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Added draft of docs/fastcgi.txt. Haven't finished editing this yet.
git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@3175 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
How to use Django with FastCGI
Although the current preferred setup for running Django is Apache_ with
`mod_python`_, many people use shared hosting, on which FastCGI_ is the only
viable option. In some setups, FastCGI also allows better security -- and,
possibly, better performance -- than mod_python.
Essentially, FastCGI is an efficient way of letting an external application
serve pages to a Web server. The Web server delegates the incoming Web requests
(via a socket) to FastCGI, which executes the code and passes the response back
to the Web server, which, in turn, passes it back to the client's Web browser.
Like mod_python, FastCGI allows code to stay in memory, allowing requests to be
served with no startup time. Unlike mod_python (or `mod_perl`_), a FastCGI
process doesn't run inside the Web server process, but in a separate,
persistent process.
.. _Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/
.. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org/
.. _mod_perl: http://perl.apache.org/
.. admonition:: Why run code in a separate process?
The traditional ``mod_*`` arrangements in Apache embed various scripting
languages (most notably PHP, Python and Perl) inside the process space of
your Web server. Although this lowers startup time -- because code doesn't
have to be read off disk for every request -- it comes at the cost of
memory use. For mod_python, for example, every Apache process gets its own
Python interpreter, which uses up a considerable amount of RAM.
Due to the nature of FastCGI, it's even possible to have processes that run
under a different user account than the Web server process. That's a nice
security benefit on shared systems, because it means you can secure your
code from other users.
Starting your FastCGI server
FastCGI operates on a client-server model, and in most cases you'll be starting
the FastCGI process on your own. Your Web server (be it Apache, lighttpd, or
otherwise) only contacts your Django-FastCGI process when the server needs a
dynamic page to be loaded. Because the daemon is already running with the code
in memory, it's able to serve the response very quickly.
.. admonition:: Note
If you're on a shared hosting system, you'll probably be forced to use
Web server-managed FastCGI processes. See the section below on running
Django with Web server-managed processes for more information.
A Web server can connect to a FastCGI server in one of two ways: It can use
either a Unix domain socket (a "named pipe" on Win32 systems), or it can use a
TCP socket. What you choose is a manner of preference; a TCP socket is usually
easier due to permissions issues.
To start your server, first change into the directory of your project (wherever
your ``manage.py`` is), and then run ``manage.py`` with the ``runfcgi`` option::
./manage.py runfcgi [options]
If you specify ``help`` as the only option after ``runfcgi``, it'll display a
list of all the available options.
You'll need to specify either a ``socket`` or both ``host`` and ``port``. Then,
when you set up your Web server, you'll just need to point it at the host/port
or socket you specified when starting the FastCGI server.
Running a threaded server on a TCP port::
./manage.py runfcgi method=threaded host= port=3033
Running a preforked server on a Unix domain socket::
./manage.py runfcgi method=prefork socket=/home/user/mysite.sock pidfile=django.pid
Run without daemonizing (backgrounding) the process (good for debugging)::
./manage.py runfcgi daemonize=false socket=/tmp/mysite.sock
Stopping the FastCGI daemon
If you have the process running in the foreground, it's easy enough to stop it:
Simply hitting ``Ctrl-C`` will stop and quit the FastCGI server. However, when
you're dealing with background processes, you'll need to resort to the Unix
``kill`` command.
If you specify the ``pidfile`` option to your ``manage.py runfcgi``, you can
kill the running FastCGI daemon like this::
kill `cat $PIDFILE`
...where ``$PIDFILE`` is the ``pidfile`` you specified.
To easily restart your FastCGI daemon on Unix, try this small shell script::
# Replace these three settings.
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
kill `cat -- $PIDFILE`
rm -f -- $PIDFILE
exec /usr/bin/env - \
PYTHONPATH="../python:.." \
./manage.py runfcgi socket=$SOCKET pidfile=$PIDFILE
Apache setup
To use Django with Apache and FastCGI, you'll need Apache installed and
configured, with mod_fastcgi installed and enabled. Consult the Apache
documentation for instructions.
Add the following to your ``httpd.conf``::
# Connect to FastCGI via a socket / named pipe
FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -socket /home/user/mysite.sock
# Connect to FastCGI via a TCP host/port
# FastCGIExternalServer /home/user/public_html/mysite.fcgi -host
ServerName mysite.com
DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
Alias /media /home/user/python/django/contrib/admin/media
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(media.*)$ /$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
Note that while you have to specify a mysite.fcgi, that this file doesn't
actually have to exist. It is just an internal URL to the webserver which
signifies that any requests to that URL will go to the external FastCGI
LigHTTPd Setup
LigHTTPd is a light-weight asynchronous web-server, which is commonly used
for serving static files. However, it supports FastCGI natively, and as such
is a very good choice for serving both static and dynamic media, if your site
does not have any apache-specific components.
Make sure ``mod_fastcgi`` is in your modules list, somewhere after
mod_rewrite and mod_access, but not after mod_accesslog. You'll probably
want mod_alias as well, for serving admin media.
Add the following to your lighttpd config file::
server.document-root = "/home/user/public_html"
fastcgi.server = (
"/mysite.fcgi" => (
"main" => (
# Use host / port instead of socket for TCP fastcgi
# "host" => "",
# "port" => 3033,
"socket" => "/home/user/mysite.sock",
"check-local" => "disable",
alias.url = (
"/media/" => "/home/user/django/contrib/admin/media/",
url.rewrite-once = (
"^(/media.*)$" => "$1",
"^/favicon\.ico$" => "/media/favicon.ico",
"^(/.*)$" => "/mysite.fcgi$1",
Running multiple django sites on one LigHTTPd
LigHTTPd allows you to use what is called conditional configuration to allow
configuration to be customized per-host. In order to specify multiple fastcgi
sites, simply add a conditional block around your fastcgi config for each site::
$HTTP["host"] == "www.website1.com" {
server.document-root = "/foo/site1"
fastcgi.server = (
$HTTP["host"] == "www.website2.com" {
server.document-root = "/foo/site2"
fastcgi.server = (
You can also run multiple django installations on the same site simply by
specifying multiple entries in the ``fastcgi.server`` directive, add one
fastcgi host for each.
Running Django on a shared-hosting provider
For many users on shared-hosting providers, you aren't able to run your own
server daemons nor do they have access to the httpd.conf of their webserver.
However, it is still possible to run Django using webserver-spawned processes.
.. admonition:: Note
If you are using webserver-managed processes, there's no need for you
to start the FastCGI server on your own. Apache will spawn a number
of processes, scaling as it needs to.
In your web root directory, add this to a file named .htaccess ::
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /mysite.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]
Now you must add a small shim script in order for apache to properly
spawn your FastCGI program. Create a mysite.fcgi and place it in your
web directory, making it executable ::
import sys, os
# add a custom pythonpath
sys.path.insert(0, "/home/user/python")
# switch to the directory of your project. (optional)
# os.chdir("/home/user/myproject")
# change to the name of your app's settings module
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "myproject.settings"
from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
runfastcgi(["method=threaded", "daemonize=false"])
Restarting the spawned server
If you change the code of your site, to make apache re-load your django
application, you do not need to restart the server. Simply re-upload or
edit your ``mysite.fcgi`` in such a way that the timestamp on the file
will change. When apache sees that the file has been updated, it will
restart your django application for you.
If you have access to a command shell on a unix system, restarting the
server can be done with the ``touch`` command::
touch mysite.fcgi
Reference in New Issue