from django.test import TransactionTestCase from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.db import connection from django.db.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor class ExecutorTests(TransactionTestCase): """ Tests the migration executor (full end-to-end running). Bear in mind that if these are failing you should fix the other test failures first, as they may be propagating into here. """ available_apps = ["migrations", "django.contrib.sessions"] @override_settings(MIGRATION_MODULES={"migrations": "migrations.test_migrations"}) def test_run(self): """ Tests running a simple set of migrations. """ executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) executor.recorder.flush() # Let's look at the plan first and make sure it's up to scratch plan = executor.migration_plan([("migrations", "0002_second")]) self.assertEqual( plan, [ (executor.loader.graph.nodes["migrations", "0001_initial"], False), (executor.loader.graph.nodes["migrations", "0002_second"], False), ], ) # Were the tables there before? self.assertNotIn("migrations_author", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) self.assertNotIn("migrations_book", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) # Alright, let's try running it executor.migrate([("migrations", "0002_second")]) # Are the tables there now? self.assertIn("migrations_author", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) self.assertIn("migrations_book", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) # Alright, let's undo what we did executor.migrate([("migrations", None)]) # Are the tables gone? self.assertNotIn("migrations_author", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) self.assertNotIn("migrations_book", connection.introspection.get_table_list(connection.cursor())) @override_settings(MIGRATION_MODULES={"migrations": "migrations.test_migrations", "sessions": "migrations.test_migrations_2"}) def test_empty_plan(self): """ Tests that re-planning a full migration of a fully-migrated set doesn't perform spurious unmigrations and remigrations. There was previously a bug where the executor just always performed the backwards plan for applied migrations - which even for the most recent migration in an app, might include other, dependent apps, and these were being unmigrated. """ # Make the initial plan, check it # We use 'sessions' here as the second app as it's always present # in INSTALLED_APPS, so we can happily assign it test migrations. executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) plan = executor.migration_plan([("migrations", "0002_second"), ("sessions", "0001_initial")]) self.assertEqual( plan, [ (executor.loader.graph.nodes["migrations", "0001_initial"], False), (executor.loader.graph.nodes["migrations", "0002_second"], False), (executor.loader.graph.nodes["sessions", "0001_initial"], False), ], ) # Fake-apply all migrations executor.migrate([("migrations", "0002_second"), ("sessions", "0001_initial")], fake=True) # Now plan a second time and make sure it's empty plan = executor.migration_plan([("migrations", "0002_second"), ("sessions", "0001_initial")]) self.assertEqual(plan, []) # Erase all the fake records executor.recorder.flush()