romgar b3b1d3d45f Fixed -- Made data migrations available in TransactionTestCase when using --keepdb.
Data loaded in migrations were restored at the beginning of each
TransactionTestCase and all the tables are truncated at the end of
these test cases. If there was a TransactionTestCase at the end of
the test suite, the migrated data weren't restored in the database
(especially unexpected when using --keepdb). Now data is restored
at the end of each TransactionTestCase.
2018-11-06 16:57:50 -05:00
.. Fixed -- Made data migrations available in TransactionTestCase when using --keepdb. 2018-11-06 16:57:50 -05:00 Fixed -- Made data migrations available in TransactionTestCase when using --keepdb. 2018-11-06 16:57:50 -05:00 Fixed -- Made data migrations available in TransactionTestCase when using --keepdb. 2018-11-06 16:57:50 -05:00