from django.test import TestCase

from .models import Article, Bar, Base, Child, Foo, Whiz

class StringLookupTests(TestCase):

    def test_string_form_referencing(self):
        Regression test for #1661 and #1662

        String form referencing of models works, both as pre and post
        reference, on all RelatedField types.

        f1 = Foo(name="Foo1")
        f2 = Foo(name="Foo2")

        w1 = Whiz(name="Whiz1")

        b1 = Bar(name="Bar1", normal=f1, fwd=w1, back=f2)

        self.assertEqual(b1.normal, f1)

        self.assertEqual(b1.fwd, w1)

        self.assertEqual(b1.back, f2)

        base1 = Base(name="Base1")

        child1 = Child(name="Child1", parent=base1)

        self.assertEqual(child1.parent, base1)

    def test_unicode_chars_in_queries(self):
        Regression tests for #3937

        make sure we can use unicode characters in queries.
        If these tests fail on MySQL, it's a problem with the test setup.
        A properly configured UTF-8 database can handle this.

        fx = Foo(name='Bjorn', friend='François')
        self.assertEqual(Foo.objects.get(friend__contains='\xe7'), fx)

    def test_queries_on_textfields(self):
        Regression tests for #5087

        make sure we can perform queries on TextFields.

        a = Article(name='Test', text='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.')
        self.assertEqual(Article.objects.get(text__exact='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'), a)

        self.assertEqual(Article.objects.get(text__contains='quick brown fox'), a)

    def test_ipaddress_on_postgresql(self):
        Regression test for #708

        "like" queries on IP address fields require casting with HOST() (on PostgreSQL).
        a = Article(name='IP test', text='The body', submitted_from='')
        self.assertSequenceEqual(Article.objects.filter(submitted_from__contains='192.0.2'), [a])
        # The searches do not match the subnet mask (/32 in this case)
        self.assertEqual(Article.objects.filter(submitted_from__contains='32').count(), 0)