Testing some internals of the template processing. These are *not* examples to be copied in user code.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from unittest import TestCase

from django.template import Library, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.base import (
    TOKEN_BLOCK, FilterExpression, Parser, Token, Variable,
from django.template.defaultfilters import register as filter_library
from django.utils import six

class ParserTests(TestCase):

    def test_token_smart_split(self):
        #7027 -- _() syntax should work with spaces
        token = Token(TOKEN_BLOCK, 'sometag _("Page not found") value|yesno:_("yes,no")')
        split = token.split_contents()
        self.assertEqual(split, ["sometag", '_("Page not found")', 'value|yesno:_("yes,no")'])

    def test_filter_parsing(self):
        c = {"article": {"section": "News"}}
        p = Parser("", builtins=[filter_library])

        def fe_test(s, val):
            self.assertEqual(FilterExpression(s, p).resolve(c), val)

        fe_test("article.section", "News")
        fe_test("article.section|upper", "NEWS")
        fe_test('"News"', "News")
        fe_test("'News'", "News")
        fe_test(r'"Some \"Good\" News"', 'Some "Good" News')
        fe_test(r'"Some \"Good\" News"', 'Some "Good" News')
        fe_test(r"'Some \'Bad\' News'", "Some 'Bad' News")

        fe = FilterExpression(r'"Some \"Good\" News"', p)
        self.assertEqual(fe.filters, [])
        self.assertEqual(fe.var, 'Some "Good" News')

        # Filtered variables should reject access of attributes beginning with
        # underscores.
        self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError, FilterExpression, "article._hidden|upper", p)

    def test_variable_parsing(self):
        c = {"article": {"section": "News"}}
        self.assertEqual(Variable("article.section").resolve(c), "News")
        self.assertEqual(Variable('"News"').resolve(c), "News")
        self.assertEqual(Variable("'News'").resolve(c), "News")

        # Translated strings are handled correctly.
        self.assertEqual(Variable("_(article.section)").resolve(c), "News")
        self.assertEqual(Variable('_("Good News")').resolve(c), "Good News")
        self.assertEqual(Variable("_('Better News')").resolve(c), "Better News")

        # Escaped quotes work correctly as well.
            Variable(r'"Some \"Good\" News"').resolve(c), 'Some "Good" News'
            Variable(r"'Some \'Better\' News'").resolve(c), "Some 'Better' News"

        # Variables should reject access of attributes beginning with
        # underscores.
        self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError, Variable, "article._hidden")

        # Variables should raise on non string type
        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, "Variable must be a string or number, got <(class|type) 'dict'>"):

    def test_filter_args_count(self):
        p = Parser("")
        l = Library()

        def no_arguments(value):

        def one_argument(value, arg):

        def one_opt_argument(value, arg=False):

        def two_arguments(value, arg, arg2):

        def two_one_opt_arg(value, arg, arg2=False):
        for expr in (
            with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError):
                FilterExpression(expr, p)
        for expr in (
                # Correct number of arguments
                # One optional
                # Not supplying all
            FilterExpression(expr, p)