mirror of https://github.com/django/django.git
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903 lines
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from django.apps.registry import Apps
from django.db import models
from django.db.migrations.operations import DeleteModel, RemoveField
from django.db.migrations.state import (
InvalidBasesError, ModelState, ProjectState, get_related_models_recursive,
from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase, override_settings
from .models import (
FoodManager, FoodQuerySet, ModelWithCustomBase, NoMigrationFoodManager,
class StateTests(TestCase):
Tests state construction, rendering and modification by operations.
def test_create(self):
Tests making a ProjectState from an Apps
new_apps = Apps(["migrations"])
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
bio = models.TextField()
age = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
unique_together = ["name", "bio"]
index_together = ["bio", "age"]
class AuthorProxy(Author):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
proxy = True
ordering = ["name"]
class SubAuthor(Author):
width = models.FloatField(null=True)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
contributors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
verbose_name = "tome"
db_table = "test_tome"
class Food(models.Model):
food_mgr = FoodManager('a', 'b')
food_qs = FoodQuerySet.as_manager()
food_no_mgr = NoMigrationFoodManager('x', 'y')
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class FoodNoManagers(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class FoodNoDefaultManager(models.Model):
food_no_mgr = NoMigrationFoodManager('x', 'y')
food_mgr = FoodManager('a', 'b')
food_qs = FoodQuerySet.as_manager()
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
mgr1 = FoodManager('a', 'b')
mgr2 = FoodManager('x', 'y', c=3, d=4)
class FoodOrderedManagers(models.Model):
# The managers on this model should be ordered by their creation
# counter and not by the order in model body
food_no_mgr = NoMigrationFoodManager('x', 'y')
food_mgr2 = mgr2
food_mgr1 = mgr1
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
project_state = ProjectState.from_apps(new_apps)
author_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'author']
author_proxy_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'authorproxy']
sub_author_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'subauthor']
book_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'book']
food_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'food']
food_no_managers_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'foodnomanagers']
food_no_default_manager_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'foodnodefaultmanager']
food_order_manager_state = project_state.models['migrations', 'foodorderedmanagers']
self.assertEqual(author_state.app_label, "migrations")
self.assertEqual(author_state.name, "Author")
self.assertEqual([x for x, y in author_state.fields], ["id", "name", "bio", "age"])
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[1][1].max_length, 255)
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[2][1].null, False)
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[3][1].null, True)
self.assertEqual(author_state.options, {"unique_together": {("name", "bio")}, "index_together": {("bio", "age")}})
self.assertEqual(author_state.bases, (models.Model, ))
self.assertEqual(book_state.app_label, "migrations")
self.assertEqual(book_state.name, "Book")
self.assertEqual([x for x, y in book_state.fields], ["id", "title", "author", "contributors"])
self.assertEqual(book_state.fields[1][1].max_length, 1000)
self.assertEqual(book_state.fields[2][1].null, False)
self.assertEqual(book_state.fields[3][1].__class__.__name__, "ManyToManyField")
self.assertEqual(book_state.options, {"verbose_name": "tome", "db_table": "test_tome"})
self.assertEqual(book_state.bases, (models.Model, ))
self.assertEqual(author_proxy_state.app_label, "migrations")
self.assertEqual(author_proxy_state.name, "AuthorProxy")
self.assertEqual(author_proxy_state.fields, [])
self.assertEqual(author_proxy_state.options, {"proxy": True, "ordering": ["name"]})
self.assertEqual(author_proxy_state.bases, ("migrations.author", ))
self.assertEqual(sub_author_state.app_label, "migrations")
self.assertEqual(sub_author_state.name, "SubAuthor")
self.assertEqual(len(sub_author_state.fields), 2)
self.assertEqual(sub_author_state.bases, ("migrations.author", ))
# The default manager is used in migrations
self.assertEqual([name for name, mgr in food_state.managers], ['food_mgr'])
self.assertEqual(food_state.managers[0][1].args, ('a', 'b', 1, 2))
# No explicit managers defined. Migrations will fall back to the default
self.assertEqual(food_no_managers_state.managers, [])
# food_mgr is used in migration but isn't the default mgr, hence add the
# default
self.assertEqual([name for name, mgr in food_no_default_manager_state.managers],
['food_no_mgr', 'food_mgr'])
self.assertEqual(food_no_default_manager_state.managers[0][1].__class__, models.Manager)
self.assertIsInstance(food_no_default_manager_state.managers[1][1], FoodManager)
self.assertEqual([name for name, mgr in food_order_manager_state.managers],
['food_mgr1', 'food_mgr2'])
self.assertEqual([mgr.args for name, mgr in food_order_manager_state.managers],
[('a', 'b', 1, 2), ('x', 'y', 3, 4)])
def test_render(self):
Tests rendering a ProjectState into an Apps.
project_state = ProjectState()
("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
("name", models.CharField(max_length=100)),
("hidden", models.BooleanField()),
('tag_ptr', models.OneToOneField(
("awesome", models.BooleanField()),
base_mgr = models.Manager()
mgr1 = FoodManager('a', 'b')
mgr2 = FoodManager('x', 'y', c=3, d=4)
("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
# The ordering we really want is objects, mgr1, mgr2
('default', base_mgr),
('food_mgr2', mgr2),
('food_mgr1', mgr1),
new_apps = project_state.apps
self.assertEqual(new_apps.get_model("migrations", "Tag")._meta.get_field("name").max_length, 100)
self.assertEqual(new_apps.get_model("migrations", "Tag")._meta.get_field("hidden").null, False)
self.assertEqual(len(new_apps.get_model("migrations", "SubTag")._meta.local_fields), 2)
Food = new_apps.get_model("migrations", "Food")
managers = sorted(Food._meta.managers)
self.assertEqual([mgr.name for _, mgr, _ in managers],
['default', 'food_mgr1', 'food_mgr2'])
self.assertEqual([mgr.__class__ for _, mgr, _ in managers],
[models.Manager, FoodManager, FoodManager])
self.assertIs(managers[0][1], Food._default_manager)
def test_render_model_inheritance(self):
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
class Novel(Book):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
# First, test rendering individually
apps = Apps(["migrations"])
# We shouldn't be able to render yet
ms = ModelState.from_model(Novel)
with self.assertRaises(InvalidBasesError):
# Once the parent model is in the app registry, it should be fine
def test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance(self):
class Foo(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
class Bar(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
class FooBar(Foo, Bar):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
class AbstractSubFooBar(FooBar):
class Meta:
abstract = True
apps = Apps()
class SubFooBar(AbstractSubFooBar):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = Apps()
apps = Apps(["migrations"])
# We shouldn't be able to render yet
ms = ModelState.from_model(FooBar)
with self.assertRaises(InvalidBasesError):
# Once the parent models are in the app registry, it should be fine
self.assertSequenceEqual(ModelState.from_model(Foo).bases, [models.Model])
self.assertSequenceEqual(ModelState.from_model(Bar).bases, [models.Model])
self.assertSequenceEqual(ModelState.from_model(FooBar).bases, ['migrations.foo', 'migrations.bar'])
self.assertSequenceEqual(ModelState.from_model(SubFooBar).bases, ['migrations.foobar'])
def test_render_project_dependencies(self):
Tests that the ProjectState render method correctly renders models
to account for inter-model base dependencies.
new_apps = Apps()
class A(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class B(A):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class C(B):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class D(A):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class E(B):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
proxy = True
class F(D):
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
proxy = True
# Make a ProjectState and render it
project_state = ProjectState()
final_apps = project_state.apps
self.assertEqual(len(final_apps.get_models()), 6)
# Now make an invalid ProjectState and make sure it fails
project_state = ProjectState()
with self.assertRaises(InvalidBasesError):
def test_render_unique_app_labels(self):
Tests that the ProjectState render method doesn't raise an
ImproperlyConfigured exception about unique labels if two dotted app
names have the same last part.
class A(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "django.contrib.auth"
class B(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "vendor.auth"
# Make a ProjectState and render it
project_state = ProjectState()
self.assertEqual(len(project_state.apps.get_models()), 2)
def test_remove_relations(self):
#24225 - Tests that relations between models are updated while
remaining the relations and references for models of an old state.
class A(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = "something"
class B(models.Model):
to_a = models.ForeignKey(A)
class Meta:
app_label = "something"
def get_model_a(state):
return [mod for mod in state.apps.get_models() if mod._meta.model_name == 'a'][0]
project_state = ProjectState()
self.assertEqual(len(get_model_a(project_state)._meta.related_objects), 1)
old_state = project_state.clone()
operation = RemoveField("b", "to_a")
operation.state_forwards("something", project_state)
# Tests that model from old_state still has the relation
model_a_old = get_model_a(old_state)
model_a_new = get_model_a(project_state)
self.assertIsNot(model_a_old, model_a_new)
self.assertEqual(len(model_a_old._meta.related_objects), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(model_a_new._meta.related_objects), 0)
# Same test for deleted model
project_state = ProjectState()
old_state = project_state.clone()
operation = DeleteModel("b")
operation.state_forwards("something", project_state)
model_a_old = get_model_a(old_state)
model_a_new = get_model_a(project_state)
self.assertIsNot(model_a_old, model_a_new)
self.assertEqual(len(model_a_old._meta.related_objects), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(model_a_new._meta.related_objects), 0)
def test_equality(self):
Tests that == and != are implemented correctly.
# Test two things that should be equal
project_state = ProjectState()
("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
("name", models.CharField(max_length=100)),
("hidden", models.BooleanField()),
project_state.apps # Fill the apps cached property
other_state = project_state.clone()
self.assertEqual(project_state, project_state)
self.assertEqual(project_state, other_state)
self.assertEqual(project_state != project_state, False)
self.assertEqual(project_state != other_state, False)
self.assertNotEqual(project_state.apps, other_state.apps)
# Make a very small change (max_len 99) and see if that affects it
project_state = ProjectState()
("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
("name", models.CharField(max_length=99)),
("hidden", models.BooleanField()),
self.assertNotEqual(project_state, other_state)
self.assertEqual(project_state == other_state, False)
def test_dangling_references_throw_error(self):
new_apps = Apps()
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class Book(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class Magazine(models.Model):
authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
# Make a valid ProjectState and render it
project_state = ProjectState()
self.assertEqual(len(project_state.apps.get_models()), 3)
# now make an invalid one with a ForeignKey
project_state = ProjectState()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# and another with ManyToManyField
project_state = ProjectState()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_real_apps(self):
Tests that including real apps can resolve dangling FK errors.
This test relies on the fact that contenttypes is always loaded.
new_apps = Apps()
class TestModel(models.Model):
ct = models.ForeignKey("contenttypes.ContentType")
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
# If we just stick it into an empty state it should fail
project_state = ProjectState()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# If we include the real app it should succeed
project_state = ProjectState(real_apps=["contenttypes"])
rendered_state = project_state.apps
len([x for x in rendered_state.get_models() if x._meta.app_label == "migrations"]),
def test_ignore_order_wrt(self):
Makes sure ProjectState doesn't include OrderWrt fields when
making from existing models.
new_apps = Apps()
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
class Book(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
order_with_respect_to = "author"
# Make a valid ProjectState and render it
project_state = ProjectState()
[name for name, field in project_state.models["migrations", "book"].fields],
["id", "author"],
def test_manager_refer_correct_model_version(self):
#24147 - Tests that managers refer to the correct version of a
historical model
project_state = ProjectState()
("id", models.AutoField(primary_key=True)),
("hidden", models.BooleanField()),
('food_mgr', FoodManager('a', 'b')),
('food_qs', FoodQuerySet.as_manager()),
old_model = project_state.apps.get_model('migrations', 'tag')
new_state = project_state.clone()
operation = RemoveField("tag", "hidden")
operation.state_forwards("migrations", new_state)
new_model = new_state.apps.get_model('migrations', 'tag')
self.assertIsNot(old_model, new_model)
self.assertIs(old_model, old_model.food_mgr.model)
self.assertIs(old_model, old_model.food_qs.model)
self.assertIs(new_model, new_model.food_mgr.model)
self.assertIs(new_model, new_model.food_qs.model)
self.assertIsNot(old_model.food_mgr, new_model.food_mgr)
self.assertIsNot(old_model.food_qs, new_model.food_qs)
self.assertIsNot(old_model.food_mgr.model, new_model.food_mgr.model)
self.assertIsNot(old_model.food_qs.model, new_model.food_qs.model)
class ModelStateTests(TestCase):
def test_custom_model_base(self):
state = ModelState.from_model(ModelWithCustomBase)
self.assertEqual(state.bases, (models.Model,))
def test_bound_field_sanity_check(self):
field = models.CharField(max_length=1)
field.model = models.Model
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError,
'ModelState.fields cannot be bound to a model - "field" is.'):
ModelState('app', 'Model', [('field', field)])
def test_fields_immutability(self):
Tests that rendering a model state doesn't alter its internal fields.
apps = Apps()
field = models.CharField(max_length=1)
state = ModelState('app', 'Model', [('name', field)])
Model = state.render(apps)
self.assertNotEqual(Model._meta.get_field('name'), field)
def test_repr(self):
field = models.CharField(max_length=1)
state = ModelState('app', 'Model', [('name', field)], bases=['app.A', 'app.B', 'app.C'])
self.assertEqual(repr(state), "<ModelState: 'app.Model'>")
project_state = ProjectState()
with self.assertRaisesMessage(InvalidBasesError, "Cannot resolve bases for [<ModelState: 'app.Model'>]"):
def test_create_swappable(self):
Tests making a ProjectState from an Apps with a swappable model
new_apps = Apps(['migrations'])
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
bio = models.TextField()
age = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
app_label = 'migrations'
apps = new_apps
author_state = ModelState.from_model(Author)
self.assertEqual(author_state.app_label, 'migrations')
self.assertEqual(author_state.name, 'Author')
self.assertEqual([x for x, y in author_state.fields], ['id', 'name', 'bio', 'age'])
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[1][1].max_length, 255)
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[2][1].null, False)
self.assertEqual(author_state.fields[3][1].null, True)
self.assertEqual(author_state.options, {'swappable': 'TEST_SWAPPABLE_MODEL'})
self.assertEqual(author_state.bases, (models.Model, ))
self.assertEqual(author_state.managers, [])
def test_custom_manager_swappable(self):
Tests making a ProjectState from unused models with custom managers
new_apps = Apps(['migrations'])
class Food(models.Model):
food_mgr = FoodManager('a', 'b')
food_qs = FoodQuerySet.as_manager()
food_no_mgr = NoMigrationFoodManager('x', 'y')
class Meta:
app_label = "migrations"
apps = new_apps
food_state = ModelState.from_model(Food)
# The default manager is used in migrations
self.assertEqual([name for name, mgr in food_state.managers], ['food_mgr'])
self.assertEqual(food_state.managers[0][1].args, ('a', 'b', 1, 2))
class RelatedModelsTests(SimpleTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.apps = Apps(['migrations.related_models_app'])
def create_model(self, name, foreign_keys=[], bases=(), abstract=False, proxy=False):
test_name = 'related_models_app'
assert not (abstract and proxy)
meta_contents = {
'abstract': abstract,
'app_label': test_name,
'apps': self.apps,
'proxy': proxy,
meta = type(str("Meta"), tuple(), meta_contents)
if not bases:
bases = (models.Model,)
body = {
'Meta': meta,
'__module__': "__fake__",
fname_base = fname = '%s_%%d' % name.lower()
for i, fk in enumerate(foreign_keys, 1):
fname = fname_base % i
body[fname] = fk
return type(name, bases, body)
def assertRelated(self, model, needle):
{(n._meta.app_label, n._meta.model_name) for n in needle},
def test_unrelated(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B")
self.assertRelated(A, [])
self.assertRelated(B, [])
def test_direct_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('B')])
B = self.create_model("B")
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [A])
def test_direct_hidden_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('B', related_name='+')])
B = self.create_model("B")
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [A])
def test_nested_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('B')])
B = self.create_model("B", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('C')])
C = self.create_model("C")
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, C])
self.assertRelated(C, [A, B])
def test_two_sided(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('B')])
B = self.create_model("B", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('A')])
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [A])
def test_circle(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('B')])
B = self.create_model("B", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('C')])
C = self.create_model("C", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('A')])
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, C])
self.assertRelated(C, [A, B])
def test_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [A])
def test_nested_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,))
C = self.create_model("C", bases=(B,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, C])
self.assertRelated(C, [A, B])
def test_multiple_bases(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B")
C = self.create_model("C", bases=(A, B,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, C])
self.assertRelated(C, [A, B])
def test_multiple_nested_bases(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B")
C = self.create_model("C", bases=(A, B,))
D = self.create_model("D")
E = self.create_model("E", bases=(D,))
F = self.create_model("F", bases=(C, E,))
Y = self.create_model("Y")
Z = self.create_model("Z", bases=(Y,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C, D, E, F])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, C, D, E, F])
self.assertRelated(C, [A, B, D, E, F])
self.assertRelated(D, [A, B, C, E, F])
self.assertRelated(E, [A, B, C, D, F])
self.assertRelated(F, [A, B, C, D, E])
self.assertRelated(Y, [Z])
self.assertRelated(Z, [Y])
def test_base_to_base_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('Y')])
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,))
Y = self.create_model("Y")
Z = self.create_model("Z", bases=(Y,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, Y, Z])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, Y, Z])
self.assertRelated(Y, [A, B, Z])
self.assertRelated(Z, [A, B, Y])
def test_base_to_subclass_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('Z')])
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,))
Y = self.create_model("Y")
Z = self.create_model("Z", bases=(Y,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, Y, Z])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, Y, Z])
self.assertRelated(Y, [A, B, Z])
self.assertRelated(Z, [A, B, Y])
def test_direct_m2m(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('B')])
B = self.create_model("B")
self.assertRelated(A, [A.a_1.through, B])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, A.a_1.through])
def test_direct_m2m_self(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('A')])
self.assertRelated(A, [A.a_1.through])
def test_intermediate_m2m_self(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('A', through='T')])
T = self.create_model("T", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('A'), models.ForeignKey('A')])
self.assertRelated(A, [T])
self.assertRelated(T, [A])
def test_intermediate_m2m(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('B', through='T')])
B = self.create_model("B")
T = self.create_model("T", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('A'), models.ForeignKey('B')])
self.assertRelated(A, [B, T])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, T])
self.assertRelated(T, [A, B])
def test_intermediate_m2m_extern_fk(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('B', through='T')])
B = self.create_model("B")
Z = self.create_model("Z")
T = self.create_model("T", foreign_keys=[
models.ForeignKey('A'), models.ForeignKey('B'), models.ForeignKey('Z'),
self.assertRelated(A, [B, T, Z])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, T, Z])
self.assertRelated(T, [A, B, Z])
self.assertRelated(Z, [A, B, T])
def test_intermediate_m2m_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A", foreign_keys=[models.ManyToManyField('B', through='T')])
B = self.create_model("B")
S = self.create_model("S")
T = self.create_model("T", foreign_keys=[models.ForeignKey('A'), models.ForeignKey('B')], bases=(S,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, S, T])
self.assertRelated(B, [A, S, T])
self.assertRelated(S, [A, B, T])
self.assertRelated(T, [A, B, S])
def test_abstract_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A", abstract=True)
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [])
def test_nested_abstract_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A", abstract=True)
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,), abstract=True)
C = self.create_model("C", bases=(B,))
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [C])
self.assertRelated(C, [])
def test_proxy_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,), proxy=True)
self.assertRelated(A, [B])
self.assertRelated(B, [])
def test_nested_proxy_base(self):
A = self.create_model("A")
B = self.create_model("B", bases=(A,), proxy=True)
C = self.create_model("C", bases=(B,), proxy=True)
self.assertRelated(A, [B, C])
self.assertRelated(B, [C])
self.assertRelated(C, [])
def test_multiple_mixed_bases(self):
A = self.create_model("A", abstract=True)
M = self.create_model("M")
P = self.create_model("P")
Q = self.create_model("Q", bases=(P,), proxy=True)
Z = self.create_model("Z", bases=(A, M, Q))
# M has a pointer O2O field p_ptr to P
self.assertRelated(A, [M, P, Q, Z])
self.assertRelated(M, [P, Q, Z])
self.assertRelated(P, [M, Q, Z])
self.assertRelated(Q, [M, P, Z])
self.assertRelated(Z, [M, P, Q])