #4227, #4286, #4291, #4300, #4452, #4702
git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@5609 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
2007-07-04 20:11:04 +08:00
Thomas Güttler <hv@tbz-pariv.de>
2008-07-28 02:54:56 +08:00
Horst Gutmann <zerok@zerokspot.com>
2011-10-05 04:11:41 +08:00
Antti Haapala <antti@industrialwebandmagic.com>
2008-10-09 17:00:19 +08:00
Scot Hacker <shacker@birdhouse.org>
2007-08-15 20:09:32 +08:00
dAniel hAhler
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
2012-06-06 16:40:11 +08:00
Will Hardy <django@willhardy.com.au>
2007-02-10 06:09:07 +08:00
Brian Harring <ferringb@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Brant Harris
2010-01-02 05:34:50 +08:00
Ronny Haryanto <http://ronny.haryan.to/>
2013-06-26 16:07:18 +08:00
Axel Haustant <noirbizarre@gmail.com>
2006-10-25 05:30:38 +08:00
2010-12-19 21:41:43 +08:00
Kent Hauser <kent@khauser.net>
2007-02-10 08:55:33 +08:00
Joe Heck <http://www.rhonabwy.com/wp/>
2006-09-26 10:58:36 +08:00
Joel Heenan <joelh-django@planetjoel.com>
2008-04-05 10:50:01 +08:00
Mikko Hellsing <mikko@sorl.net>
2008-08-30 01:44:05 +08:00
Sebastian Hillig <sebastian.hillig@gmail.com>
2006-01-09 09:55:37 +08:00
2007-08-21 11:08:02 +08:00
Deryck Hodge <http://www.devurandom.org/>
2007-08-11 18:50:39 +08:00
Brett Hoerner <bretthoerner@bretthoerner.com>
2012-02-01 12:25:30 +08:00
Justin Myles Holmes <justin@slashrootcafe.com>
2008-08-26 15:56:39 +08:00
Eric Holscher <http://ericholscher.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Ian Holsman <http://feh.holsman.net/>
Kieran Holland <http://www.kieranholland.com>
2013-04-10 18:27:28 +08:00
Markus Holtermann <http://markusholtermann.eu>
2007-04-25 16:32:31 +08:00
Sung-Jin Hong <serialx.net@gmail.com>
2009-07-23 21:11:22 +08:00
Leo "hylje" Honkanen <sealage@gmail.com>
2010-06-21 19:48:45 +08:00
Matt Hoskins <skaffenuk@googlemail.com>
2009-09-13 05:28:01 +08:00
Tareque Hossain <http://www.codexn.com>
2007-06-26 00:11:32 +08:00
Richard House <Richard.House@i-logue.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Robert Rock Howard <http://djangomojo.com/>
2008-08-25 12:00:15 +08:00
John Huddleston <huddlej@wwu.edu>
2007-09-15 23:06:32 +08:00
Rob Hudson <http://rob.cogit8.org/>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Jason Huggins <http://www.jrandolph.com/blog/>
2012-04-22 23:58:53 +08:00
Jeff Hui <jeffkhui@gmail.com>
2007-04-09 19:58:25 +08:00
Hyun Mi Ae
2008-02-15 19:29:27 +08:00
Ibon <ibonso@gmail.com>
2007-02-13 14:27:28 +08:00
Tom Insam
2007-02-13 14:29:35 +08:00
Baurzhan Ismagulov <ibr@radix50.net>
2010-09-27 23:18:21 +08:00
Stephan Jaekel <steph@rdev.info>
2007-08-11 20:10:23 +08:00
2006-06-20 13:24:19 +08:00
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
2011-06-10 16:26:05 +08:00
Dmitry Jemerov <intelliyole@gmail.com>
2009-01-11 06:18:14 +08:00
jhenry <jhenry@theonion.com>
2010-09-11 03:24:24 +08:00
2007-04-21 12:44:30 +08:00
Zak Johnson <zakj@nox.cx>
2008-06-30 12:46:59 +08:00
Nis Jørgensen <nis@superlativ.dk>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Michael Josephson <http://www.sdjournal.com/>
2006-05-26 13:20:21 +08:00
2006-02-19 04:34:14 +08:00
2013-08-05 23:07:12 +08:00
Krzysztof Jurewicz <krzysztof.jurewicz@gmail.com>
2011-04-22 20:02:38 +08:00
Xia Kai <http://blog.xiaket.org/>
2009-07-23 21:11:22 +08:00
Antti Kaihola <http://djangopeople.net/akaihola/>
2011-06-10 22:08:51 +08:00
Peter van Kampen
2008-01-09 19:41:35 +08:00
Bahadır Kandemir <bahadir@pardus.org.tr>
2008-03-17 21:45:08 +08:00
Karderio <karderio@gmail.com>
2007-09-14 03:39:10 +08:00
Nagy Károly <charlie@rendszergazda.com>
2011-02-05 01:10:21 +08:00
George Karpenkov <george@metaworld.ru>
2007-12-02 08:00:36 +08:00
Erik Karulf <erik@karulf.com>
2007-02-18 16:02:00 +08:00
Ben Dean Kawamura <ben.dean.kawamura@gmail.com>
2007-07-07 10:16:23 +08:00
Ian G. Kelly <ian.g.kelly@gmail.com>
2010-09-19 22:04:34 +08:00
Niall Kelly <duke.sam.vimes@gmail.com>
2009-03-18 17:47:08 +08:00
Ryan Kelly <ryan@rfk.id.au>
2007-10-20 22:54:38 +08:00
Thomas Kerpe <thomas@kerpe.net>
2009-06-18 21:30:52 +08:00
Wiley Kestner <wiley.kestner@gmail.com>
2008-08-31 01:52:11 +08:00
Ossama M. Khayat <okhayat@yahoo.com>
2007-07-07 10:16:23 +08:00
Ben Khoo <khoobks@westnet.com.au>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Garth Kidd <http://www.deadlybloodyserious.com/>
2006-07-10 12:16:26 +08:00
kilian <kilian.cavalotti@lip6.fr>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Sune Kirkeby <http://ibofobi.dk/>
2013-02-13 16:55:43 +08:00
Hiroki Kiyohara <hirokiky@gmail.com>
2007-03-09 15:55:40 +08:00
Bastian Kleineidam <calvin@debian.org>
2006-06-07 14:09:43 +08:00
Cameron Knight (ckknight)
2007-07-06 16:35:25 +08:00
Nena Kojadin <nena@kiberpipa.org>
Igor Kolar <ike@email.si>
2009-12-17 23:10:38 +08:00
Tomáš Kopeček <permonik@m6.cz>
2007-04-20 17:04:51 +08:00
Gasper Koren
2010-12-07 21:57:01 +08:00
Mikhail Korobov <kmike84@googlemail.com>
2007-04-09 20:08:04 +08:00
Martin Kosír <martin@martinkosir.net>
2009-09-12 07:15:59 +08:00
Arthur Koziel <http://arthurkoziel.com>
2006-10-19 23:57:07 +08:00
Meir Kriheli <http://mksoft.co.il/>
2006-03-23 03:47:15 +08:00
Bruce Kroeze <http://coderseye.com/>
2007-07-16 11:48:03 +08:00
2006-06-20 11:08:48 +08:00
2007-11-30 01:30:01 +08:00
knox <christobzr@gmail.com>
2007-12-02 06:35:35 +08:00
David Krauth
2009-04-01 07:34:03 +08:00
Kevin Kubasik <kevin@kubasik.net>
Merged Unicode branch into trunk (r4952:5608). This should be fully
backwards compatible for all practical purposes.
Fixed #2391, #2489, #2996, #3322, #3344, #3370, #3406, #3432, #3454, #3492, #3582, #3690, #3878, #3891, #3937, #4039, #4141, #4227, #4286, #4291, #4300, #4452, #4702
git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@5609 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
2007-07-04 20:11:04 +08:00
2013-05-19 18:42:35 +08:00
Vladimir Kuzma <vladimirkuzma.ch@gmail.com>
2008-12-07 11:11:34 +08:00
Denis Kuzmichyov <kuzmichyov@gmail.com>
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Panos Laganakos <panos.laganakos@gmail.com>
2007-06-01 17:46:56 +08:00
Nick Lane <nick.lane.au@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 21:43:45 +08:00
Łukasz Langa <lukasz@langa.pl>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Stuart Langridge <http://www.kryogenix.org/>
2007-09-15 18:36:14 +08:00
Paul Lanier <planier@google.com>
2009-01-03 12:52:07 +08:00
David Larlet <http://david.larlet.fr>
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
Nicolas Lara <nicolaslara@gmail.com>
2007-02-28 17:32:44 +08:00
Nicola Larosa <nico@teknico.net>
2008-08-19 21:46:19 +08:00
Finn Gruwier Larsen <finn@gruwier.dk>
2008-07-26 02:51:32 +08:00
Lau Bech Lauritzen
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Rune Rønde Laursen <runerl@skjoldhoej.dk>
2009-12-13 02:18:31 +08:00
Mark Lavin <markdlavin@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Eugene Lazutkin <http://lazutkin.com/blog/>
2008-06-19 00:13:14 +08:00
2006-10-27 09:58:13 +08:00
Jeong-Min Lee <falsetru@gmail.com>
2009-03-23 00:13:06 +08:00
Tai Lee <real.human@mrmachine.net>
2012-04-09 08:43:08 +08:00
Adrien Lemaire <lemaire.adrien@gmail.com>
2006-05-02 09:31:56 +08:00
Christopher Lenz <http://www.cmlenz.net/>
2006-09-26 15:26:07 +08:00
2008-09-03 14:14:01 +08:00
Piotr Lewandowski <piotr.lewandowski@gmail.com>
2010-02-23 13:26:49 +08:00
Charlie Leifer <coleifer@gmail.com>
2009-04-09 23:23:56 +08:00
Justin Lilly <justinlilly@gmail.com>
2007-02-10 16:55:18 +08:00
Waylan Limberg <waylan@gmail.com>
2005-12-01 14:36:47 +08:00
2007-07-19 17:23:45 +08:00
Philip Lindborg <philip.lindborg@gmail.com>
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
Simon Litchfield <simon@quo.com.au>
2007-12-03 04:17:10 +08:00
Trey Long <trey@ktrl.com>
2010-10-09 11:34:08 +08:00
Laurent Luce <http://www.laurentluce.com>
2009-03-24 04:22:56 +08:00
Martin Mahner <http://www.mahner.org/>
2007-05-08 11:36:16 +08:00
Matt McClanahan <http://mmcc.cx/>
2010-01-26 23:02:53 +08:00
Stanislaus Madueke
2010-02-24 04:45:28 +08:00
Yann Malet
2008-09-01 08:13:42 +08:00
Frantisek Malina <vizualbod@vizualbod.com>
2009-12-14 20:08:23 +08:00
Mike Malone <mjmalone@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Martin Maney <http://www.chipy.org/Martin_Maney>
2012-05-17 17:05:38 +08:00
Michael Manfre <mmanfre@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 02:44:54 +08:00
Javier Mansilla <javimansilla@gmail.com>
2006-10-27 10:19:32 +08:00
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2007-09-15 18:12:05 +08:00
Petr Marhoun <petr.marhoun@gmail.com>
2007-02-22 19:17:50 +08:00
Petar Marić <http://www.petarmaric.com/>
2007-03-21 07:57:24 +08:00
Nuno Mariz <nmariz@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2008-04-05 10:50:01 +08:00
Orestis Markou <orestis@orestis.gr>
2011-07-29 18:20:16 +08:00
Andrés Torres Marroquín <andres.torres.marroquin@gmail.com>
2008-08-10 01:20:21 +08:00
Takashi Matsuo <matsuo.takashi@gmail.com>
2011-06-10 16:26:05 +08:00
Zlatko Mašek <zlatko.masek@gmail.com>
2006-12-17 22:21:56 +08:00
Yasushi Masuda <whosaysni@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
Glenn Maynard <glenn@zewt.org>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Jason McBrayer <http://www.carcosa.net/jason/>
2008-08-25 08:11:23 +08:00
Kevin McConnell <kevin.mcconnell@gmail.com>
2006-10-25 05:30:38 +08:00
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
2009-12-14 05:56:18 +08:00
Paul McLanahan <paul@mclanahan.net>
2009-12-10 00:57:23 +08:00
Tobias McNulty <http://www.caktusgroup.com/blog>
2012-08-13 05:25:42 +08:00
Andrews Medina <andrewsmedina@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 19:58:02 +08:00
Christoph Mędrela <chris.medrela@gmail.com>
2010-01-26 23:02:53 +08:00
Zain Memon
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
Christian Metts
2007-10-20 17:27:12 +08:00
2013-07-31 10:29:34 +08:00
Justin Michalicek <jmichalicek@gmail.com>
2013-02-04 23:50:15 +08:00
Bojan Mihelac <bmihelac@mihelac.org>
2007-08-19 15:38:39 +08:00
Slawek Mikula <slawek dot mikula at gmail dot com>
2012-10-31 03:53:56 +08:00
Katie Miller <katie@sub50.com>
2011-06-27 00:52:13 +08:00
Shawn Milochik <shawn@milochik.com>
2006-12-20 17:59:03 +08:00
2012-03-13 03:41:31 +08:00
Taylor Mitchell <taylor.mitchell@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2007-07-07 10:16:23 +08:00
Andreas Mock <andreas.mock@web.de>
2007-06-24 20:16:06 +08:00
Reza Mohammadi <reza@zeerak.ir>
2007-08-13 09:17:19 +08:00
Aljosa Mohorovic <aljosa.mohorovic@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Eric Moritz <http://eric.themoritzfamily.com/>
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
msaelices <msaelices@gmail.com>
2010-08-05 21:18:50 +08:00
Gregor Müllegger <gregor@muellegger.de>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Robin Munn <http://www.geekforgod.com/>
2008-07-27 12:18:52 +08:00
James Murty
2013-09-07 05:05:53 +08:00
Rudy Mutter
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
2007-01-03 12:14:17 +08:00
Robert Myers <myer0052@gmail.com>
2010-08-14 20:45:15 +08:00
Aaron T. Myers <atmyers@gmail.com>
2009-03-09 11:35:02 +08:00
Alexander Myodov <alex@myodov.com>
2008-03-19 12:04:19 +08:00
Doug Napoleone <doug@dougma.com>
2007-04-27 20:45:08 +08:00
Gopal Narayanan <gopastro@gmail.com>
2006-09-27 10:42:31 +08:00
Fraser Nevett <mail@nevett.org>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Sam Newman <http://www.magpiebrain.com/>
2013-08-12 04:19:09 +08:00
Alasdair Nicol <http://al.sdair.co.uk/>
2011-06-10 16:26:05 +08:00
Ryan Niemeyer <https://profiles.google.com/ryan.niemeyer/about>
2009-12-23 05:10:40 +08:00
Filip Noetzel <http://filip.noetzel.co.uk/>
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Afonso Fernández Nogueira <fonzzo.django@gmail.com>
2006-05-15 12:24:48 +08:00
Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz@google.com>
2007-08-20 22:15:40 +08:00
Todd O'Bryan <toddobryan@mac.com>
2012-05-03 14:57:22 +08:00
Alex Ogier <alex.ogier@gmail.com>
2010-05-10 02:54:22 +08:00
Selwin Ong <selwin@ui.co.id>
2011-07-29 18:20:16 +08:00
Gerardo Orozco <gerardo.orozco.mosqueda@gmail.com>
2010-01-22 23:02:02 +08:00
Christian Oudard <christian.oudard@gmail.com>
2006-01-15 14:01:35 +08:00
oggie rob <oz.robharvey@gmail.com>
2008-07-07 09:57:05 +08:00
oggy <ognjen.maric@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 19:58:02 +08:00
Tomek Paczkowski <tomek@hauru.eu>
2012-05-11 05:09:29 +08:00
Jens Page
2006-07-29 04:48:26 +08:00
Jay Parlar <parlar@gmail.com>
2008-03-18 02:23:00 +08:00
Carlos Eduardo de Paula <carlosedp@gmail.com>
2011-09-11 08:52:08 +08:00
John Paulett <john@paulett.org>
2007-03-09 12:42:30 +08:00
pavithran s <pavithran.s@gmail.com>
2007-04-01 14:00:45 +08:00
Barry Pederson <bp@barryp.org>
2009-12-23 05:10:40 +08:00
Andreas Pelme <andreas@pelme.se>
2007-09-29 06:30:59 +08:00
2008-08-23 01:36:02 +08:00
2013-03-05 05:17:35 +08:00
Christophe Pettus <xof@thebuild.com>
2005-12-09 10:52:27 +08:00
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
phaedo <http://phaedo.cx/>
2006-05-26 12:14:41 +08:00
2007-02-26 17:06:23 +08:00
2006-03-23 03:47:15 +08:00
Gustavo Picon
2013-09-07 04:50:18 +08:00
Andrew Pinkham <http://AndrewsForge.com>
2012-10-08 12:05:10 +08:00
Travis Pinney
2008-07-22 09:10:06 +08:00
Michael Placentra II <someone@michaelplacentra2.net>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2006-01-09 10:04:21 +08:00
Daniel Poelzleithner <http://poelzi.org/>
2011-11-13 01:23:07 +08:00
Dan Poirier <poirier@pobox.com>
2007-05-01 10:35:15 +08:00
2009-02-22 18:13:37 +08:00
Ross Poulton <ross@rossp.org>
2009-02-08 13:08:06 +08:00
Mihai Preda <mihai_preda@yahoo.com>
2008-07-19 07:54:34 +08:00
Matthias Pronk <django@masida.nl>
2007-08-20 16:50:08 +08:00
Jyrki Pulliainen <jyrki.pulliainen@gmail.com>
2008-08-26 06:14:22 +08:00
Thejaswi Puthraya <thejaswi.puthraya@gmail.com>
2007-07-26 13:01:53 +08:00
Johann Queuniet <johann.queuniet@adh.naellia.eu>
2013-05-24 23:55:50 +08:00
Ram Rachum <ram@rachum.com>
2007-09-14 06:16:59 +08:00
Jan Rademaker
2006-09-04 22:02:11 +08:00
Michael Radziej <mir@noris.de>
2008-03-17 21:45:08 +08:00
Laurent Rahuel <laurent.rahuel@gmail.com>
2009-03-02 08:33:37 +08:00
Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com>
2008-09-03 11:53:20 +08:00
Luciano Ramalho
2007-09-14 03:52:59 +08:00
Amit Ramon <amit.ramon@gmail.com>
2007-09-14 09:45:26 +08:00
Philippe Raoult <philippe.raoult@n2nsoft.com>
2013-05-18 19:49:13 +08:00
Senko Rašić <senko.rasic@dobarkod.hr>
2007-04-17 21:37:45 +08:00
Massimiliano Ravelli <massimiliano.ravelli@gmail.com>
2006-01-08 13:10:51 +08:00
Brian Ray <http://brianray.chipy.org/>
2012-05-01 05:24:57 +08:00
Lee Reilly <lee@leereilly.net>
2010-10-28 10:58:28 +08:00
Łukasz Rekucki <lrekucki@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 04:40:36 +08:00
Remco Wendt <remco.wendt@gmail.com>
2009-01-16 10:30:22 +08:00
Marc Remolt <m.remolt@webmasters.de>
2010-02-23 13:52:37 +08:00
Bruno Renié <buburno@gmail.com>
2007-12-03 08:35:31 +08:00
David Reynolds <david@reynoldsfamily.org.uk>
2006-05-05 10:59:58 +08:00
2007-10-20 17:16:54 +08:00
2008-08-24 02:20:49 +08:00
Mike Richardson
2007-09-14 16:37:23 +08:00
Matt Riggott
2009-04-19 04:12:53 +08:00
Alex Robbins <alexander.j.robbins@gmail.com>
2013-02-01 10:36:34 +08:00
Matt Robenolt <m@robenolt.com>
2007-04-27 20:46:41 +08:00
Henrique Romano <onaiort@gmail.com>
2013-05-19 21:25:49 +08:00
Erik Romijn <django@solidlinks.nl>
2007-04-21 12:37:31 +08:00
Armin Ronacher
2008-11-10 18:13:23 +08:00
Daniel Roseman <http://roseman.org.uk/>
2008-08-10 01:35:19 +08:00
Rozza <ross.lawley@gmail.com>
2012-06-08 04:11:24 +08:00
Audrey Roy <http://audreymroy.com/>
2005-12-03 04:58:35 +08:00
Oliver Rutherfurd <http://rutherfurd.net/>
2007-09-15 07:15:40 +08:00
2010-01-02 05:31:47 +08:00
Gonzalo Saavedra <gonzalosaavedra@gmail.com>
2007-10-20 12:42:30 +08:00
Manuel Saelices <msaelices@yaco.es>
2006-04-10 07:54:34 +08:00
Ivan Sagalaev (Maniac) <http://www.softwaremaniacs.org/>
2007-04-27 18:55:47 +08:00
Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip@yahoo.co.uk>
2012-02-11 17:31:18 +08:00
Bartolome Sanchez Salado <i42sasab@uco.es>
2008-11-10 18:13:23 +08:00
Kadesarin Sanjek
2012-08-11 04:19:20 +08:00
Tim Saylor <tim.saylor@gmail.com>
2009-03-31 06:52:16 +08:00
Massimo Scamarcia <massimo.scamarcia@gmail.com>
2009-12-16 22:52:29 +08:00
Paulo Scardine <paulo@scardine.com.br>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
David Schein
2008-11-05 03:48:35 +08:00
Bernd Schlapsi
2009-12-13 01:20:32 +08:00
2007-02-15 13:05:43 +08:00
2013-05-18 19:09:38 +08:00
Olivier Sels <olivier.sels@gmail.com>
2007-11-30 00:32:18 +08:00
Ilya Semenov <semenov@inetss.com>
2011-08-23 11:38:42 +08:00
Aleksandra Sendecka <asendecka@hauru.eu>
2006-09-12 02:41:05 +08:00
2007-07-12 21:55:19 +08:00
John Shaffer <jshaffer2112@gmail.com>
2006-09-01 05:51:19 +08:00
Pete Shinners <pete@shinners.org>
2008-03-20 14:50:54 +08:00
Leo Shklovskii
2007-10-20 22:54:38 +08:00
2011-06-10 16:26:05 +08:00
Mikołaj Siedlarek <mikolaj.siedlarek@gmail.com>
2013-05-18 19:49:06 +08:00
Karol Sikora <elektrrrus@gmail.com>
2008-07-26 02:51:32 +08:00
Brenton Simpson <http://theillustratedlife.com>
2007-07-06 16:35:25 +08:00
Jozko Skrablin <jozko.skrablin@gmail.com>
2007-12-02 06:35:35 +08:00
Ben Slavin <benjamin.slavin@gmail.com>
2013-08-14 22:14:32 +08:00
Jonathan Slenders
2008-07-22 09:10:06 +08:00
sloonz <simon.lipp@insa-lyon.fr>
2009-12-13 05:51:47 +08:00
Paul Smith <blinkylights23@gmail.com>
2011-08-12 22:15:31 +08:00
Steven L. Smith (fvox13) <steven@stevenlsmith.com>
2008-11-10 18:13:23 +08:00
Warren Smith <warren@wandrsmith.net>
2006-12-30 15:21:01 +08:00
2007-09-15 18:17:50 +08:00
Vsevolod Solovyov
2012-05-01 11:10:51 +08:00
George Song <george@damacy.net>
2013-08-05 03:40:16 +08:00
Jimmy Song <jaejoon@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2007-09-15 03:55:24 +08:00
Leo Soto <leo.soto@gmail.com>
2013-07-21 17:02:36 +08:00
Thomas Sorrel
2007-03-31 17:05:54 +08:00
Wiliam Alves de Souza <wiliamsouza83@gmail.com>
2007-09-20 07:33:57 +08:00
Don Spaulding <donspauldingii@gmail.com>
2011-11-13 02:47:51 +08:00
Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy@gmail.com>
2012-10-08 12:05:10 +08:00
Dane Springmeyer
2013-05-18 23:57:20 +08:00
Silvan Spross <silvan.spross@gmail.com>
2007-09-15 23:57:17 +08:00
Bjørn Stabell <bjorn@exoweb.net>
2007-02-15 07:56:29 +08:00
Georgi Stanojevski <glisha@gmail.com>
2008-02-03 12:29:38 +08:00
starrynight <cmorgh@gmail.com>
2007-05-20 01:57:43 +08:00
Vasiliy Stavenko <stavenko@gmail.com>
2007-02-24 04:55:21 +08:00
Thomas Steinacher <http://www.eggdrop.ch/>
2013-05-18 19:58:45 +08:00
Emil Stenström <em@kth.se>
2007-12-19 12:27:18 +08:00
Johan C. Stöver <johan@nilling.nl>
2013-03-03 13:48:34 +08:00
Chris Streeter <chris@chrisstreeter.com>
2009-09-13 05:28:01 +08:00
Nowell Strite <http://nowell.strite.org/>
2007-08-31 12:35:03 +08:00
Thomas Stromberg <tstromberg@google.com>
2013-03-20 17:21:40 +08:00
Hannes Struß <x@hannesstruss.de>
2012-10-31 03:53:56 +08:00
Ben Sturmfels <ben@sturm.com.au>
2012-09-09 03:07:33 +08:00
Travis Swicegood <travis@domain51.com>
2009-01-15 14:37:01 +08:00
Pascal Varet
2007-07-22 11:41:11 +08:00
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Radek Švarz <http://www.svarz.cz/translate/>
2005-11-29 10:05:32 +08:00
Swaroop C H <http://www.swaroopch.info>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Aaron Swartz <http://www.aaronsw.com/>
2007-03-30 18:04:22 +08:00
Ville Säävuori <http://www.unessa.net/>
2008-08-29 03:05:14 +08:00
Mart Sõmermaa <http://mrts.pri.ee/>
2013-08-10 16:13:41 +08:00
Susan Tan <susan.tan.fleckerl@gmail.com>
2008-07-06 19:55:30 +08:00
Christian Tanzer <tanzer@swing.co.at>
2007-09-15 03:02:05 +08:00
Tyler Tarabula <tyler.tarabula@gmail.com>
2006-09-26 21:23:12 +08:00
Tyson Tate <tyson@fallingbullets.com>
2009-04-11 02:32:17 +08:00
Aryeh Leib Taurog <http://www.aryehleib.com/>
2007-06-15 08:22:16 +08:00
Frank Tegtmeyer <fte@fte.to>
2009-02-28 09:17:21 +08:00
Marcel Telka <marcel@telka.sk>
2008-09-04 04:05:15 +08:00
Terry Huang <terryh.tp@gmail.com>
2009-03-12 15:28:22 +08:00
Travis Terry <tdterry7@gmail.com>
2007-03-31 17:14:37 +08:00
thebjorn <bp@datakortet.no>
2012-11-18 05:53:31 +08:00
Lowe Thiderman <lowe.thiderman@gmail.com>
2007-04-06 10:25:58 +08:00
Zach Thompson <zthompson47@gmail.com>
2009-10-29 22:32:01 +08:00
Michael Thornhill <michael.thornhill@gmail.com>
2007-09-15 00:48:47 +08:00
Deepak Thukral <deep.thukral@gmail.com>
2008-04-26 20:46:57 +08:00
2007-08-11 18:51:02 +08:00
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Tom Tobin
Joe Topjian <http://joe.terrarum.net/geek/code/python/django/>
2007-02-13 14:27:28 +08:00
2013-04-14 22:55:17 +08:00
Matthew Tretter <m@tthewwithanm.com>
2008-09-04 00:17:54 +08:00
Jeff Triplett <jeff.triplett@gmail.com>
2007-07-03 23:09:05 +08:00
2006-12-17 22:17:11 +08:00
Makoto Tsuyuki <mtsuyuki@gmail.com>
2007-04-27 21:53:47 +08:00
2008-03-18 08:14:41 +08:00
David Tulig <david.tulig@gmail.com>
2012-02-01 12:25:30 +08:00
Justine Tunney <jtunney@lobstertech.com>
2008-06-08 04:28:06 +08:00
Amit Upadhyay <http://www.amitu.com/blog/>
2010-02-22 07:42:57 +08:00
Adam Vandenberg
2006-05-02 09:31:56 +08:00
Geert Vanderkelen
2008-12-07 11:12:23 +08:00
Vasil Vangelovski
2007-12-19 12:27:18 +08:00
I.S. van Oostveen <v.oostveen@idca.nl>
2007-02-15 07:57:36 +08:00
2007-09-15 17:14:51 +08:00
George Vilches <gav@thataddress.com>
2013-05-29 01:35:08 +08:00
Simeon Visser <http://simeonvisser.com>
2007-06-24 20:19:14 +08:00
Vlado <vlado@labath.org>
2009-07-24 21:38:36 +08:00
Zachary Voase <zacharyvoase@gmail.com>
2010-08-14 20:57:16 +08:00
Marijn Vriens <marijn@metronomo.cl>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Milton Waddams
2008-06-07 14:25:59 +08:00
Chris Wagner <cw264701@ohio.edu>
2009-04-11 17:20:10 +08:00
Rick Wagner <rwagner@physics.ucsd.edu>
2013-05-21 01:51:05 +08:00
Gavin Wahl <gavinwahl@gmail.com>
2006-10-30 22:30:43 +08:00
2007-10-03 11:19:14 +08:00
Wang Chun <wangchun@exoweb.net>
2007-09-16 00:19:10 +08:00
Filip Wasilewski <filip.wasilewski@gmail.com>
2011-11-13 03:53:56 +08:00
Dan Watson <http://danwatson.net/>
2008-06-26 15:04:18 +08:00
Joel Watts <joel@joelwatts.com>
2013-06-20 18:55:27 +08:00
Russ Webber
2010-08-14 20:57:37 +08:00
Lakin Wecker <lakin@structuredabstraction.com>
2007-02-20 11:05:09 +08:00
Chris Wesseling <Chris.Wesseling@cwi.nl>
2010-10-30 00:48:58 +08:00
Benjamin Wohlwend <piquadrat@gmail.com>
2007-06-10 10:00:46 +08:00
James Wheare <django@sparemint.com>
2008-08-26 15:56:39 +08:00
Mike Wiacek <mjwiacek@google.com>
2009-01-19 20:46:54 +08:00
Frank Wierzbicki
2007-05-01 11:10:10 +08:00
2012-06-11 16:34:00 +08:00
Simon Williams
2010-02-23 23:00:33 +08:00
Derek Willis <http://blog.thescoop.org/>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Rachel Willmer <http://www.willmer.com/kb/>
2008-07-28 08:45:04 +08:00
Jakub Wilk <ubanus@users.sf.net>
2013-09-07 04:50:18 +08:00
Ian A Wilson <http://ianawilson.com>
2007-08-17 22:20:25 +08:00
Jakub Wiśniowski <restless.being@gmail.com>
2007-09-23 12:56:19 +08:00
Maciej Wiśniowski <pigletto@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
2012-02-11 17:31:18 +08:00
Marcin Wróbel
2007-10-21 20:24:37 +08:00
Jason Yan <tailofthesun@gmail.com>
2008-11-25 04:42:09 +08:00
Lars Yencken <lars.yencken@gmail.com>
2005-11-25 12:27:50 +08:00
2006-09-25 10:33:28 +08:00
2008-10-24 12:38:43 +08:00
Jesse Young <adunar@gmail.com>
2013-02-24 01:24:32 +08:00
Marc Aymerich Gubern
Wiktor Kołodziej <wiktor@pykonik.org>
2008-12-07 11:11:34 +08:00
Mykola Zamkovoi <nickzam@gmail.com>
2010-01-02 05:39:26 +08:00
2009-04-10 19:20:16 +08:00
Gasper Zejn <zejn@kiberpipa.org>
2007-06-24 20:22:25 +08:00
Jarek Zgoda <jarek.zgoda@gmail.com>
2006-01-09 08:54:35 +08:00
Cheng Zhang
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
A big THANK YOU goes to:
Rob Curley and Ralph Gage for letting us open-source Django.
Frank Wiles for making excellent arguments for open-sourcing, and for
his sage sysadmin advice.
Ian Bicking for convincing Adrian to ditch code generation.
2013-04-01 20:03:55 +08:00
Mark Pilgrim for "Dive Into Python" (http://diveintopython.net,
2005-11-25 12:25:50 +08:00
Guido van Rossum for creating Python.