""" Regression tests for defer() / only() behavior. """ from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import connection, models class Item(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=15) text = models.TextField(default="xyzzy") value = models.IntegerField() other_value = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __unicode__(self): return self.name class RelatedItem(models.Model): item = models.ForeignKey(Item) class Child(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) value = models.IntegerField() class Leaf(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) child = models.ForeignKey(Child) second_child = models.ForeignKey(Child, related_name="other", null=True) value = models.IntegerField(default=42) def __unicode__(self): return self.name __test__ = {"regression_tests": """ Deferred fields should really be deferred and not accidentally use the field's default value just because they aren't passed to __init__. >>> settings.DEBUG = True >>> _ = Item.objects.create(name="first", value=42) >>> obj = Item.objects.only("name", "other_value").get(name="first") # Accessing "name" doesn't trigger a new database query. Accessing "value" or # "text" should. >>> num = len(connection.queries) >>> obj.name u"first" >>> obj.other_value 0 >>> len(connection.queries) == num True >>> obj.value 42 >>> len(connection.queries) == num + 1 # Effect of values lookup. True >>> obj.text u"xyzzy" >>> len(connection.queries) == num + 2 # Effect of text lookup. True >>> obj.text u"xyzzy" >>> len(connection.queries) == num + 2 True >>> settings.DEBUG = False Regression test for #10695. Make sure different instances don't inadvertently share data in the deferred descriptor objects. >>> i = Item.objects.create(name="no I'm first", value=37) >>> items = Item.objects.only('value').order_by('-value') >>> items[0].name u'first' >>> items[1].name u"no I'm first" >>> _ = RelatedItem.objects.create(item=i) >>> r = RelatedItem.objects.defer('item').get() >>> r.item_id == i.id True >>> r.item == i True Some further checks for select_related() and inherited model behaviour (regression for #10710). >>> c1 = Child.objects.create(name="c1", value=42) >>> c2 = Child.objects.create(name="c2", value=37) >>> obj = Leaf.objects.create(name="l1", child=c1, second_child=c2) >>> obj = Leaf.objects.only("name", "child").select_related()[0] >>> obj.child.name u'c1' >>> Leaf.objects.select_related().only("child__name", "second_child__name") [] Models instances with deferred fields should still return the same content types as their non-deferred versions (bug #10738). >>> ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model >>> c1 = ctype(Item.objects.all()[0]) >>> c2 = ctype(Item.objects.defer("name")[0]) >>> c3 = ctype(Item.objects.only("name")[0]) >>> c1 is c2 is c3 True # Regression for #10733 - only() can be used on a model with two foreign keys. >>> results = Leaf.objects.all().only('name', 'child', 'second_child').select_related() >>> results[0].child.name u'c1' >>> results[0].second_child.name u'c2' >>> results = Leaf.objects.all().only('name', 'child', 'second_child', 'child__name', 'second_child__name').select_related() >>> results[0].child.name u'c1' >>> results[0].second_child.name u'c2' # Test for #12163 - Pickling error saving session with unsaved model instances. >>> from django.contrib.sessions.backends.db import SessionStore >>> SESSION_KEY = '2b1189a188b44ad18c35e1baac6ceead' >>> item = Item() >>> item._deferred False >>> s = SessionStore(SESSION_KEY) >>> s.clear() >>> s['item'] = item >>> s.save() >>> s = SessionStore(SESSION_KEY) >>> s.modified = True >>> s.save() >>> i2 = s['item'] >>> i2._deferred # Item must still be non-deferred False # Finally, we need to flush the app cache for the defer module. # Using only/defer creates some artifical entries in the app cache # that messes up later tests. Purge all entries, just to be sure. >>> from django.db.models.loading import cache >>> cache.app_models['defer_regress'] = {} """ }