from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import attrgetter from django.test import TestCase from .models import Person class RecursiveM2MTests(TestCase): def test_recursive_m2m(self): a, b, c, d = [ Person.objects.create(name=name) for name in ["Anne", "Bill", "Chuck", "David"] ] # Add some friends in the direction of field definition # Anne is friends with Bill and Chuck a.friends.add(b, c) # David is friends with Anne and Chuck - add in reverse direction d.friends.add(a, c) # Who is friends with Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.friends.all(), [ "Bill", "Chuck", "David" ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is friends with Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.friends.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who is friends with Chuck? self.assertQuerysetEqual( c.friends.all(), [ "Anne", "David" ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is friends with David? self.assertQuerysetEqual( d.friends.all(), [ "Anne", "Chuck", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Bill is already friends with Anne - add Anne again, but in the # reverse direction b.friends.add(a) # Who is friends with Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.friends.all(), [ "Bill", "Chuck", "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is friends with Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.friends.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Remove Anne from Bill's friends b.friends.remove(a) # Who is friends with Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.friends.all(), [ "Chuck", "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is friends with Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.friends.all(), [] ) # Clear Anne's group of friends a.friends.clear() # Who is friends with Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.friends.all(), [] ) # Reverse relationships should also be gone # Who is friends with Chuck? self.assertQuerysetEqual( c.friends.all(), [ "David", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who is friends with David? self.assertQuerysetEqual( d.friends.all(), [ "Chuck", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Add some idols in the direction of field definition # Anne idolizes Bill and Chuck a.idols.add(b, c) # Bill idolizes Anne right back b.idols.add(a) # David is idolized by Anne and Chuck - add in reverse direction d.stalkers.add(a, c) # Who are Anne's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.idols.all(), [ "Bill", "Chuck", "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is stalking Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.stalkers.all(), [ "Bill", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who are Bill's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.idols.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who is stalking Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.stalkers.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who are Chuck's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( c.idols.all(), [ "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ) # Who is stalking Chuck? self.assertQuerysetEqual( c.stalkers.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who are David's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( d.idols.all(), [] ) # Who is stalking David self.assertQuerysetEqual( d.stalkers.all(), [ "Anne", "Chuck", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Bill is already being stalked by Anne - add Anne again, but in the # reverse direction b.stalkers.add(a) # Who are Anne's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.idols.all(), [ "Bill", "Chuck", "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is stalking Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.stalkers.all(), [ "Bill", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who are Bill's idols self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.idols.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who is stalking Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.stalkers.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name"), ) # Remove Anne from Bill's list of stalkers b.stalkers.remove(a) # Who are Anne's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.idols.all(), [ "Chuck", "David", ], attrgetter("name"), ordered=False ) # Who is stalking Anne? self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.stalkers.all(), [ "Bill", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who are Bill's idols? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.idols.all(), [ "Anne", ], attrgetter("name") ) # Who is stalking Bill? self.assertQuerysetEqual( b.stalkers.all(), [] ) # Clear Anne's group of idols a.idols.clear() # Who are Anne's idols self.assertQuerysetEqual( a.idols.all(), [] ) # Reverse relationships should also be gone # Who is stalking Chuck? self.assertQuerysetEqual( c.stalkers.all(), [] ) # Who is friends with David? self.assertQuerysetEqual( d.stalkers.all(), [ "Chuck", ], attrgetter("name") )