mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git
Fix all violators of E231
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ install-script = scripts/rpm-install.sh
license-file = LICENSE
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--option_a','-a', action='store', dest='option_a', default='1'),
make_option('--option_b','-b', action='store', dest='option_b', default='2'),
make_option('--option_c','-c', action='store', dest='option_c', default='3'),
make_option('--option_a', '-a', action='store', dest='option_a', default='1'),
make_option('--option_b', '-b', action='store', dest='option_b', default='2'),
make_option('--option_c', '-c', action='store', dest='option_c', default='3'),
help = 'Test basic commands'
requires_model_validation = False
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class MyFileField(models.FileField):
class Member(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
birthdate = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True, choices=[('M','Male'), ('F', 'Female')])
gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True, choices=[('M', 'Male'), ('F', 'Female')])
email = models.EmailField(blank=True)
def __str__(self):
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests(TestCase):
def testRadioFieldsForeignKey(self):
ff = self.assertFormfield(models.Event, 'main_band', widgets.AdminRadioSelect,
radio_fields={'main_band': admin.VERTICAL})
self.assertEqual(ff.empty_label, None)
def testManyToMany(self):
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests(TestCase):
class BandAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {
CharField: {'widget': forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'10'})}
CharField: {'widget': forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '10'})}
ma = BandAdmin(models.Band, admin.site)
f1 = ma.formfield_for_dbfield(models.Band._meta.get_field('name'), request=None)
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests(TestCase):
def testChoicesWithRadioFields(self):
self.assertFormfield(models.Member, 'gender', widgets.AdminRadioSelect,
radio_fields={'gender': admin.VERTICAL})
def testInheritance(self):
self.assertFormfield(models.Album, 'backside_art', widgets.AdminFileWidget)
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
"name": 'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).values('name','mean_auth_age').get(pk=1)
obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).values('name', 'mean_auth_age').get(pk=1)
self.assertEqual(obj, {
'mean_auth_age': 34.5,
'name': 'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
def test_aggregate_fexpr(self):
# Aggregates can be used with F() expressions
# ... where the F() is pushed into the HAVING clause
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name', 'num_books', 'num_awards')
qs, [
{'num_books': 1, 'name': 'Morgan Kaufmann', 'num_awards': 9},
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
lambda p: p,
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name', 'num_books', 'num_awards')
qs, [
{'num_books': 2, 'name': 'Apress', 'num_awards': 3},
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
# ... and where the F() references an aggregate
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_awards__gt=2*F('num_books')).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_awards__gt=2*F('num_books')).order_by('name').values('name', 'num_books', 'num_awards')
qs, [
{'num_books': 1, 'name': 'Morgan Kaufmann', 'num_awards': 9},
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
lambda p: p,
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name', 'num_books', 'num_awards')
qs, [
{'num_books': 2, 'name': 'Apress', 'num_awards': 3},
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
# Regression for #10132 - If the values() clause only mentioned extra
# (select=) columns, those columns are used for grouping
qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub':'publisher_id'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub': 'publisher_id'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
qs, [
{'pub': 1, 'id__count': 2},
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ class AggregationTests(TestCase):
lambda b: b
qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub':'publisher_id', 'foo':'pages'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub': 'publisher_id', 'foo': 'pages'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
qs, [
{'pub': 1, 'id__count': 2},
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Article(models.Model):
pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
ordering = ('pub_date','headline')
ordering = ('pub_date', 'headline')
def __str__(self):
return self.headline
@ -682,55 +682,55 @@ class BaseCacheTests(object):
def test_cache_versioning_get_set_many(self):
# set, using default version = 1
self.cache.set_many({'ford1': 37, 'arthur1': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1']),
{'ford1': 37, 'arthur1': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford1','arthur1'], version=1),
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1'], version=1),
{'ford1': 37, 'arthur1': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford1','arthur1'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1','arthur1']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1','arthur1'], version=1),
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1'], version=1),
{'ford1': 37, 'arthur1': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1','arthur1'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford1', 'arthur1'], version=2), {})
# set, default version = 1, but manually override version = 2
self.cache.set_many({'ford2': 37, 'arthur2': 42}, version=2)
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2','arthur2']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2','arthur2'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2','arthur2'], version=2),
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2'], version=2),
{'ford2': 37, 'arthur2': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2']),
{'ford2': 37, 'arthur2': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford2','arthur2'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford2','arthur2'], version=2),
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford2', 'arthur2'], version=2),
{'ford2': 37, 'arthur2': 42})
# v2 set, using default version = 2
self.v2_cache.set_many({'ford3': 37, 'arthur3': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3','arthur3']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3','arthur3'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3','arthur3'], version=2),
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3'], version=2),
{'ford3': 37, 'arthur3': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3']),
{'ford3': 37, 'arthur3': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford3','arthur3'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford3','arthur3'], version=2),
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3'], version=1), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford3', 'arthur3'], version=2),
{'ford3': 37, 'arthur3': 42})
# v2 set, default version = 2, but manually override version = 1
self.v2_cache.set_many({'ford4': 37, 'arthur4': 42}, version=1)
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4']),
{'ford4': 37, 'arthur4': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford4','arthur4'], version=1),
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4'], version=1),
{'ford4': 37, 'arthur4': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford4','arthur4'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4','arthur4']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4','arthur4'], version=1),
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4']), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4'], version=1),
{'ford4': 37, 'arthur4': 42})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4','arthur4'], version=2), {})
self.assertEqual(self.v2_cache.get_many(['ford4', 'arthur4'], version=2), {})
def test_incr_version(self):
self.cache.set('answer', 42, version=2)
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class CsrfViewMiddlewareTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['secure'], True)
self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['httponly'], True)
self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['path'], '/test/')
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary',''))
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary', ''))
def test_process_response_get_token_not_used(self):
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class CsrfViewMiddlewareTest(TestCase):
req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
resp = view(req)
self.assertTrue(resp.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False))
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp.get('Vary',''))
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp.get('Vary', ''))
def test_ensures_csrf_cookie_with_middleware(self):
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class CsrfViewMiddlewareTest(TestCase):
resp = view(req)
resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
self.assertTrue(resp2.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False))
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary',''))
self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary', ''))
def test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_logging(self):
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Author(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = 'my_author_table'
ordering = ('last_name','first_name')
ordering = ('last_name', 'first_name')
class Article(models.Model):
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ class Author(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = 'my author table'
ordering = ('last_name','first_name')
ordering = ('last_name', 'first_name')
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ full_decorator = compose(
# django.contrib.auth.decorators
# Apply user_passes_test twice to check #9474
user_passes_test(lambda u:True),
user_passes_test(lambda u: True),
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
'should be\nindented')
self.assertEqual(wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n '
'But this line should be indented',15), 'this is a short\n'
'But this line should be indented', 15), 'this is a short\n'
'paragraph of\ntext.\n But this line\nshould be\nindented')
def test_rjust(self):
@ -460,16 +460,16 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(dictsortreversed(1, 'age'), '')
def test_first(self):
self.assertEqual(first([0,1,2]), 0)
self.assertEqual(first([0, 1, 2]), 0)
self.assertEqual(first(''), '')
self.assertEqual(first('test'), 't')
def test_join(self):
self.assertEqual(join([0,1,2], 'glue'), '0glue1glue2')
self.assertEqual(join([0, 1, 2], 'glue'), '0glue1glue2')
def test_length(self):
self.assertEqual(length('1234'), 4)
self.assertEqual(length([1,2,3,4]), 4)
self.assertEqual(length([1, 2, 3, 4]), 4)
self.assertEqual(length_is([], 0), True)
self.assertEqual(length_is([], 1), False)
self.assertEqual(length_is('a', 1), True)
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
a = ULItem('a')
b = ULItem('b')
self.assertEqual(unordered_list([a, b]),
# Old format for unordered lists should still work
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(1024*1024*1024*1024*1024), '1.0\xa0PB')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1,-1)), '0\xa0bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1, -1)), '0\xa0bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(""), '0\xa0bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat("\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}"),
@ -634,14 +634,14 @@ class DefaultFiltersTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([1]), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([]), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([1,2,3]), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1,'es'), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0,'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2,'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1,'y,ies'), 'y')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0,'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2,'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0,'y,ies,error'), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize([1, 2, 3]), 's')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1, 'es'), '')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2, 'es'), 'es')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(1, 'y,ies'), 'y')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(2, 'y,ies'), 'ies')
self.assertEqual(pluralize(0, 'y,ies,error'), '')
def test_phone2numeric(self):
self.assertEqual(phone2numeric_filter('0800 flowers'), '0800 3569377')
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ class DefaultFiltersI18NTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1,-1)), '0\xa0Bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(complex(1, -1)), '0\xa0Bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat(""), '0\xa0Bytes')
self.assertEqual(filesizeformat("\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}"),
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class Ticket19102Tests(TestCase):
select={'extraf': '1'}
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class DispatcherTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testExact(self):
a_signal.connect(receiver_1_arg, sender=self)
expected = [(receiver_1_arg,"test")]
expected = [(receiver_1_arg, "test")]
result = a_signal.send(sender=self, val="test")
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
a_signal.disconnect(receiver_1_arg, sender=self)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class DispatcherTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testIgnoredSender(self):
expected = [(receiver_1_arg,"test")]
expected = [(receiver_1_arg, "test")]
result = a_signal.send(sender=self, val="test")
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class DistinctOnTests(TestCase):
['<Celebrity: c1>', '<Celebrity: c2>'],
StaffTag.objects.distinct('staff', 'tag'),
['<StaffTag: t1 -> p1>'],
@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ class TestObject(models.Model):
third = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __str__(self):
return 'TestObject: %s,%s,%s' % (self.first,self.second,self.third)
return 'TestObject: %s,%s,%s' % (self.first, self.second, self.third)
@ -180,100 +180,100 @@ class ExtraRegressTests(TestCase):
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values()),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values()),
[{'bar': 'second', 'third': 'third', 'second': 'second', 'whiz': 'third', 'foo': 'first', 'id': obj.pk, 'first': 'first'}]
# Extra clauses after an empty values clause are still included
list(TestObject.objects.values().extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third'))))),
list(TestObject.objects.values().extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third'))))),
[{'bar': 'second', 'third': 'third', 'second': 'second', 'whiz': 'third', 'foo': 'first', 'id': obj.pk, 'first': 'first'}]
# Extra columns are ignored if not mentioned in the values() clause
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values('first', 'second')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values('first', 'second')),
[{'second': 'second', 'first': 'first'}]
# Extra columns after a non-empty values() clause are ignored
list(TestObject.objects.values('first', 'second').extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third'))))),
list(TestObject.objects.values('first', 'second').extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third'))))),
[{'second': 'second', 'first': 'first'}]
# Extra columns can be partially returned
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values('first', 'second', 'foo')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values('first', 'second', 'foo')),
[{'second': 'second', 'foo': 'first', 'first': 'first'}]
# Also works if only extra columns are included
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values('foo', 'whiz')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values('foo', 'whiz')),
[{'foo': 'first', 'whiz': 'third'}]
# Values list works the same way
# All columns are returned for an empty values_list()
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list()),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list()),
[('first', 'second', 'third', obj.pk, 'first', 'second', 'third')]
# Extra columns after an empty values_list() are still included
list(TestObject.objects.values_list().extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third'))))),
list(TestObject.objects.values_list().extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third'))))),
[('first', 'second', 'third', obj.pk, 'first', 'second', 'third')]
# Extra columns ignored completely if not mentioned in values_list()
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('first', 'second')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('first', 'second')),
[('first', 'second')]
# Extra columns after a non-empty values_list() clause are ignored completely
list(TestObject.objects.values_list('first', 'second').extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third'))))),
list(TestObject.objects.values_list('first', 'second').extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third'))))),
[('first', 'second')]
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('second', flat=True)),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('second', flat=True)),
# Only the extra columns specified in the values_list() are returned
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('first', 'second', 'whiz')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('first', 'second', 'whiz')),
[('first', 'second', 'third')]
# ...also works if only extra columns are included
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('foo','whiz')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('foo', 'whiz')),
[('first', 'third')]
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('whiz', flat=True)),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('whiz', flat=True)),
# ... and values are returned in the order they are specified
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('whiz','foo')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('whiz', 'foo')),
[('third', 'first')]
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('first','id')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('first', 'id')),
[('first', obj.pk)]
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo','first'), ('bar','second'), ('whiz','third')))).values_list('whiz', 'first', 'bar', 'id')),
list(TestObject.objects.extra(select=OrderedDict((('foo', 'first'), ('bar', 'second'), ('whiz', 'third')))).values_list('whiz', 'first', 'bar', 'id')),
[('third', 'first', 'second', obj.pk)]
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class UnicodeFileNameTests(unittest.TestCase):
out the encoding situation between doctest and this file, but the actual
repr doesn't matter; it just shouldn't return a unicode object.
uf = UploadedFile(name='¿Cómo?',content_type='text')
uf = UploadedFile(name='¿Cómo?', content_type='text')
self.assertEqual(type(uf.__repr__()), str)
# Tests for a race condition on file saving (#4948).
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class FileUploadTests(TestCase):
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"',
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64',
payload.write(b"\r\n" + base64.b64encode(force_bytes(content)) + b"\r\n")
payload.write('--' + client.BOUNDARY + '--\r\n')
r = {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class SampleTestCase(TestCase):
"Test cases can load fixture objects into models defined in packages"
self.assertEqual(Article.objects.count(), 3)
Article.objects.all(), [
"Django conquers world!",
"Copyright is fine the way it is",
"Poker has no place on ESPN",
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
# The forms library comes with some extra, higher-level Field and Widget
def test_selectdate(self):
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015','2016'))
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'))
# Rendering the default state.
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('mydate', ''), """<select name="mydate_month" id="id_mydate_month">
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
# Using a SelectDateWidget in a form.
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015','2016'), required=False)
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'), required=False)
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('mydate', ''), """<select name="mydate_month" id="id_mydate_month">
<option value="0">---</option>
<option value="1">January</option>
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
<option value="2016">2016</option>
a = GetDate({'mydate_month':'4', 'mydate_day':'1', 'mydate_year':'2008'})
a = GetDate({'mydate_month': '4', 'mydate_day': '1', 'mydate_year': '2008'})
self.assertEqual(a.cleaned_data['mydate'], datetime.date(2008, 4, 1))
@ -429,17 +429,17 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
self.assertHTMLEqual(a['mydate'].as_hidden(), '<input type="hidden" name="mydate" value="2008-4-1" id="id_mydate" />')
b = GetDate({'mydate':'2008-4-1'})
b = GetDate({'mydate': '2008-4-1'})
self.assertEqual(b.cleaned_data['mydate'], datetime.date(2008, 4, 1))
# Invalid dates shouldn't be allowed
c = GetDate({'mydate_month':'2', 'mydate_day':'31', 'mydate_year':'2010'})
c = GetDate({'mydate_month': '2', 'mydate_day': '31', 'mydate_year': '2010'})
self.assertEqual(c.errors, {'mydate': ['Enter a valid date.']})
# label tag is correctly associated with month dropdown
d = GetDate({'mydate_month':'1', 'mydate_day':'1', 'mydate_year':'2010'})
d = GetDate({'mydate_month': '1', 'mydate_day': '1', 'mydate_year': '2010'})
self.assertTrue('<label for="id_mydate_month">' in d.as_p())
def test_multiwidget(self):
@ -488,31 +488,31 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
def compress(self, data_list):
if data_list:
return '%s,%s,%s' % (data_list[0],''.join(data_list[1]),data_list[2])
return '%s,%s,%s' % (data_list[0], ''.join(data_list[1]), data_list[2])
return None
f = ComplexField(widget=w)
self.assertEqual(f.clean(['some text', ['J','P'], ['2007-04-25','6:24:00']]), 'some text,JP,2007-04-25 06:24:00')
self.assertFormErrors(['Select a valid choice. X is not one of the available choices.'], f.clean, ['some text',['X'], ['2007-04-25','6:24:00']])
self.assertEqual(f.clean(['some text', ['J', 'P'], ['2007-04-25', '6:24:00']]), 'some text,JP,2007-04-25 06:24:00')
self.assertFormErrors(['Select a valid choice. X is not one of the available choices.'], f.clean, ['some text', ['X'], ['2007-04-25', '6:24:00']])
# If insufficient data is provided, None is substituted
self.assertFormErrors(['This field is required.'], f.clean, ['some text',['JP']])
self.assertFormErrors(['This field is required.'], f.clean, ['some text', ['JP']])
# test with no initial data
self.assertTrue(f._has_changed(None, ['some text', ['J','P'], ['2007-04-25','6:24:00']]))
self.assertTrue(f._has_changed(None, ['some text', ['J', 'P'], ['2007-04-25', '6:24:00']]))
# test when the data is the same as initial
self.assertFalse(f._has_changed('some text,JP,2007-04-25 06:24:00',
['some text', ['J','P'], ['2007-04-25','6:24:00']]))
['some text', ['J', 'P'], ['2007-04-25', '6:24:00']]))
# test when the first widget's data has changed
self.assertTrue(f._has_changed('some text,JP,2007-04-25 06:24:00',
['other text', ['J','P'], ['2007-04-25','6:24:00']]))
['other text', ['J', 'P'], ['2007-04-25', '6:24:00']]))
# test when the last widget's data has changed. this ensures that it is not
# short circuiting while testing the widgets.
self.assertTrue(f._has_changed('some text,JP,2007-04-25 06:24:00',
['some text', ['J','P'], ['2009-04-25','11:44:00']]))
['some text', ['J', 'P'], ['2009-04-25', '11:44:00']]))
class ComplexFieldForm(Form):
field1 = ComplexField(widget=w)
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ class FormsExtraTestCase(TestCase, AssertFormErrorsMixin):
<input type="text" name="field1_2_0" id="id_field1_2_0" /><input type="text" name="field1_2_1" id="id_field1_2_1" /></td></tr>""")
f = ComplexFieldForm({'field1_0':'some text','field1_1':['J','P'], 'field1_2_0':'2007-04-25', 'field1_2_1':'06:24:00'})
f = ComplexFieldForm({'field1_0': 'some text', 'field1_1': ['J', 'P'], 'field1_2_0': '2007-04-25', 'field1_2_1': '06:24:00'})
self.assertHTMLEqual(f.as_table(), """<tr><th><label for="id_field1_0">Field1:</label></th><td><input type="text" name="field1_0" value="some text" id="id_field1_0" />
<select multiple="multiple" name="field1_1" id="id_field1_1">
<option value="J" selected="selected">John</option>
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ class FormsExtraL10NTestCase(TestCase):
super(FormsExtraL10NTestCase, self).tearDown()
def test_l10n(self):
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007','2008','2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015','2016'), required=False)
w = SelectDateWidget(years=('2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'), required=False)
self.assertEqual(w.value_from_datadict({'date_year': '2010', 'date_month': '8', 'date_day': '13'}, {}, 'date'), '13-08-2010')
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('date', '13-08-2010'), """<select name="date_day" id="id_date_day">
@ -911,12 +911,12 @@ class FormsExtraL10NTestCase(TestCase):
def test_l10n_invalid_date_in(self):
# Invalid dates shouldn't be allowed
a = GetDate({'mydate_month':'2', 'mydate_day':'31', 'mydate_year':'2010'})
a = GetDate({'mydate_month': '2', 'mydate_day': '31', 'mydate_year': '2010'})
# 'Geef een geldige datum op.' = 'Enter a valid date.'
self.assertEqual(a.errors, {'mydate': ['Geef een geldige datum op.']})
def test_form_label_association(self):
# label tag is correctly associated with first rendered dropdown
a = GetDate({'mydate_month':'1', 'mydate_day':'1', 'mydate_year':'2010'})
a = GetDate({'mydate_month': '1', 'mydate_day': '1', 'mydate_year': '2010'})
self.assertTrue('<label for="id_mydate_day">' in a.as_p())
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ class FieldsTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. John is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, 'John')
def test_choicefield_4(self):
f = ChoiceField(choices=[('Numbers', (('1', 'One'), ('2', 'Two'))), ('Letters', (('3','A'),('4','B'))), ('5','Other')])
f = ChoiceField(choices=[('Numbers', (('1', 'One'), ('2', 'Two'))), ('Letters', (('3', 'A'), ('4', 'B'))), ('5', 'Other')])
self.assertEqual('1', f.clean(1))
self.assertEqual('1', f.clean('1'))
self.assertEqual('3', f.clean(3))
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ class FieldsTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 3 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['3'])
def test_multiplechoicefield_3(self):
f = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('Numbers', (('1', 'One'), ('2', 'Two'))), ('Letters', (('3','A'),('4','B'))), ('5','Other')])
f = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('Numbers', (('1', 'One'), ('2', 'Two'))), ('Letters', (('3', 'A'), ('4', 'B'))), ('5', 'Other')])
self.assertEqual(['1'], f.clean([1]))
self.assertEqual(['1'], f.clean(['1']))
self.assertEqual(['1', '5'], f.clean([1, 5]))
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ class FieldsTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertEqual(['1', '5'], f.clean(['1', 5]))
self.assertEqual(['1', '5'], f.clean(['1', '5']))
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 6 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['6'])
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 6 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['1','6'])
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 6 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['1', '6'])
def test_multiplechoicefield_changed(self):
f = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('1', 'One'), ('2', 'Two'), ('3', 'Three')])
@ -1084,8 +1084,8 @@ class FieldsTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_typedmultiplechoicefield_4(self):
f = TypedMultipleChoiceField(choices=[(1, "+1"), (-1, "-1")], coerce=int)
self.assertEqual([1, -1], f.clean(['1','-1']))
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 2 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['1','2'])
self.assertEqual([1, -1], f.clean(['1', '-1']))
self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'Select a valid choice. 2 is not one of the available choices.'", f.clean, ['1', '2'])
def test_typedmultiplechoicefield_5(self):
# Even more weirdness: if you have a valid choice but your coercion function
@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ class FormsTestCase(TestCase):
class UserRegistration(Form):
username = CharField(max_length=10)
password = CharField(widget=PasswordInput)
options = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('f','foo'),('b','bar'),('w','whiz')])
options = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('f', 'foo'), ('b', 'bar'), ('w', 'whiz')])
# We need to define functions that get called later.)
def initial_django():
@ -1134,10 +1134,10 @@ class FormsTestCase(TestCase):
return 'stephane'
def initial_options():
return ['f','b']
return ['f', 'b']
def initial_other_options():
return ['b','w']
return ['b', 'w']
# Here, we're not submitting any data, so the initial value will be displayed.)
p = UserRegistration(initial={'username': initial_django, 'options': initial_options}, auto_id=False)
@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ class FormsTestCase(TestCase):
<option value="b">bar</option>
<option value="w">whiz</option>
p = UserRegistration({'username': 'foo', 'options':['f','b']}, initial={'username': initial_django}, auto_id=False)
p = UserRegistration({'username': 'foo', 'options': ['f', 'b']}, initial={'username': initial_django}, auto_id=False)
self.assertHTMLEqual(p.as_ul(), """<li>Username: <input type="text" name="username" value="foo" maxlength="10" /></li>
<li><ul class="errorlist"><li>This field is required.</li></ul>Password: <input type="password" name="password" /></li>
<li>Options: <select multiple="multiple" name="options">
@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ class FormsTestCase(TestCase):
class UserRegistration(Form):
username = CharField(max_length=10, initial=initial_django)
password = CharField(widget=PasswordInput)
options = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('f','foo'),('b','bar'),('w','whiz')], initial=initial_other_options)
options = MultipleChoiceField(choices=[('f', 'foo'), ('b', 'bar'), ('w', 'whiz')], initial=initial_other_options)
p = UserRegistration(auto_id=False)
self.assertHTMLEqual(p.as_ul(), """<li>Username: <input type="text" name="username" value="django" maxlength="10" /></li>
@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ class FormsTestCase(TestCase):
class ChoicesField(MultiValueField):
def __init__(self, fields=(), *args, **kwargs):
fields = (ChoiceField(label='Rank',
choices=((1, 1), (2, 2))),
CharField(label='Name', max_length=10))
super(ChoicesField, self).__init__(fields=fields, *args, **kwargs)
@ -1106,19 +1106,19 @@ ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice)
class FormsetAsFooTests(TestCase):
def test_as_table(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_table(),"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_table(), """<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<tr><th>Choice:</th><td><input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></td></tr>
<tr><th>Votes:</th><td><input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></td></tr>""")
def test_as_p(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_p(),"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_p(), """<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<p>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></p>
<p>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></p>""")
def test_as_ul(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_ul(),"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
self.assertHTMLEqual(formset.as_ul(), """<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>""")
@ -1188,8 +1188,8 @@ class TestEmptyFormSet(TestCase):
def test_empty_formset_is_valid(self):
"""Test that an empty formset still calls clean()"""
EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=0, formset=EmptyFsetWontValidate)
formset = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS':'0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS':'0'},prefix="form")
formset2 = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS':'0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS':'1', 'form-0-name':'bah'},prefix="form")
formset = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '0'}, prefix="form")
formset2 = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1', 'form-0-name': 'bah'}, prefix="form")
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# ISO formats are accepted, even if not specified in formats.py
result = f.clean('13:30:05.000155')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5,155))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5, 155))
def test_localized_timeField(self):
"Localized TimeFields act as unlocalized widgets"
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class LocalizedTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('01:30 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# # Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class CustomTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class SimpleTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a time in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM')
self.assertEqual(result, time(13,30,0))
self.assertEqual(result, time(13, 30, 0))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertRaises(forms.ValidationError, f.clean, '21/12/2010')
# ISO formats are accepted, even if not specified in formats.py
self.assertEqual(f.clean('2010-12-21'), date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(f.clean('2010-12-21'), date(2010, 12, 21))
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.10')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.10')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# # Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# # Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ class CustomDateInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('2010-12-21')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12/21/2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('2010-12-21')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12/21/2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ class SimpleDateFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010,12,21))
self.assertEqual(result, date(2010, 12, 21))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -595,11 +595,11 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
self.assertRaises(forms.ValidationError, f.clean, '1:30:05 PM 21/12/2010')
# ISO formats are accepted, even if not specified in formats.py
self.assertEqual(f.clean('2010-12-21 13:30:05'), datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(f.clean('2010-12-21 13:30:05'), datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010 13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('21.12.2010 13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05 12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30 12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30.05 12.21.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# # Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ class LocalizedDateTimeTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('13.30 12-21-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM 21/12/2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM 21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM 21/12/2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM 21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010 13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12.21.2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# # Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ class CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12-21-2010 13:30')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('2010-12-21 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid, but non-default format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12/21/2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('2010-12-21 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('12/21/2010 13:30:05')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM 21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM 21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30:05 PM 21.12.2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30,5))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30, 5))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to the same format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ class SimpleDateTimeFormatTests(SimpleTestCase):
# Parse a date in a valid format, get a parsed result
result = f.clean('1:30 PM 21-12-2010')
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010,12,21,13,30))
self.assertEqual(result, datetime(2010, 12, 21, 13, 30))
# Check that the parsed result does a round trip to default format
text = f.widget._format_value(result)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
def test_construction(self):
# Check construction of media objects
m = Media(css={'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')}, js=('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3'))
m = Media(css={'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')}, js=('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3'))
self.assertEqual(str(m), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script>
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class Foo:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
m3 = Media(Foo)
self.assertEqual(str(m3), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
w1 = MyWidget1()
self.assertEqual(str(w1.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -77,23 +77,23 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w1 = MyWidget1()
w2 = MyWidget2()
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget6(MyWidget1):
def _media(self):
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget7(MyWidget1):
@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget8(MyWidget1):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w8 = MyWidget8()
self.assertEqual(str(w8.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget4(TextInput):
def _media(self):
@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class Media:
extend = False
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w10 = MyWidget10()
self.assertEqual(str(w10.media), """<link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -264,17 +264,17 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget11(MyWidget1):
class Media:
extend = True
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w11 = MyWidget11()
self.assertEqual(str(w11.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -290,17 +290,17 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget12(MyWidget1):
class Media:
extend = ('css',)
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w12 = MyWidget12()
self.assertEqual(str(w12.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/media/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MultimediaWidget(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'screen, print': ('/file1','/file2'),
'screen, print': ('/file1', '/file2'),
'screen': ('/file3',),
'print': ('/file4',)
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
multimedia = MultimediaWidget()
self.assertEqual(str(multimedia.media), """<link href="/file4" type="text/css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -340,23 +340,23 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
# MultiWidgets have a default media definition that gets all the
# media from the component widgets
@ -382,23 +382,23 @@ class FormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
# You can ask a form for the media required by its widgets.
class MyForm(Form):
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
def test_construction(self):
# Check construction of media objects
m = Media(css={'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')}, js=('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3'))
m = Media(css={'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')}, js=('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3'))
self.assertEqual(str(m), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script>
@ -475,9 +475,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class Foo:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
m3 = Media(Foo)
self.assertEqual(str(m3), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -504,9 +504,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
w1 = MyWidget1()
self.assertEqual(str(w1.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -529,23 +529,23 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w1 = MyWidget1()
w2 = MyWidget2()
@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget6(MyWidget1):
def _media(self):
@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget7(MyWidget1):
@ -655,9 +655,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget8(MyWidget1):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w8 = MyWidget8()
self.assertEqual(str(w8.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -674,9 +674,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget4(TextInput):
def _media(self):
@ -701,9 +701,9 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class Media:
extend = False
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w10 = MyWidget10()
self.assertEqual(str(w10.media), """<link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -716,17 +716,17 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget11(MyWidget1):
class Media:
extend = True
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w11 = MyWidget11()
self.assertEqual(str(w11.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -742,17 +742,17 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget12(MyWidget1):
class Media:
extend = ('css',)
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
w12 = MyWidget12()
self.assertEqual(str(w12.media), """<link href="http://media.example.com/static/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -770,11 +770,11 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MultimediaWidget(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'screen, print': ('/file1','/file2'),
'screen, print': ('/file1', '/file2'),
'screen': ('/file3',),
'print': ('/file4',)
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
multimedia = MultimediaWidget()
self.assertEqual(str(multimedia.media), """<link href="/file4" type="text/css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" />
@ -792,23 +792,23 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
# MultiWidgets have a default media definition that gets all the
# media from the component widgets
@ -834,23 +834,23 @@ class StaticFormsMediaTestCase(TestCase):
class MyWidget1(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('path/to/css1','/path/to/css2')
'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')
js = ('/path/to/js1','http://media.other.com/path/to/js2','https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
js = ('/path/to/js1', 'http://media.other.com/path/to/js2', 'https://secure.other.com/path/to/js3')
class MyWidget2(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css2','/path/to/css3')
'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
class MyWidget3(TextInput):
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('/path/to/css3','path/to/css1')
'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1')
js = ('/path/to/js1','/path/to/js4')
js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4')
# You can ask a form for the media required by its widgets.
class MyForm(Form):
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from django.forms import (
Textarea, TextInput, TimeInput,
from django.forms.widgets import RadioFieldRenderer
from django.utils import formats
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.translation import activate, deactivate, override
@ -691,7 +690,7 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
self.assertHTMLEqual(six.text_type(w.render('email', 'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', choices=[('ŠĐĆŽćžšđ', 'ŠĐabcĆŽćžšđ'), ('ćžšđ', 'abcćžšđ')])), '<ul>\n<li><label><input checked="checked" type="radio" name="email" value="\u0160\u0110\u0106\u017d\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111" /> \u0160\u0110abc\u0106\u017d\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111</label></li>\n<li><label><input type="radio" name="email" value="\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111" /> abc\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111</label></li>\n</ul>')
# Attributes provided at instantiation are passed to the constituent inputs
w = RadioSelect(attrs={'id':'foo'})
w = RadioSelect(attrs={'id': 'foo'})
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo'))), """<ul id="foo">
<li><label for="foo_0"><input checked="checked" type="radio" id="foo_0" value="J" name="beatle" /> John</label></li>
<li><label for="foo_1"><input type="radio" id="foo_1" value="P" name="beatle" /> Paul</label></li>
@ -701,7 +700,7 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
# Attributes provided at render-time are passed to the constituent inputs
w = RadioSelect()
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo')), attrs={'id':'bar'}), """<ul id="bar">
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('beatle', 'J', choices=(('J', 'John'), ('P', 'Paul'), ('G', 'George'), ('R', 'Ringo')), attrs={'id': 'bar'}), """<ul id="bar">
<li><label for="bar_0"><input checked="checked" type="radio" id="bar_0" value="J" name="beatle" /> John</label></li>
<li><label for="bar_1"><input type="radio" id="bar_1" value="P" name="beatle" /> Paul</label></li>
<li><label for="bar_2"><input type="radio" id="bar_2" value="G" name="beatle" /> George</label></li>
@ -716,7 +715,7 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
('Audio', (('vinyl', 'Vinyl'), ('cd', 'CD'))),
('Video', (('vhs', 'VHS'), ('dvd', 'DVD'))),
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('nestchoice', 'dvd', attrs={'id':'media'}), """<ul id="media">
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('nestchoice', 'dvd', attrs={'id': 'media'}), """<ul id="media">
<li><label for="media_0"><input id="media_0" name="nestchoice" type="radio" value="unknown" /> Unknown</label></li>
<li>Audio<ul id="media_1">
<li><label for="media_1_0"><input id="media_1_0" name="nestchoice" type="radio" value="vinyl" /> Vinyl</label></li>
@ -735,7 +734,7 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
('Audio', (('vinyl', 'Vinyl'), ('cd', 'CD'))),
('Video', (('vhs', 'VHS'), ('dvd', 'DVD'))),
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('nestchoice', ('vinyl', 'dvd'), attrs={'id':'media'}), """<ul id="media">
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('nestchoice', ('vinyl', 'dvd'), attrs={'id': 'media'}), """<ul id="media">
<li><label for="media_0"><input id="media_0" name="nestchoice" type="checkbox" value="unknown" /> Unknown</label></li>
<li>Audio<ul id="media_1">
<li><label for="media_1_0"><input checked="checked" id="media_1_0" name="nestchoice" type="checkbox" value="vinyl" /> Vinyl</label></li>
@ -912,7 +911,7 @@ beatle J R Ringo False""")
w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(attrs={'class': 'big'}), TextInput(attrs={'class': 'small'})))
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', ['john', 'lennon']), '<input type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', 'john__lennon'), '<input type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', 'john__lennon', attrs={'id':'foo'}), '<input id="foo_0" type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input id="foo_1" type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', 'john__lennon', attrs={'id': 'foo'}), '<input id="foo_0" type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input id="foo_1" type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
w = MyMultiWidget(widgets=(TextInput(attrs={'class': 'big'}), TextInput(attrs={'class': 'small'})), attrs={'id': 'bar'})
self.assertHTMLEqual(w.render('name', ['john', 'lennon']), '<input id="bar_0" type="text" class="big" value="john" name="name_0" /><br /><input id="bar_1" type="text" class="small" value="lennon" name="name_1" />')
@ -1081,12 +1080,12 @@ class SelectAndTextWidget(MultiWidget):
class WidgetTests(TestCase):
def test_12048(self):
# See ticket #12048.
w1 = SelectAndTextWidget(choices=[1,2,3])
w1 = SelectAndTextWidget(choices=[1, 2, 3])
w2 = copy.deepcopy(w1)
w2.choices = [4,5,6]
w2.choices = [4, 5, 6]
# w2 ought to be independent of w1, since MultiWidget ought
# to make a copy of its sub-widgets when it is copied.
self.assertEqual(w1.choices, [1,2,3])
self.assertEqual(w1.choices, [1, 2, 3])
def test_13390(self):
# See ticket #13390
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class ModelFormCallableModelDefault(TestCase):
'choice': obj2,
'choice_int': obj2,
'multi_choice': [obj2,obj3],
'multi_choice': [obj2, obj3],
'multi_choice_int': ChoiceOptionModel.objects.exclude(name="default"),
}).as_p(), """<p><label for="id_choice">Choice:</label> <select name="choice" id="id_choice">
<option value="1">ChoiceOption 1</option>
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class MonthArchiveViewTests(TestCase):
"Content can exist on any day of the previous month. Refs #14711"
self.pubdate_list = [
datetime.date(2010, month, day)
for month,day in ((9,1), (10,2), (11,3))
for month, day in ((9, 1), (10, 2), (11, 3))
for pubdate in self.pubdate_list:
name = str(pubdate)
@ -299,15 +299,15 @@ class MonthArchiveViewTests(TestCase):
res = self.client.get('/dates/books/2010/nov/allow_empty/')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010,10,1))
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010, 10, 1))
# The following test demonstrates the bug
res = self.client.get('/dates/books/2010/nov/')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010,10,1))
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010, 10, 1))
# The bug does not occur here because a Book with pubdate of Sep 1 exists
res = self.client.get('/dates/books/2010/oct/')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010,9,1))
self.assertEqual(res.context['previous_month'], datetime.date(2010, 9, 1))
def test_datetime_month_view(self):
BookSigning.objects.create(event_date=datetime.datetime(2008, 2, 1, 12, 0))
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class SpecializedAuthorCreate(generic.CreateView):
context_object_name = 'thingy'
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse('author_detail', args=[self.object.id,])
return reverse('author_detail', args=[self.object.id])
class AuthorCreateRestricted(AuthorCreate):
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class SpecializedAuthorUpdate(generic.UpdateView):
context_object_name = 'thingy'
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse('author_detail', args=[self.object.id,])
return reverse('author_detail', args=[self.object.id])
class NaiveAuthorDelete(generic.DeleteView):
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class AuthorGetQuerySetFormView(generic.edit.ModelFormMixin):
class BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset(BookDetail):
def get_object(self, queryset=None):
return super(BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset,self).get_object(
return super(BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset, self).get_object(
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ExtractorTests(SimpleTestCase):
q = "'"
needle = 'msgid %s' % msgid
msgid = re.escape(msgid)
return self.assertTrue(re.search('^msgid %s' % msgid, s, re.MULTILINE), 'Could not find %(q)s%(n)s%(q)s in generated PO file' % {'n':needle, 'q':q})
return self.assertTrue(re.search('^msgid %s' % msgid, s, re.MULTILINE), 'Could not find %(q)s%(n)s%(q)s in generated PO file' % {'n': needle, 'q': q})
def assertNotMsgId(self, msgid, s, use_quotes=True):
if use_quotes:
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ class MultipleLocaleExtractionTests(ExtractorTests):
def test_multiple_locales(self):
management.call_command('makemessages', locale=['pt','de'], verbosity=0)
management.call_command('makemessages', locale=['pt', 'de'], verbosity=0)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class TestModel(models.Model):
class Company(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
date_added = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime(1799,1,31,23,59,59,0))
date_added = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime(1799, 1, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0))
cents_paid = models.DecimalField(max_digits=4, decimal_places=2)
products_delivered = models.IntegerField()
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class URLTagTests(URLTestCaseBase):
['/vertaald/', '/traduzidos/'])
def test_context(self):
ctx = Context({'lang1':'nl', 'lang2':'pt-br'})
ctx = Context({'lang1': 'nl', 'lang2': 'pt-br'})
tpl = Template("""{% load i18n %}
{% language lang1 %}{% url 'no-prefix-translated' %}{% endlanguage %}
{% language lang2 %}{% url 'no-prefix-translated' %}{% endlanguage %}""")
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class InspectDBTestCase(TestCase):
# Lets limit the introspection to tables created for models of this
# application
table_name_filter=lambda tn:tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
error_message = "inspectdb has examined a table that should have been filtered out."
# contrib.contenttypes is one of the apps always installed when running
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class InspectDBTestCase(TestCase):
# Lets limit the introspection to tables created for models of this
# application
table_name_filter=lambda tn:tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
output = out.getvalue()
error_message = "inspectdb generated an attribute name which is a python keyword"
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class InspectDBTestCase(TestCase):
# Lets limit the introspection to tables created for models of this
# application
table_name_filter=lambda tn:tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn.startswith('inspectdb_'),
output = out.getvalue()
error_message = "inspectdb generated a model field name which is a number"
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class InspectDBTestCase(TestCase):
"""Test that by default the command generates models with `Meta.managed = False` (#14305)"""
out = StringIO()
table_name_filter=lambda tn:tn.startswith('inspectdb_columntypes'),
table_name_filter=lambda tn: tn.startswith('inspectdb_columntypes'),
output = out.getvalue()
self.longMessage = False
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class LookupTests(TestCase):
def test_values(self):
# values() returns a list of dictionaries instead of object instances --
# and you can specify which fields you want to retrieve.
identity = lambda x:x
identity = lambda x: x
{'headline': 'Article 5'},
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class LookupTests(TestCase):
# returned as a list of tuples, rather than a list of dictionaries.
# Within each tuple, the order of the elements is the same as the order
# of fields in the values_list() call.
identity = lambda x:x
identity = lambda x: x
('Article 5',),
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class RecursiveM2MTests(TestCase):
a.friends.add(b, c)
# David is friends with Anne and Chuck - add in reverse direction
d.friends.add(a, c)
# Who is friends with Anne?
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class ManyToManySignalsTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.m2m_changed_messages, expected_messages)
# direct assignment clears the set first, then adds
self.vw.default_parts = [self.wheelset,self.doors,self.engine]
self.vw.default_parts = [self.wheelset, self.doors, self.engine]
'instance': self.vw,
'action': 'pre_clear',
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ class ManyToManySignalsTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.m2m_changed_messages, expected_messages)
self.chuck.idols = [self.alice,self.bob]
self.chuck.idols = [self.alice, self.bob]
'instance': self.chuck,
'action': 'pre_clear',
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Verifying that those instances were re-saved successfully.
self.rock.members.all(), [
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Verifying that those instances were re-saved successfully.
self.jim.group_set.all(), [
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# If we get the number of people in Rock, it should be both Bob and Jim.
self.rock.custom_members.all(), [
@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Bob should only be in one custom group.
self.bob.custom.all(), [
# Let's make sure our new descriptors don't conflict with the FK related_name.
self.bob.custom_person_related_name.all(), [
'<CustomMembership: Bob is a member of Rock>'
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Tony should now show that Chris is his friend.
tony.friends.all(), [
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Having added Chris as a friend, let's make sure that his friend set reflects
# that addition.
chris.friends.all(), [
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Since this isn't a symmetrical relation, Tony's friend link still exists.
tony.friends.all(), [
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# We can query for the related model by using its attribute name (members, in
# this case).
Group.objects.filter(members__name='Bob'), [
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# To query through the intermediary model, we specify its model name.
# In this case, membership.
Group.objects.filter(membership__invite_reason="She was just awesome."),[
Group.objects.filter(membership__invite_reason="She was just awesome."), [
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# If we want to query in the reverse direction by the related model, use its
# model name (group, in this case).
Person.objects.filter(group__name="Rock"), [
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
CustomMembership.objects.create(person=self.jim, group=self.rock)
# If the m2m field has specified a related_name, using that will work.
Person.objects.filter(custom__name="Rock"), [
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# To query through the intermediary model in the reverse direction, we again
# specify its model name (membership, in this case).
Person.objects.filter(membership__invite_reason="She was just awesome."),[
Person.objects.filter(membership__invite_reason="She was just awesome."), [
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Let's see all of the groups that Jane joined after 1 Jan 2005:
Group.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2005, 1, 1), membership__person=self.jane),[
Group.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2005, 1, 1), membership__person=self.jane), [
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# Queries also work in the reverse direction: Now let's see all of the people
# that have joined Rock since 1 Jan 2005:
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2005, 1, 1), membership__group=self.rock),[
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2005, 1, 1), membership__group=self.rock), [
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# querysets. To demonstrate this, we query for all people who have joined a
# group after 2004:
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2004, 1, 1)),[
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2004, 1, 1)), [
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class M2mThroughTests(TestCase):
# QuerySet's distinct() method can correct this problem.
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2004, 1, 1)).distinct(),[
Person.objects.filter(membership__date_joined__gt=datetime(2004, 1, 1)).distinct(), [
@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ class ToFieldThroughTests(TestCase):
def test_to_field_clear_reverse(self):
self.driver.car_set.all(), [])
def test_to_field_clear(self):
self.car.drivers.all(), [])
# Low level tests for _add_items and _remove_items. We test these methods
# because .add/.remove aren't available for m2m fields with through, but
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class ToFieldThroughTests(TestCase):
self.car.drivers._remove_items('car', 'driver', self.driver)
self.car.drivers.all(), [])
def test_remove_reverse(self):
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class ToFieldThroughTests(TestCase):
self.driver.car_set._remove_items('driver', 'car', self.car)
self.driver.car_set.all(), [])
class ThroughLoadDataTestCase(TestCase):
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").count(), 4)
self.assertEqual(Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").distinct().count(), 3)
Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[self.p1.id, self.p2.id]).distinct(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[self.p1.id, self.p2]).distinct(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[self.p1, self.p2]).distinct(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
Publication.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a1.id, self.a2.id]).distinct(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
Publication.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a1.id, self.a2]).distinct(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
Publication.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a1, self.a2]).distinct(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ class ManyToOneTests(TestCase):
"<Article: This is a test>",
Article.objects.filter(reporter__in=[self.r.id, self.r2.id]).distinct(),
"<Article: John's second story>",
"<Article: Paul's story>",
"<Article: This is a test>",
Article.objects.filter(reporter__in=[self.r, self.r2]).distinct(),
"<Article: John's second story>",
"<Article: Paul's story>",
@ -258,13 +258,13 @@ class ManyToOneTests(TestCase):
["<Reporter: John Smith>"])
Reporter.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a.id, a3.id]).distinct(),
["<Reporter: John Smith>"])
Reporter.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a.id, a3]).distinct(),
["<Reporter: John Smith>"])
Reporter.objects.filter(article__in=[self.a, a3]).distinct(),
["<Reporter: John Smith>"])
@ -439,6 +439,6 @@ class ManyToOneTests(TestCase):
expected_message % ', '.join(['EXTRA',] + Article._meta.get_all_field_names()),
expected_message % ', '.join(['EXTRA'] + Article._meta.get_all_field_names()),
Article.objects.extra(select={'EXTRA': 'EXTRA_SELECT'}).values_list,
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ from .models import PersonWithDefaultMaxLengths, PersonWithCustomMaxLengths
class MaxLengthArgumentsTests(unittest.TestCase):
def verify_max_length(self, model,field,length):
def verify_max_length(self, model, field, length):
self.assertEqual(model._meta.get_field(field).max_length, length)
def test_default_max_lengths(self):
self.verify_max_length(PersonWithDefaultMaxLengths, 'email', 75)
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class PartialArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
fields = ('headline','pub_date')
fields = ('headline', 'pub_date')
class RoykoForm(forms.ModelForm):
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ class ManyToManyCallableInitialTests(TestCase):
return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
# Set up some Publications to use as data
book1 = Publication.objects.create(title="First Book", date_published=date(2007,1,1))
book2 = Publication.objects.create(title="Second Book", date_published=date(2008,1,1))
book3 = Publication.objects.create(title="Third Book", date_published=date(2009,1,1))
book1 = Publication.objects.create(title="First Book", date_published=date(2007, 1, 1))
book2 = Publication.objects.create(title="Second Book", date_published=date(2008, 1, 1))
book3 = Publication.objects.create(title="Third Book", date_published=date(2009, 1, 1))
# Create a ModelForm, instantiate it, and check that the output is as expected
ModelForm = modelform_factory(Article, fields="__all__",
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class OneToOneFieldTests(TestCase):
publication = Publication.objects.create(title="Pravda",
date_published=date(1991, 8, 22))
author = Author.objects.create(publication=publication, full_name='John Doe')
form = AuthorForm({'publication':'', 'full_name':'John Doe'}, instance=author)
form = AuthorForm({'publication': '', 'full_name': 'John Doe'}, instance=author)
self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data['publication'], None)
author = form.save()
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class OneToOneFieldTests(TestCase):
publication = Publication.objects.create(title="Pravda",
date_published=date(1991, 8, 22))
author = Author1.objects.create(publication=publication, full_name='John Doe')
form = AuthorForm({'publication':'', 'full_name':'John Doe'}, instance=author)
form = AuthorForm({'publication': '', 'full_name': 'John Doe'}, instance=author)
self.assertTrue(not form.is_valid())
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class FormFieldCallbackTests(TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(Form.base_fields['name'].widget.__class__, forms.Textarea)
# With a widget should not set the widget to textarea
Form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__", widgets={'name':widget})
Form = modelform_factory(Person, fields="__all__", widgets={'name': widget})
self.assertEqual(Form.base_fields['name'].widget.__class__, forms.Textarea)
def test_custom_callback(self):
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests(TestCase):
data['form-INITIAL_FORMS'] = 4
('form-%d-id' % i, user.pk)
for i,user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
for i, user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
formset = self.NormalFormset(data, queryset=User.objects.all())
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests(TestCase):
data['form-INITIAL_FORMS'] = 4
('form-%d-id' % i, user.pk)
for i,user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
for i, user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
formset = self.NormalFormset(data, queryset=User.objects.all())
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests(TestCase):
data['form-INITIAL_FORMS'] = 4
('form-%d-id' % i, user.pk)
for i,user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
for i, user in enumerate(User.objects.all())
formset = self.DeleteFormset(data, queryset=User.objects.all())
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Supplier(models.Model):
restaurant = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant)
class Wholesaler(Supplier):
retailer = models.ForeignKey(Supplier,related_name='wholesale_supplier')
retailer = models.ForeignKey(Supplier, related_name='wholesale_supplier')
class Parent(models.Model):
created = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ class ModelInheritanceTest(TestCase):
places = list(Place.objects.all())
self.assertEqual(places, [place1, place2])
dicts = list(Restaurant.objects.values('name','serves_hot_dogs'))
dicts = list(Restaurant.objects.values('name', 'serves_hot_dogs'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'name': "Guido's House of Pasta",
'serves_hot_dogs': True
dicts = list(ItalianRestaurant.objects.values(
'name', 'serves_hot_dogs', 'serves_gnocchi'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'name': "Guido's House of Pasta",
'serves_gnocchi': True,
'serves_hot_dogs': True,
dicts = list(ParkingLot.objects.values('name','capacity'))
dicts = list(ParkingLot.objects.values('name', 'capacity'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'capacity': 100,
'name': 'Main St',
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ModelInheritanceTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(places[0].name, 'Derelict lot')
self.assertEqual(places[1].name, "Guido's All New House of Pasta")
dicts = list(Restaurant.objects.values('name','serves_hot_dogs'))
dicts = list(Restaurant.objects.values('name', 'serves_hot_dogs'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'name': "Guido's All New House of Pasta",
'serves_hot_dogs': False,
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class ModelInheritanceTest(TestCase):
'serves_hot_dogs': False,
dicts = list(ParkingLot.objects.values('name','capacity'))
dicts = list(ParkingLot.objects.values('name', 'capacity'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'capacity': 50,
'name': 'Derelict lot',
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class ModelInheritanceTest(TestCase):
# Note that the name has not changed
# - name is an attribute of Place, not ItalianRestaurant
dicts = list(ItalianRestaurant.objects.values(
'name', 'serves_hot_dogs', 'serves_gnocchi'))
self.assertEqual(dicts, [{
'name': "Guido's All New House of Pasta",
'serves_gnocchi': False,
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ class ValidationTests(unittest.TestCase):
class ValidationTestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
fieldsets = (("General", {"fields": ("name",)}),)
fields = ["name",]
fields = ["name"]
@ -522,37 +522,37 @@ class QueryTestCase(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(chris._state.db, 'other')
self.assertEqual(html5._state.db, 'other')
# ... but it isn't saved yet
self.assertEqual(list(Person.objects.using('other').values_list('name', flat=True)),
['Mark Pilgrim'])
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Dive into Python'])
# When saved (no using required), new objects goes to 'other'
self.assertEqual(list(Person.objects.using('default').values_list('name', flat=True)),
['Marty Alchin'])
self.assertEqual(list(Person.objects.using('other').values_list('name', flat=True)),
['Chris Mills', 'Mark Pilgrim'])
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Pro Django'])
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Dive into HTML5', 'Dive into Python'])
# This also works if you assign the FK in the constructor
water = Book(title="Dive into Water", published=datetime.date(2001, 1, 1), editor=mark)
self.assertEqual(water._state.db, 'other')
# ... but it isn't saved yet
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Pro Django'])
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Dive into HTML5', 'Dive into Python'])
# When saved, the new book goes to 'other'
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Pro Django'])
self.assertEqual(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title', flat=True)),
['Dive into HTML5', 'Dive into Python', 'Dive into Water'])
def test_foreign_key_deletion(self):
@ -657,40 +657,40 @@ class QueryTestCase(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(charlie._state.db, 'other')
# ... but it isn't saved yet
self.assertEqual(list(User.objects.using('other').values_list('username', flat=True)),
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
['crunchy frog'])
# When saved (no using required), new objects goes to 'other'
self.assertEqual(list(User.objects.using('default').values_list('username', flat=True)),
self.assertEqual(list(User.objects.using('other').values_list('username', flat=True)),
['bob', 'charlie'])
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
['crunchy frog', 'spring surprise'])
# This also works if you assign the O2O relation in the constructor
denise = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('denise','denise@example.com')
denise = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('denise', 'denise@example.com')
denise_profile = UserProfile(flavor="tofu", user=denise)
self.assertEqual(denise_profile._state.db, 'other')
# ... but it isn't saved yet
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
['crunchy frog', 'spring surprise'])
# When saved, the new profile goes to 'other'
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
self.assertEqual(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor', flat=True)),
['crunchy frog', 'spring surprise', 'tofu'])
def test_generic_key_separation(self):
@ -805,14 +805,14 @@ class QueryTestCase(TestCase):
# ... but it isn't saved yet
self.assertEqual(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter(object_id=pro.pk).values_list('source', flat=True)),
['Python Monthly'])
self.assertEqual(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter(object_id=dive.pk).values_list('source', flat=True)),
['Python Weekly'])
# When saved, John goes to 'other'
self.assertEqual(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter(object_id=pro.pk).values_list('source', flat=True)),
['Python Monthly'])
self.assertEqual(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter(object_id=dive.pk).values_list('source', flat=True)),
['Python Daily', 'Python Weekly'])
def test_generic_key_deletion(self):
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ class RouterTestCase(TestCase):
book, created = Book.objects.get_or_create(title="Dive Into Python",
defaults={'published':datetime.date(2009, 5, 4)})
defaults={'published': datetime.date(2009, 5, 4)})
# Check the head count of objects
@ -443,9 +443,9 @@ class ForeignKeyToFieldTest(TestCase):
([six.text_type(self.author2)], [six.text_type(self.author3)]),
([six.text_type(self.author3)], [six.text_type(self.author1)]),
([six.text_type(self.author1)], [six.text_type(self.author2)])
@ -1915,16 +1915,16 @@ class SubqueryTests(TestCase):
"Subselects honor any manual ordering"
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[0:2])
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3,4]))
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3, 4]))
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[:2])
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3,4]))
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3, 4]))
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[1:2])
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3]))
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[2:])
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1,2]))
self.assertEqual(set(query.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1, 2]))
except DatabaseError as e:
# Oracle and MySQL both have problems with sliced subselects.
# This prevents us from even evaluating this test case at all.
@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ class SubqueryTests(TestCase):
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[0:2])[0:2]
self.assertEqual(set([x.id for x in query]), set([3,4]))
self.assertEqual(set([x.id for x in query]), set([3, 4]))
query = DumbCategory.objects.filter(id__in=DumbCategory.objects.order_by('-id')[1:3])[1:3]
self.assertEqual(set([x.id for x in query]), set([3]))
@ -1954,10 +1954,10 @@ class SubqueryTests(TestCase):
"Delete queries can safely contain sliced subqueries"
self.assertEqual(set(DumbCategory.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1,2,3]))
self.assertEqual(set(DumbCategory.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1, 2, 3]))
self.assertEqual(set(DumbCategory.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1,3]))
self.assertEqual(set(DumbCategory.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([1, 3]))
self.assertEqual(set(DumbCategory.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)), set([3]))
@ -2139,7 +2139,7 @@ class EscapingTests(TestCase):
['<ReservedName: b>', '<ReservedName: a>']
ReservedName.objects.extra(select={'stuff':'name'}, order_by=('order','stuff')),
ReservedName.objects.extra(select={'stuff': 'name'}, order_by=('order', 'stuff')),
['<ReservedName: b>', '<ReservedName: a>']
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Event(models.Model):
class Happening(models.Model):
when = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, default=datetime.datetime.now)
name = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, default=lambda:"test")
name = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, default=lambda: "test")
number1 = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=standalone_number)
number2 = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=Numbers.get_static_number)
number3 = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=Numbers.get_class_number)
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ class RawQueryTests(TestCase):
for field in model._meta.fields:
# Check that all values on the model are equal
self.assertEqual(getattr(item, field.attname),
getattr(orig_item, field.attname))
# This includes checking that they are the same type
self.assertEqual(type(getattr(item, field.attname)),
type(getattr(orig_item, field.attname)))
def assertNoAnnotations(self, results):
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ class SelectRelatedRegressTests(TestCase):
dev1 = Device.objects.create(name="router", building=b)
dev2 = Device.objects.create(name="switch", building=b)
dev3 = Device.objects.create(name="server", building=b)
port1 = Port.objects.create(port_number='4',device=dev1)
port2 = Port.objects.create(port_number='7',device=dev2)
port3 = Port.objects.create(port_number='1',device=dev3)
port1 = Port.objects.create(port_number='4', device=dev1)
port2 = Port.objects.create(port_number='7', device=dev2)
port3 = Port.objects.create(port_number='1', device=dev3)
c1 = Connection.objects.create(start=port1, end=port2)
c2 = Connection.objects.create(start=port2, end=port3)
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class SerializersTestBase(object):
serialized field list - it replaces the pk identifier.
profile = AuthorProfile(author=self.joe,
date_of_birth=datetime(1970, 1, 1))
serial_str = serializers.serialize(self.serializer_name,
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class SerializersTestBase(object):
def test_serialize_field_subset(self):
"""Tests that output can be restricted to a subset of fields"""
valid_fields = ('headline','pub_date')
valid_fields = ('headline', 'pub_date')
invalid_fields = ("author", "categories")
serial_str = serializers.serialize(self.serializer_name,
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def pk_create(pk, klass, data):
return [instance]
def inherited_create(pk, klass, data):
instance = klass(id=pk,**data)
instance = klass(id=pk, **data)
# This isn't a raw save because:
# 1) we're testing inheritance, not field behavior, so none
# of the field values need to be protected.
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def inherited_create(pk, klass, data):
# automatically is easier than manually creating both.
created = [instance]
for klass,field in instance._meta.parents.items():
for klass, field in instance._meta.parents.items():
return created
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ def pk_compare(testcase, pk, klass, data):
def inherited_compare(testcase, pk, klass, data):
instance = klass.objects.get(id=pk)
for key,value in data.items():
testcase.assertEqual(value, getattr(instance,key))
for key, value in data.items():
testcase.assertEqual(value, getattr(instance, key))
# Define some data types. Each data type is
# actually a pair of functions; one to create
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ test_data = [
# (We use something that will fit into a latin1 database encoding here,
# because that is still the default used on many system setups.)
(data_obj, 16, CharData, '\xa5'),
(data_obj, 20, DateData, datetime.date(2006,6,16)),
(data_obj, 20, DateData, datetime.date(2006, 6, 16)),
(data_obj, 21, DateData, None),
(data_obj, 30, DateTimeData, datetime.datetime(2006,6,16,10,42,37)),
(data_obj, 30, DateTimeData, datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 16, 10, 42, 37)),
(data_obj, 31, DateTimeData, None),
(data_obj, 40, EmailData, "hovercraft@example.com"),
(data_obj, 41, EmailData, None),
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Several of them.
The end."""),
(data_obj, 161, TextData, ""),
(data_obj, 162, TextData, None),
(data_obj, 170, TimeData, datetime.time(10,42,37)),
(data_obj, 170, TimeData, datetime.time(10, 42, 37)),
(data_obj, 171, TimeData, None),
(generic_obj, 200, GenericData, ['Generic Object 1', 'tag1', 'tag2']),
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ The end."""),
(fk_obj, 402, FKData, None), # Empty reference
(m2m_obj, 410, M2MData, []), # Empty set
(m2m_obj, 411, M2MData, [300,301]), # Post reference
(m2m_obj, 412, M2MData, [500,501]), # Pre reference
(m2m_obj, 413, M2MData, [300,301,500,501]), # Pre and Post reference
(m2m_obj, 411, M2MData, [300, 301]), # Post reference
(m2m_obj, 412, M2MData, [500, 501]), # Pre reference
(m2m_obj, 413, M2MData, [300, 301, 500, 501]), # Pre and Post reference
(o2o_obj, None, O2OData, 300), # Post reference
(o2o_obj, None, O2OData, 500), # Pre reference
@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ The end."""),
(pk_obj, 601, BooleanPKData, True),
(pk_obj, 602, BooleanPKData, False),
(pk_obj, 610, CharPKData, "Test Char PKData"),
# (pk_obj, 620, DatePKData, datetime.date(2006,6,16)),
# (pk_obj, 630, DateTimePKData, datetime.datetime(2006,6,16,10,42,37)),
# (pk_obj, 620, DatePKData, datetime.date(2006, 6, 16)),
# (pk_obj, 630, DateTimePKData, datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 16, 10, 42, 37)),
(pk_obj, 640, EmailPKData, "hovercraft@example.com"),
# (pk_obj, 650, FilePKData, 'file:///foo/bar/whiz.txt'),
(pk_obj, 660, FilePathPKData, "/foo/bar/whiz.txt"),
@ -337,15 +337,15 @@ The end."""),
# It contains line breaks.
# Several of them.
# The end."""),
# (pk_obj, 770, TimePKData, datetime.time(10,42,37)),
# (pk_obj, 770, TimePKData, datetime.time(10, 42, 37)),
# (pk_obj, 790, XMLPKData, "<foo></foo>"),
(data_obj, 800, AutoNowDateTimeData, datetime.datetime(2006,6,16,10,42,37)),
(data_obj, 800, AutoNowDateTimeData, datetime.datetime(2006, 6, 16, 10, 42, 37)),
(data_obj, 810, ModifyingSaveData, 42),
(inherited_obj, 900, InheritAbstractModel, {'child_data':37,'parent_data':42}),
(inherited_obj, 910, ExplicitInheritBaseModel, {'child_data':37,'parent_data':42}),
(inherited_obj, 920, InheritBaseModel, {'child_data':37,'parent_data':42}),
(inherited_obj, 900, InheritAbstractModel, {'child_data': 37, 'parent_data': 42}),
(inherited_obj, 910, ExplicitInheritBaseModel, {'child_data': 37, 'parent_data': 42}),
(inherited_obj, 920, InheritBaseModel, {'child_data': 37, 'parent_data': 42}),
(data_obj, 1000, BigIntegerData, 9223372036854775807),
(data_obj, 1001, BigIntegerData, -9223372036854775808),
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ def fieldsTest(format, self):
# Serialize then deserialize the test database
serialized_data = serializers.serialize(format, [obj], indent=2, fields=('field1','field3'))
serialized_data = serializers.serialize(format, [obj], indent=2, fields=('field1', 'field3'))
result = next(serializers.deserialize(format, serialized_data))
# Check that the deserialized object contains data in only the serialized fields.
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ def fieldsTest(format, self):
self.assertEqual(result.object.field3, 'third')
def streamTest(format, self):
obj = ComplexModel(field1='first',field2='second',field3='third')
obj = ComplexModel(field1='first', field2='second', field3='third')
# Serialize the test database to a stream
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ def streamTest(format, self):
def naturalKeyTest(format, self):
book1 = {'data': '978-1590597255', 'title': 'The Definitive Guide to '
'Django: Web Development Done Right'}
book2 = {'data':'978-1590599969', 'title': 'Practical Django Projects'}
book2 = {'data': '978-1590599969', 'title': 'Practical Django Projects'}
# Create the books.
adrian = NaturalKeyAnchor.objects.create(**book1)
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ def get_filter_tests():
'filter-timesince03' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1, minutes=25, seconds = 10)}, '1\xa0hour, 25\xa0minutes'),
# Compare to a given parameter
'filter-timesince04' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=1)}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timesince05' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1\xa0minute'),
'filter-timesince04' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now - timedelta(days=2), 'b': now - timedelta(days=1)}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timesince05' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1), 'b': now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1\xa0minute'),
# Check that timezone is respected
'filter-timesince06' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now_tz - timedelta(hours=8), 'b':now_tz}, '8\xa0hours'),
'filter-timesince06' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now_tz - timedelta(hours=8), 'b': now_tz}, '8\xa0hours'),
# Regression for #7443
'filter-timesince07': ('{{ earlier|timesince }}', {'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7)}, '1\xa0week'),
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ def get_filter_tests():
'filter-timesince18' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today + timedelta(hours=24)}, '1\xa0day'),
# Default compare with datetime.now()
'filter-timeuntil01' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=2, seconds = 10)}, '2\xa0minutes'),
'filter-timeuntil02' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':(datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, seconds = 10))}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timeuntil03' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':(datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=8, minutes=10, seconds = 10))}, '8\xa0hours, 10\xa0minutes'),
'filter-timeuntil01' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a': datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=2, seconds=10)}, '2\xa0minutes'),
'filter-timeuntil02' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a': (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1, seconds=10))}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timeuntil03' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a': (datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=8, minutes=10, seconds = 10))}, '8\xa0hours, 10\xa0minutes'),
# Compare to a given parameter
'filter-timeuntil04' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timeuntil05' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1)}, '1\xa0minute'),
'filter-timeuntil04' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': now - timedelta(days=1), 'b': now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1\xa0day'),
'filter-timeuntil05' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': now - timedelta(days=2), 'b': now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1)}, '1\xa0minute'),
# Regression for #7443
'filter-timeuntil06': ('{{ earlier|timeuntil }}', {'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7)}, '0\xa0minutes'),
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class SimpleTemplateResponseTest(TestCase):
# When the content is rendered, all the callbacks are invoked, too.
self.assertEqual(response.content, b'First template\n')
self.assertEqual(post, ['post1','post2'])
self.assertEqual(post, ['post1', 'post2'])
def test_pickling(self):
# Create a template response. The context is
@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ class SmartIfTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_in(self):
list_ = [1,2,3]
list_ = [1, 2, 3]
self.assertCalcEqual(True, [1, 'in', list_])
self.assertCalcEqual(False, [1, 'in', None])
self.assertCalcEqual(False, [None, 'in', list_])
def test_not_in(self):
list_ = [1,2,3]
list_ = [1, 2, 3]
self.assertCalcEqual(False, [1, 'not', 'in', list_])
self.assertCalcEqual(True, [4, 'not', 'in', list_])
self.assertCalcEqual(False, [1, 'not', 'in', None])
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
# Warm the URL reversing cache. This ensures we don't pay the cost
# warming the cache during one of the tests.
kwargs={'id': 0, 'action': "update"})
for name, vals in tests:
if isinstance(vals[2], tuple):
@ -665,13 +665,13 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
# Variables should be replaced with their value in the current
# context
'basic-syntax02': ("{{ headline }}", {'headline':'Success'}, "Success"),
'basic-syntax02': ("{{ headline }}", {'headline': 'Success'}, "Success"),
# More than one replacement variable is allowed in a template
'basic-syntax03': ("{{ first }} --- {{ second }}", {"first" : 1, "second" : 2}, "1 --- 2"),
# Fail silently when a variable is not found in the current context
'basic-syntax04': ("as{{ missing }}df", {}, ("asdf","asINVALIDdf")),
'basic-syntax04': ("as{{ missing }}df", {}, ("asdf", "asINVALIDdf")),
# A variable may not contain more than one word
'basic-syntax06': ("{{ multi word variable }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'basic-syntax10': ("{{ var.otherclass.method }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, "OtherClass.method"),
# Fail silently when a variable's attribute isn't found
'basic-syntax11': ("{{ var.blech }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("","INVALID")),
'basic-syntax11': ("{{ var.blech }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("", "INVALID")),
# Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a variable beginning with an underscore
'basic-syntax12': ("{{ var.__dict__ }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
@ -700,13 +700,13 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'basic-syntax17': ("{{ moo? }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
# Attribute syntax allows a template to call a dictionary key's value
'basic-syntax18': ("{{ foo.bar }}", {"foo" : {"bar" : "baz"}}, "baz"),
'basic-syntax18': ("{{ foo.bar }}", {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}, "baz"),
# Fail silently when a variable's dictionary key isn't found
'basic-syntax19': ("{{ foo.spam }}", {"foo" : {"bar" : "baz"}}, ("","INVALID")),
'basic-syntax19': ("{{ foo.spam }}", {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}, ("", "INVALID")),
# Fail silently when accessing a non-simple method
'basic-syntax20': ("{{ var.method2 }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("","INVALID")),
'basic-syntax20': ("{{ var.method2 }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("", "INVALID")),
# Don't silence a TypeError if it was raised inside a callable
'basic-syntax20b': ("{{ var.method5 }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, TypeError),
@ -893,18 +893,18 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'cycle11': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, 'abc'),
'cycle12': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, 'abca'),
'cycle13': ("{% for i in test %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' %}{{ i }},{% endfor %}", {'test': range(5)}, 'a0,b1,a2,b3,a4,'),
'cycle14': ("{% cycle one two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': '1','two': '2'}, '12'),
'cycle14': ("{% cycle one two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, '12'),
'cycle15': ("{% for i in test %}{% cycle aye bee %}{{ i }},{% endfor %}", {'test': range(5), 'aye': 'a', 'bee': 'b'}, 'a0,b1,a2,b3,a4,'),
'cycle16': ("{% cycle one|lower two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': 'A','two': '2'}, 'a2'),
'cycle16': ("{% cycle one|lower two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': 'A', 'two': '2'}, 'a2'),
'cycle17': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, ""),
'cycle18': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as foo invalid_flag %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'cycle19': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' as silent %}{% cycle silent %}", {}, "ab"),
'cycle20': ("{% cycle one two as foo %} & {% cycle foo %}", {'one' : 'A & B', 'two' : 'C & D'}, "A & B & C & D"),
'cycle21': ("{% filter force_escape %}{% cycle one two as foo %} & {% cycle foo %}{% endfilter %}", {'one' : 'A & B', 'two' : 'C & D'}, "A & B & C & D"),
'cycle22': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1,2,3,4]}, "1234"),
'cycle23': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{{ abc }}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1,2,3,4]}, "a1b2c3a4"),
'cycle22': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1, 2, 3, 4]}, "1234"),
'cycle23': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{{ abc }}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1, 2, 3, 4]}, "a1b2c3a4"),
'included-cycle': ('{{ abc }}', {'abc': 'xxx'}, 'xxx'),
'cycle24': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{% include 'included-cycle' %}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1,2,3,4]}, "abca"),
'cycle24': ("{% for x in values %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc silent %}{% include 'included-cycle' %}{% endfor %}", {'values': [1, 2, 3, 4]}, "abca"),
'cycle25': ('{% cycle a as abc %}', {'a': '<'}, '<'),
'cycle26': ('{% load cycle from future %}{% cycle a b as ab %}{% cycle ab %}', {'a': '<', 'b': '>'}, '<>'),
@ -936,14 +936,14 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'filter06bis': ('{% filter upper|escape %}fail{% endfilter %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
### FIRSTOF TAG ###########################################################
'firstof01': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':0,'c':0}, ''),
'firstof02': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':1,'b':0,'c':0}, '1'),
'firstof03': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':2,'c':0}, '2'),
'firstof04': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':0,'c':3}, '3'),
'firstof05': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}, '1'),
'firstof06': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'b':0,'c':3}, '3'),
'firstof07': ('{% firstof a b "c" %}', {'a':0}, 'c'),
'firstof08': ('{% firstof a b "c and d" %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, 'c and d'),
'firstof01': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}, ''),
'firstof02': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}, '1'),
'firstof03': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'c': 0}, '2'),
'firstof04': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 3}, '3'),
'firstof05': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, '1'),
'firstof06': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'b': 0, 'c': 3}, '3'),
'firstof07': ('{% firstof a b "c" %}', {'a': 0}, 'c'),
'firstof08': ('{% firstof a b "c and d" %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 0}, 'c and d'),
'firstof09': ('{% firstof %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'firstof10': ('{% firstof a %}', {'a': '<'}, '<'),
@ -1020,10 +1020,10 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'if-tag-lte-02': ("{% if 2 <= 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
# Contains
'if-tag-in-01': ("{% if 1 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "yes"),
'if-tag-in-02': ("{% if 2 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "no"),
'if-tag-not-in-01': ("{% if 1 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "no"),
'if-tag-not-in-02': ("{% if 2 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "yes"),
'if-tag-in-01': ("{% if 1 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x': [1]}, "yes"),
'if-tag-in-02': ("{% if 2 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x': [1]}, "no"),
'if-tag-not-in-01': ("{% if 1 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x': [1]}, "no"),
'if-tag-not-in-02': ("{% if 2 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x': [1]}, "yes"),
'if-tag-and01': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
@ -1109,17 +1109,17 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'if-tag-shortcircuit02': ('{% if x.is_false and x.is_bad %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}', {'x': TestObj()}, "no"),
# Non-existent args
'if-tag-badarg01':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {}, ''),
'if-tag-badarg02':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 0}, ''),
'if-tag-badarg03':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 1}, 'yes'),
'if-tag-badarg04':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'no'),
'if-tag-badarg01': ("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {}, ''),
'if-tag-badarg02': ("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 0}, ''),
'if-tag-badarg03': ("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 1}, 'yes'),
'if-tag-badarg04': ("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'no'),
# Additional, more precise parsing tests are in SmartIfTests
### IFCHANGED TAG #########################################################
'ifchanged01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,2,3)}, '123'),
'ifchanged02': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,1,3)}, '13'),
'ifchanged03': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,1,1)}, '1'),
'ifchanged01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3)}, '123'),
'ifchanged02': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 3)}, '13'),
'ifchanged03': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1)}, '1'),
'ifchanged04': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3), 'numx': (2, 2, 2)}, '122232'),
'ifchanged05': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1), 'numx': (1, 2, 3)}, '1123123123'),
'ifchanged06': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1), 'numx': (2, 2, 2)}, '1222'),
@ -1127,30 +1127,30 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'ifchanged08': ('{% for data in datalist %}{% for c,d in data %}{% if c %}{% ifchanged %}{{ d }}{% endifchanged %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'datalist': [[(1, 'a'), (1, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (1, 'c')], [(0, 'a'), (1, 'c'), (1, 'd'), (1, 'd'), (0, 'e')]]}, 'accd'),
# Test one parameter given to ifchanged.
'ifchanged-param01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,2,3)}, '..1..2..3'),
'ifchanged-param02': ('{% for n in num %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,2,3), 'numx': (5,6,7)}, '..567..567..567'),
'ifchanged-param01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3)}, '..1..2..3'),
'ifchanged-param02': ('{% for n in num %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3), 'numx': (5, 6, 7)}, '..567..567..567'),
# Test multiple parameters to ifchanged.
'ifchanged-param03': ('{% for n in num %}{{ n }}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged x n %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,1,2), 'numx': (5,6,6)}, '156156256'),
'ifchanged-param03': ('{% for n in num %}{{ n }}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged x n %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 2), 'numx': (5, 6, 6)}, '156156256'),
# Test a date+hour like construct, where the hour of the last day
# is the same but the date had changed, so print the hour anyway.
'ifchanged-param04': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged %}{{ d.day }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged d h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days':[{'day':1, 'hours':[1,2,3]},{'day':2, 'hours':[3]},]}, '112323'),
'ifchanged-param04': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged %}{{ d.day }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged d h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days': [{'day': 1, 'hours': [1, 2, 3]}, {'day': 2, 'hours': [3]}]}, '112323'),
# Logically the same as above, just written with explicit
# ifchanged for the day.
'ifchanged-param05': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged d.day %}{{ d.day }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged d.day h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days':[{'day':1, 'hours':[1,2,3]},{'day':2, 'hours':[3]},]}, '112323'),
'ifchanged-param05': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged d.day %}{{ d.day }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged d.day h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days': [{'day': 1, 'hours': [1, 2, 3]}, {'day': 2, 'hours': [3]}]}, '112323'),
# Test the else clause of ifchanged.
'ifchanged-else01': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-first{% else %}-other{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-first,1-other,2-first,2-other,2-other,3-first,'),
'ifchanged-else01': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-first{% else %}-other{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]}, '1-first,1-other,2-first,2-other,2-other,3-first,'),
'ifchanged-else02': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}-{% ifchanged id %}{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}grey{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-red,1-grey,2-blue,2-grey,2-grey,3-red,'),
'ifchanged-else03': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-red,1,2-blue,2,2,3-red,'),
'ifchanged-else02': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}-{% ifchanged id %}{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}grey{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]}, '1-red,1-grey,2-blue,2-grey,2-grey,3-red,'),
'ifchanged-else03': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]}, '1-red,1,2-blue,2,2,3-red,'),
'ifchanged-else04': ('{% for id in ids %}{% ifchanged %}***{{ id }}*{% else %}...{% endifchanged %}{{ forloop.counter }}{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3,4]}, '***1*1...2***2*3...4...5***3*6***4*7'),
'ifchanged-else04': ('{% for id in ids %}{% ifchanged %}***{{ id }}*{% else %}...{% endifchanged %}{{ forloop.counter }}{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]}, '***1*1...2***2*3...4...5***3*6***4*7'),
# Test whitespace in filter arguments
'ifchanged-filter-ws': ('{% load custom %}{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged n|noop:"x y" %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,2,3)}, '..1..2..3'),
'ifchanged-filter-ws': ('{% load custom %}{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged n|noop:"x y" %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3)}, '..1..2..3'),
### IFEQUAL TAG ###########################################################
'ifequal01': ("{% ifequal a b %}yes{% endifequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 2}, ""),
@ -1501,8 +1501,8 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
### HANDLING OF TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID ###################################
'invalidstr01': ('{{ var|default:"Foo" }}', {}, ('Foo','INVALID')),
'invalidstr02': ('{{ var|default_if_none:"Foo" }}', {}, ('','INVALID')),
'invalidstr01': ('{{ var|default:"Foo" }}', {}, ('Foo', 'INVALID')),
'invalidstr02': ('{{ var|default_if_none:"Foo" }}', {}, ('', 'INVALID')),
'invalidstr03': ('{% for v in var %}({{ v }}){% endfor %}', {}, ''),
'invalidstr04': ('{% if var %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}', {}, 'No'),
'invalidstr04_2': ('{% if var|default:"Foo" %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}', {}, 'Yes'),
@ -1537,11 +1537,11 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'{{ item.foo }}'
'{% endfor %},'
'{% endfor %}',
{'data': [{'foo':'c', 'bar':1},
{'foo':'d', 'bar':1},
{'foo':'a', 'bar':2},
{'foo':'b', 'bar':2},
{'foo':'x', 'bar':3}]},
{'data': [{'foo': 'c', 'bar': 1},
{'foo': 'd', 'bar': 1},
{'foo': 'a', 'bar': 2},
{'foo': 'b', 'bar': 2},
{'foo': 'x', 'bar': 3}]},
# Test for silent failure when target variable isn't found
@ -1629,41 +1629,41 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'simpletag-renamed03': ('{% load custom %}{% minustwo_overridden_name 7 %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
### WIDTHRATIO TAG ########################################################
'widthratio01': ('{% widthratio a b 0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '0'),
'widthratio02': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, '0'),
'widthratio03': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':100}, '0'),
'widthratio04': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '50'),
'widthratio05': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':100,'b':100}, '100'),
'widthratio01': ('{% widthratio a b 0 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, '0'),
'widthratio02': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 0}, '0'),
'widthratio03': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 100}, '0'),
'widthratio04': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, '50'),
'widthratio05': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 100, 'b': 100}, '100'),
# 62.5 should round to 63 on Python 2 and 62 on Python 3
# See http://docs.python.org/py3k/whatsnew/3.0.html
'widthratio06': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':80}, '62' if six.PY3 else '63'),
'widthratio06': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 80}, '62' if six.PY3 else '63'),
# 71.4 should round to 71
'widthratio07': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':70}, '71'),
'widthratio07': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 70}, '71'),
# Raise exception if we don't have 3 args, last one an integer
'widthratio08': ('{% widthratio %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio09': ('{% widthratio a b %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio10': ('{% widthratio a b 100.0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '50'),
'widthratio09': ('{% widthratio a b %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio10': ('{% widthratio a b 100.0 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, '50'),
# #10043: widthratio should allow max_width to be a variable
'widthratio11': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':50,'b':100, 'c': 100}, '50'),
'widthratio11': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100, 'c': 100}, '50'),
# #18739: widthratio should handle None args consistently with non-numerics
'widthratio12a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':'a','b':100,'c':100}, ''),
'widthratio12b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':None,'b':100,'c':100}, ''),
'widthratio13a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':'b','c':100}, ''),
'widthratio13b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':None,'c':100}, ''),
'widthratio14a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':100,'c':'c'}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio14b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':100,'c':None}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio12a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 'a', 'b': 100, 'c': 100}, ''),
'widthratio12b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': None, 'b': 100, 'c': 100}, ''),
'widthratio13a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 'b', 'c': 100}, ''),
'widthratio13b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': None, 'c': 100}, ''),
'widthratio14a': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 'c'}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio14b': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': None}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
# Test whitespace in filter argument
'widthratio15': ('{% load custom %}{% widthratio a|noop:"x y" b 0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '0'),
'widthratio15': ('{% load custom %}{% widthratio a|noop:"x y" b 0 %}', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, '0'),
# Widthratio with variable assignment
'widthratio16': ('{% widthratio a b 100 as variable %}-{{ variable }}-', {'a':50,'b':100}, '-50-'),
'widthratio17': ('{% widthratio a b 100 as variable %}-{{ variable }}-', {'a':100,'b':100}, '-100-'),
'widthratio16': ('{% widthratio a b 100 as variable %}-{{ variable }}-', {'a': 50, 'b': 100}, '-50-'),
'widthratio17': ('{% widthratio a b 100 as variable %}-{{ variable }}-', {'a': 100, 'b': 100}, '-100-'),
'widthratio18': ('{% widthratio a b 100 as %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
'widthratio19': ('{% widthratio a b 100 not_as variable %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
@ -1712,8 +1712,8 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'url10': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" id=client.id action="two words" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/two%20words/'),
'url11': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" id=client.id action="==" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/%3D%3D/'),
'url12': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" id=client.id action="," %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/%2C/'),
'url13': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" id=client.id action=arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
'url14': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" client.id arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
'url13': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" id=client.id action=arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg': ['a', 'b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
'url14': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" client.id arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg': ['a', 'b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
'url15': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client_action" 12 "test" %}', {}, '/url_tag/client/12/test/'),
'url18': ('{% url "template_tests.views.client" "1,2" %}', {}, '/url_tag/client/1%2C2/'),
@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ class TemplateTests(TransRealMixin, TestCase):
'autoescape-filters02': ('{{ var|join:" & \" }}', {"var": ("Tom", "Dick", "Harry")}, "Tom & Dick & Harry"),
# Literal strings are safe.
'autoescape-literals01': ('{{ "this & that" }}',{}, "this & that"),
'autoescape-literals01': ('{{ "this & that" }}', {}, "this & that"),
# Iterating over strings outputs safe characters.
'autoescape-stringiterations01': ('{% for l in var %}{{ l }},{% endfor %}', {'var': 'K&R'}, "K,&,R,"),
@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
def test_redirect_http(self):
"GET a URL that redirects to an http URI"
response = self.client.get('/test_client/http_redirect_view/',follow=True)
response = self.client.get('/test_client/http_redirect_view/', follow=True)
def test_redirect_https(self):
"GET a URL that redirects to an https URI"
response = self.client.get('/test_client/https_redirect_view/',follow=True)
response = self.client.get('/test_client/https_redirect_view/', follow=True)
def test_notfound_response(self):
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
'email': 'foo@example.com',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
"GET a form, providing hints in the GET data"
hints = {
'text': 'Hello World',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.get('/test_client/form_view/', data=hints)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
'email': 'foo@example.com',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view_with_template/', post_data)
self.assertContains(response, 'POST data OK')
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class ClientTest(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view_with_template/', post_data)
self.assertContains(response, 'POST data has errors')
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def mass_mail_sending_view(request):
['second@example.com', 'third@example.com'])
c = mail.get_connection()
c.send_messages([m1, m2])
return HttpResponse("Mail sent")
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class AssertTemplateUsedTests(TestCase):
'email': 'foo@example.com',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view_with_template/', post_data)
self.assertContains(response, 'POST data OK')
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ class AssertFormErrorTests(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ class AssertFormErrorTests(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ class AssertFormErrorTests(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class AssertFormErrorTests(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ class AssertFormErrorTests(TestCase):
'email': 'not an email address',
'value': 37,
'single': 'b',
'multi': ('b','c','e')
'multi': ('b', 'c', 'e')
response = self.client.post('/test_client/form_view/', post_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@ -558,12 +558,12 @@ class AssertFormsetErrorTests(TestCase):
'form-0-email': 'not an email address',
'form-0-value': 37,
'form-0-single': 'b',
'form-0-multi': ('b','c','e'),
'form-0-multi': ('b', 'c', 'e'),
'form-1-text': 'Hello World',
'form-1-email': 'email@domain.com',
'form-1-value': 37,
'form-1-single': 'b',
'form-1-multi': ('b','c','e'),
'form-1-multi': ('b', 'c', 'e'),
# For testing non-form errors
self.response_nonform_errors = self.getResponse({
@ -573,12 +573,12 @@ class AssertFormsetErrorTests(TestCase):
'form-0-email': 'email@domain.com',
'form-0-value': 37,
'form-0-single': 'b',
'form-0-multi': ('b','c','e'),
'form-0-multi': ('b', 'c', 'e'),
'form-1-text': 'Hello World',
'form-1-email': 'email@domain.com',
'form-1-value': 37,
'form-1-single': 'b',
'form-1-multi': ('b','c','e'),
'form-1-multi': ('b', 'c', 'e'),
def getResponse(self, post_data):
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ class ExceptionTests(TestCase):
def test_exception_cleared(self):
"#5836 - A stale user exception isn't re-raised by the test client."
login = self.client.login(username='testclient',password='password')
login = self.client.login(username='testclient', password='password')
self.assertTrue(login, 'Could not log in')
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ class ContextTests(TestCase):
def test_single_context(self):
"Context variables can be retrieved from a single context"
response = self.client.get("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo':'whiz'})
response = self.client.get("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo': 'whiz'})
self.assertEqual(response.context.__class__, Context)
self.assertTrue('get-foo' in response.context)
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], 'whiz')
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ class ContextTests(TestCase):
def test_inherited_context(self):
"Context variables can be retrieved from a list of contexts"
response = self.client.get("/test_client_regress/request_data_extended/", data={'foo':'whiz'})
response = self.client.get("/test_client_regress/request_data_extended/", data={'foo': 'whiz'})
self.assertEqual(response.context.__class__, ContextList)
self.assertEqual(len(response.context), 2)
self.assertTrue('get-foo' in response.context)
@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ class SessionTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response.content, b'YES')
# Log in
login = self.client.login(username='testclient',password='password')
login = self.client.login(username='testclient', password='password')
self.assertTrue(login, 'Could not log in')
# Session should still contain the modified value
@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ class SessionTests(TestCase):
def test_logout(self):
"""Logout should work whether the user is logged in or not (#9978)."""
login = self.client.login(username='testclient',password='password')
login = self.client.login(username='testclient', password='password')
self.assertTrue(login, 'Could not log in')
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ class QueryStringTests(TestCase):
for method_name in ('get', 'head'):
# A GET-like request can pass a query string as data
method = getattr(self.client, method_name)
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo':'whiz'})
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo': 'whiz'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], 'whiz')
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], 'whiz')
@ -1130,11 +1130,11 @@ class QueryStringTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], 'whiz')
# Data provided in the URL to a GET-like request is overridden by actual form data
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'foo':'bang'})
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'foo': 'bang'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], 'bang')
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], 'bang')
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'bar':'bang'})
response = method("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'bar': 'bang'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], None)
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-bar'], 'bang')
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], None)
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ class QueryStringTests(TestCase):
def test_post_like_requests(self):
# A POST-like request can pass a query string as data
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo':'whiz'})
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/", data={'foo': 'whiz'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], None)
self.assertEqual(response.context['post-foo'], 'whiz')
@ -1153,12 +1153,12 @@ class QueryStringTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], 'whiz')
# POST data provided in the URL augments actual form data
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'foo':'bang'})
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'foo': 'bang'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], 'whiz')
self.assertEqual(response.context['post-foo'], 'bang')
self.assertEqual(response.context['request-foo'], 'bang')
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'bar':'bang'})
response = self.client.post("/test_client_regress/request_data/?foo=whiz", data={'bar': 'bang'})
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-foo'], 'whiz')
self.assertEqual(response.context['get-bar'], None)
self.assertEqual(response.context['post-foo'], None)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^staff_only/$', views.staff_only_view),
(r'^get_view/$', views.get_view),
(r'^request_data/$', views.request_data),
(r'^request_data_extended/$', views.request_data, {'template':'extended.html', 'data':'bacon'}),
(r'^request_data_extended/$', views.request_data, {'template': 'extended.html', 'data': 'bacon'}),
url(r'^arg_view/(?P<name>.+)/$', views.view_with_argument, name='arg_view'),
url(r'^nested_view/$', views.nested_view, name='nested_view'),
(r'^login_protected_redirect_view/$', views.login_protected_redirect_view),
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def nested_view(request):
c = Client()
return render_to_response('base.html', {'nested':'yes'})
return render_to_response('base.html', {'nested': 'yes'})
def login_protected_redirect_view(request):
"A view that redirects all requests to the GET view"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class DependencyOrderingTests(unittest.TestCase):
ordered = runner.dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies)
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig,value in ordered]
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, value in ordered]
self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs)
self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class DependencyOrderingTests(unittest.TestCase):
ordered = runner.dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies)
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig,value in ordered]
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, value in ordered]
self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs)
self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs)
@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class DependencyOrderingTests(unittest.TestCase):
('s4', ('s4_db', ['delta'])),
dependencies = {
'alpha': ['bravo','delta'],
'alpha': ['bravo', 'delta'],
'bravo': ['charlie'],
'delta': ['charlie'],
ordered = runner.dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies)
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig,aliases in ordered]
ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, aliases in ordered]
self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs)
self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs)
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ class ManageCommandTests(unittest.TestCase):
class CustomOptionsTestRunner(runner.DiscoverRunner):
option_list = (
make_option('--option_a','-a', action='store', dest='option_a', default='1'),
make_option('--option_b','-b', action='store', dest='option_b', default='2'),
make_option('--option_c','-c', action='store', dest='option_c', default='3'),
make_option('--option_a', '-a', action='store', dest='option_a', default='1'),
make_option('--option_b', '-b', action='store', dest='option_b', default='2'),
make_option('--option_c', '-c', action='store', dest='option_c', default='3'),
def __init__(self, verbosity=1, interactive=True, failfast=True, option_a=None, option_b=None, option_c=None, **kwargs):
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class UpdateOnlyFieldsTests(TestCase):
a1 = Account.objects.create(num=1)
a2 = Account.objects.create(num=2)
e1.accounts = [a1,a2]
e1.accounts = [a1, a2]
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ resolve_test_data = (
('/unnamed/view_class/42/37/', 'urlpatterns_reverse.views.ViewClass', None, '', views.view_class_instance, tuple(), {'arg1': '42', 'arg2': '37'}),
# If you have no kwargs, you get an args list.
('/no_kwargs/42/37/', 'no-kwargs', None, '', views.empty_view, ('42','37'), {}),
('/included/no_kwargs/42/37/', 'inc-no-kwargs', None, '', views.empty_view, ('42','37'), {}),
('/no_kwargs/42/37/', 'no-kwargs', None, '', views.empty_view, ('42', '37'), {}),
('/included/no_kwargs/42/37/', 'inc-no-kwargs', None, '', views.empty_view, ('42', '37'), {}),
# Namespaces
('/test1/inner/42/37/', 'urlobject-view', 'testapp', 'test-ns1', 'empty_view', tuple(), {'arg1': '42', 'arg2': '37'}),
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ resolve_test_data = (
# Namespaces capturing variables
('/inc70/', 'inner-nothing', None, 'inc-ns5', views.empty_view, tuple(), {'outer': '70'}),
('/inc78/extra/foobar/', 'inner-extra', None, 'inc-ns5', views.empty_view, tuple(), {'outer':'78', 'extra':'foobar'}),
('/inc78/extra/foobar/', 'inner-extra', None, 'inc-ns5', views.empty_view, tuple(), {'outer': '78', 'extra': 'foobar'}),
test_data = (
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ test_data = (
# the method. This is potentially ambiguous, as you have to pick the
# correct view for the arguments provided.
('kwargs_view', '/arg_view/', [], {}),
('kwargs_view', '/arg_view/10/', [], {'arg1':10}),
('kwargs_view', '/arg_view/10/', [], {'arg1': 10}),
('urlpatterns_reverse.views.absolute_kwargs_view', '/absolute_arg_view/', [], {}),
('urlpatterns_reverse.views.absolute_kwargs_view', '/absolute_arg_view/10/', [], {'arg1':10}),
('urlpatterns_reverse.views.absolute_kwargs_view', '/absolute_arg_view/10/', [], {'arg1': 10}),
('non_path_include', '/includes/non_path_include/', [], {}),
# Tests for #13154
@ -343,14 +343,14 @@ class NamespaceTests(TestCase):
def test_ambiguous_object(self):
"Names deployed via dynamic URL objects that require namespaces can't be resolved"
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'urlobject-view')
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'urlobject-view', args=[37,42])
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37})
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'urlobject-view', args=[37, 42])
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37})
def test_ambiguous_urlpattern(self):
"Names deployed via dynamic URL objects that require namespaces can't be resolved"
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'inner-nothing')
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'inner-nothing', args=[37,42])
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'inner-nothing', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37})
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'inner-nothing', args=[37, 42])
self.assertRaises(NoReverseMatch, reverse, 'inner-nothing', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37})
def test_non_existent_namespace(self):
"Non-existent namespaces raise errors"
@ -360,99 +360,99 @@ class NamespaceTests(TestCase):
def test_normal_name(self):
"Normal lookups work as expected"
self.assertEqual('/normal/', reverse('normal-view'))
self.assertEqual('/normal/37/42/', reverse('normal-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/normal/42/37/', reverse('normal-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/normal/37/42/', reverse('normal-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/normal/42/37/', reverse('normal-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/', reverse('special-view'))
def test_simple_included_name(self):
"Normal lookups work on names included from other patterns"
self.assertEqual('/included/normal/', reverse('inc-normal-view'))
self.assertEqual('/included/normal/37/42/', reverse('inc-normal-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/included/normal/42/37/', reverse('inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/included/normal/37/42/', reverse('inc-normal-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/included/normal/42/37/', reverse('inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/included/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-special-view'))
def test_namespace_object(self):
"Dynamic URL objects can be found using a namespace"
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/37/42/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/42/37/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/37/42/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/42/37/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/test1/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('test-ns1:urlobject-special-view'))
def test_embedded_namespace_object(self):
"Namespaces can be installed anywhere in the URL pattern tree"
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('test-ns3:urlobject-special-view'))
def test_namespace_pattern(self):
"Namespaces can be applied to include()'d urlpatterns"
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/normal/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-normal-view'))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/normal/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-normal-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/normal/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/normal/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-normal-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/normal/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-special-view'))
def test_namespace_pattern_with_variable_prefix(self):
"When using a include with namespaces when there is a regex variable in front of it"
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'outer':42}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'outer': 42}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', args=[42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/37/4/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'outer':42, 'arg1': 37, 'arg2': 4}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/37/4/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'outer': 42, 'arg1': 37, 'arg2': 4}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/normal/37/4/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-normal-view', args=[42, 37, 4]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-special-view', kwargs={'outer':42}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-special-view', kwargs={'outer': 42}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-outer/42/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-outer:inc-special-view', args=[42]))
def test_multiple_namespace_pattern(self):
"Namespaces can be embedded"
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/test3/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-special-view'))
def test_nested_namespace_pattern(self):
"Namespaces can be nested"
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/ns-included1/ns-included4/ns-included1/test3/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('inc-ns1:inc-ns4:inc-ns1:test-ns3:urlobject-special-view'))
def test_app_lookup_object(self):
"A default application namespace can be used for lookup"
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/37/42/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/42/37/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/37/42/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/42/37/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/default/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-special-view'))
def test_app_lookup_object_with_default(self):
"A default application namespace is sensitive to the 'current' app can be used for lookup"
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', current_app='test-ns3'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', args=[37,42], current_app='test-ns3'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}, current_app='test-ns3'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/37/42/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42], current_app='test-ns3'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/42/37/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}, current_app='test-ns3'))
self.assertEqual('/included/test3/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('testapp:urlobject-special-view', current_app='test-ns3'))
def test_app_lookup_object_without_default(self):
"An application namespace without a default is sensitive to the 'current' app can be used for lookup"
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view'))
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/37/42/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/42/37/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/37/42/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/42/37/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/other2/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-special-view'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', current_app='other-ns1'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/37/42/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', args=[37,42], current_app='other-ns1'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/42/37/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}, current_app='other-ns1'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/37/42/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', args=[37, 42], current_app='other-ns1'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/42/37/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}, current_app='other-ns1'))
self.assertEqual('/other1/inner/+%5C$*/', reverse('nodefault:urlobject-special-view', current_app='other-ns1'))
def test_special_chars_namespace(self):
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/normal/', reverse('special:inc-normal-view'))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/normal/37/42/', reverse('special:inc-normal-view', args=[37,42]))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/normal/42/37/', reverse('special:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1':42, 'arg2':37}))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/normal/37/42/', reverse('special:inc-normal-view', args=[37, 42]))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/normal/42/37/', reverse('special:inc-normal-view', kwargs={'arg1': 42, 'arg2': 37}))
self.assertEqual('/+%5C$*/included/+%5C$*/', reverse('special:inc-special-view'))
def test_namespaces_with_variables(self):
"Namespace prefixes can capture variables: see #15900"
self.assertEqual('/inc70/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-nothing', kwargs={'outer': '70'}))
self.assertEqual('/inc78/extra/foobar/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-extra', kwargs={'outer':'78', 'extra':'foobar'}))
self.assertEqual('/inc78/extra/foobar/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-extra', kwargs={'outer': '78', 'extra': 'foobar'}))
self.assertEqual('/inc70/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-nothing', args=['70']))
self.assertEqual('/inc78/extra/foobar/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-extra', args=['78','foobar']))
self.assertEqual('/inc78/extra/foobar/', reverse('inc-ns5:inner-extra', args=['78', 'foobar']))
@override_settings(ROOT_URLCONF = urlconf_outer.__name__)
@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ class SortedDictTests(IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin, SimpleTestCase):
class MergeDictTests(IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin, SimpleTestCase):
def test_simple_mergedict(self):
d1 = {'chris':'cool', 'camri':'cute', 'cotton':'adorable',
'tulip':'snuggable', 'twoofme':'firstone'}
d1 = {'chris': 'cool', 'camri': 'cute', 'cotton': 'adorable',
'tulip': 'snuggable', 'twoofme': 'firstone'}
d2 = {'chris2':'cool2', 'camri2':'cute2', 'cotton2':'adorable2',
d2 = {'chris2': 'cool2', 'camri2': 'cute2', 'cotton2': 'adorable2',
'tulip2': 'snuggable2'}
d3 = {'chris3':'cool3', 'camri3':'cute3', 'cotton3':'adorable3',
d3 = {'chris3': 'cool3', 'camri3': 'cute3', 'cotton3': 'adorable3',
'tulip3': 'snuggable3'}
md = MergeDict(d1, d2, d3)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class MergeDictTests(IgnorePendingDeprecationWarningsMixin, SimpleTestCase):
[('key1', 'value1'), ('key2', 'value3'),
('key4', 'value6')])
self.assertEqual([(k,mm.getlist(k)) for k in sorted(mm)],
self.assertEqual([(k, mm.getlist(k)) for k in sorted(mm)],
[('key1', ['value1']),
('key2', ['value2', 'value3']),
('key4', ['value5', 'value6'])])
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class TestUtilsHtml(TestCase):
def test_escape(self):
f = html.escape
items = (
('&', '&'),
('<', '<'),
('>', '>'),
('"', '"'),
@ -17,33 +17,33 @@ class TermColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fg(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
def test_fg_bg(self):
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg':'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue'}))
def test_fg_opts(self):
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink','bold')}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink', 'bold')}))
def test_fg_bg_opts(self):
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg':'blue', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg':'blue', 'opts': ('blink','bold')}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue', 'opts': ('blink', 'bold')}))
def test_override_palette(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
def test_override_nocolor(self):
@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ class TermColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_multiple_roles(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'},
SQL_FIELD={'fg': 'blue'}))
def test_override_with_multiple_roles(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'},
SQL_FIELD={'fg': 'blue'}))
def test_empty_definition(self):
self.assertEqual(parse_color_setting(';'), None)
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ class TermColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_options(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
def test_bad_palette(self):
self.assertEqual(parse_color_setting('unknown'), None)
@ -89,66 +89,66 @@ class TermColorTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(parse_color_setting('unknown=green'), None)
SQL_FIELD={'fg': 'blue'}))
def test_bad_color(self):
self.assertEqual(parse_color_setting('error='), None)
SQL_FIELD={'fg': 'blue'}))
self.assertEqual(parse_color_setting('error=unknown'), None)
SQL_FIELD={'fg': 'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg': 'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg': 'blue', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
def test_bad_option(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
def test_role_case(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
def test_color_case(self):
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg':'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green'}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'bg':'blue'}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'bg': 'blue'}))
def test_opts_case(self):
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg':'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
ERROR={'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('blink',)}))
def test_colorize_empty_text(self):
self.assertEqual(colorize(text=None), '\x1b[m\x1b[0m')
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class PerformUniqueChecksTest(TestCase):
# Should work without errors
p = Post(title="Django 1.0 is released", posted=datetime.datetime(2008, 9,4))
p = Post(title="Django 1.0 is released", posted=datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 4))
p = Post(slug="Django 1.0", posted=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1))
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ class GenericIPAddressFieldTests(ValidationTestCase):
def test_invalid_generic_ip_raises_error(self):
giptm = GenericIPAddressTestModel(generic_ip="")
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_ip',])
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_ip'])
giptm = GenericIPAddressTestModel(generic_ip="1:2")
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_ip',])
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_ip'])
def test_correct_v4_ip_passes(self):
giptm = GenericIPAddressTestModel(v4_ip="")
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class GenericIPAddressFieldTests(ValidationTestCase):
giptm = GenericIPAddrUnpackUniqueTest(generic_v4unpack_ip="::ffff:")
giptm = GenericIPAddrUnpackUniqueTest(generic_v4unpack_ip="")
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_v4unpack_ip',])
self.assertFailsValidation(giptm.full_clean, ['generic_v4unpack_ip'])
def test_empty_generic_ip_passes(self):
giptm = GenericIPAddressTestModel(generic_ip="")
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class ExceptionReportTestMixin(object):
breakfast_data = {'sausage-key': 'sausage-value',
'baked-beans-key': 'baked-beans-value',
'hash-brown-key': 'hash-brown-value',
'bacon-key': 'bacon-value',}
'bacon-key': 'bacon-value'}
def verify_unsafe_response(self, view, check_for_vars=True,
Reference in New Issue