diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
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+Django was originally created in late 2003 at World Online, the Web division
+of the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas.
+The PRIMARY AUTHORS are (and/or have been):
+Adrian Holovaty , who originally created Django with
+Simon and currently oversees things with Jacob.
+Simon Willison , who originally created Django with
+Adrian during his year-long internship/placement at World Online and currently
+helps from the sidelines.
+Jacob Kaplan-Moss , who joined the team shortly
+before Simon departed and currently oversees things with Adrian.
+Wilson Miner , who designed Django's admin
+interface, pretty error pages, official Web site (djangoproject.com) and has
+made many other contributions.
+Georg "Hugo" Bauer , who added
+internationalization support, manages i18n contributions and has made a ton
+of excellent tweaks, feature additions and bug fixes.
+Robert Wittams , who majorly refactored the Django
+admin application to allow for easier reuse and has made a ton of excellent
+tweaks, feature additions and bug fixes.
+And here is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS --
+people who have submitted patches, reported bugs, added translations, helped
+answer newbie questions, and generally made Django that much better:
+ Andreas
+ David Ascher
+ James Bennett
+ Paul Bissex
+ Simon Blanchard
+ Andrew Brehaut
+ Antonio Cavedoni
+ Amit Chakradeo
+ Matt Croydon
+ Jeremy Dunck
+ Clint Ecker
+ Baishampayan Ghose
+ Espen Grindhaug
+ Brant Harris
+ Ian Holsman
+ Kieran Holland
+ Robert Rock Howard
+ Jason Huggins
+ Michael Josephson
+ Garth Kidd
+ Sune Kirkeby
+ lakin.wecker@gmail.com
+ Stuart Langridge
+ Eugene Lazutkin
+ Martin Maney
+ Maniac
+ Manuzhai
+ Petar Marić
+ mark@junklight.com
+ mattycakes@gmail.com
+ Jason McBrayer
+ mmarshall
+ Eric Moritz
+ Robin Munn
+ nesh
+ Sam Newman
+ Luke Plant
+ phaedo
+ plisk
+ David Schein
+ sopel
+ Radek Švarz
+ Aaron Swartz
+ Tom Tobin
+ Joe Topjian
+ Amit Upadhyay
+ Milton Waddams
+ Rachel Willmer
+ wojtek
+A big THANK YOU goes to:
+ Rob Curley and Ralph Gage for letting us open-source Django.
+ Frank Wiles for making excellent arguments for open-sourcing, and for
+ his sage sysadmin advice.
+ Ian Bicking for convincing Adrian to ditch code generation.
+ Mark Pilgrim for diveintopython.org.
+ Guido van Rossum for creating Python.