from django.core import serializers from django.db import connection from django.test import TestCase from .models import FKDataNaturalKey, NaturalKeyAnchor from .tests import register_tests class NaturalKeySerializerTests(TestCase): pass def natural_key_serializer_test(self, format): # Create all the objects defined in the test data with connection.constraint_checks_disabled(): objects = [ NaturalKeyAnchor.objects.create(id=1100, data="Natural Key Anghor"), FKDataNaturalKey.objects.create(id=1101, data_id=1100), FKDataNaturalKey.objects.create(id=1102, data_id=None), ] # Serialize the test database serialized_data = serializers.serialize(format, objects, indent=2, use_natural_foreign_keys=True) for obj in serializers.deserialize(format, serialized_data): # Assert that the deserialized data is the same # as the original source for obj in objects: instance = obj.__class__.objects.get( self.assertEqual(,, "Objects with PK=%d not equal; expected '%s' (%s), got '%s' (%s)" % (,, type(, instance, type(, ) ) def natural_key_test(self, format): book1 = { 'data': '978-1590597255', 'title': 'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right', } book2 = {'data': '978-1590599969', 'title': 'Practical Django Projects'} # Create the books. adrian = NaturalKeyAnchor.objects.create(**book1) james = NaturalKeyAnchor.objects.create(**book2) # Serialize the books. string_data = serializers.serialize( format, NaturalKeyAnchor.objects.all(), indent=2, use_natural_foreign_keys=True, use_natural_primary_keys=True, ) # Delete one book (to prove that the natural key generation will only # restore the primary keys of books found in the database via the # get_natural_key manager method). james.delete() # Deserialize and test. books = list(serializers.deserialize(format, string_data)) self.assertEqual(len(books), 2) self.assertEqual(books[0].object.title, book1['title']) self.assertEqual(books[0], self.assertEqual(books[1].object.title, book2['title']) self.assertIsNone(books[1] # Dynamically register tests for each serializer register_tests(NaturalKeySerializerTests, 'test_%s_natural_key_serializer', natural_key_serializer_test) register_tests(NaturalKeySerializerTests, 'test_%s_serializer_natural_keys', natural_key_test)