from django.utils import six __test__ = {"API_TEST": r""" # Some checks of the doctest output normalizer. # Standard doctests do fairly >>> import json >>> from django.utils.xmlutils import SimplerXMLGenerator >>> from django.utils.six import StringIO >>> def produce_json(): ... return json.dumps(['foo', {'bar': ('baz', None, 1.0, 2), 'whiz': 42}]) >>> def produce_xml(): ... stream = StringIO() ... xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(stream, encoding='utf-8') ... xml.startDocument() ... xml.startElement("foo", {"aaa" : "1.0", "bbb": "2.0"}) ... xml.startElement("bar", {"ccc" : "3.0"}) ... xml.characters("Hello") ... xml.endElement("bar") ... xml.startElement("whiz", {}) ... xml.characters("Goodbye") ... xml.endElement("whiz") ... xml.endElement("foo") ... xml.endDocument() ... return stream.getvalue() >>> def produce_xml_fragment(): ... stream = StringIO() ... xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(stream, encoding='utf-8') ... xml.startElement("foo", {"aaa": "1.0", "bbb": "2.0"}) ... xml.characters("Hello") ... xml.endElement("foo") ... xml.startElement("bar", {"ccc": "3.0", "ddd": "4.0"}) ... xml.endElement("bar") ... return stream.getvalue() # JSON output is normalized for field order, so it doesn't matter # which order json dictionary attributes are listed in output >>> produce_json() '["foo", {"bar": ["baz", null, 1.0, 2], "whiz": 42}]' >>> produce_json() '["foo", {"whiz": 42, "bar": ["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]' # XML output is normalized for attribute order, so it doesn't matter # which order XML element attributes are listed in output >>> produce_xml() '\nHelloGoodbye' >>> produce_xml() '\nHelloGoodbye' >>> produce_xml_fragment() 'Hello' >>> produce_xml_fragment() 'Hello' """} if not six.PY3: __test__["API_TEST"] += """ >>> def produce_long(): ... return 42L >>> def produce_int(): ... return 42 # Long values are normalized and are comparable to normal integers ... >>> produce_long() 42 # ... and vice versa >>> produce_int() 42L """