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# Absolute monkey's path
$MONKEY_FOLDER_NAME = "infection_monkey"
# Url of public git repository that contains monkey's source code
$MONKEY_REPO = "guardicore/monkey"
$MONKEY_LATEST_VERSION = (Invoke-WebRequest $MONKEY_API_RELEASES_URL | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name
2020-02-03 17:15:46 +08:00
# Link to the latest python download or install it manually
# Monkey binaries
$LINUX_32_BINARY_URL = $MONKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL + "monkey-linux-32"
$LINUX_32_BINARY_PATH = "monkey-linux-32"
$LINUX_64_BINARY_URL = $MONKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL + "monkey-linux-64"
$LINUX_64_BINARY_PATH = "monkey-linux-64"
$WINDOWS_32_BINARY_URL = $MONKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL + "monkey-windows-32.exe"
$WINDOWS_32_BINARY_PATH = "monkey-windows-32.exe"
$WINDOWS_64_BINARY_URL = $MONKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL + "monkey-windows-64.exe"
$WINDOWS_64_BINARY_PATH = "monkey-windows-64.exe"
# Other directories and paths ( most likely you dont need to configure)
$MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR = Join-Path "\monkey" -ChildPath "monkey_island"
$MONKEY_DIR = Join-Path "\monkey" -ChildPath "infection_monkey"
$SCOUTSUITE_DIR = Join-Path "\monkey" "common" "cloud" "scoutsuite"
2019-10-02 15:15:53 +08:00
$TEMP_PYTHON_INSTALLER = ".\python.exe"
$TEMP_NPM_INSTALLER = "node.msi"
$UPX_FOLDER = "upx-3.96-win64"
# Other url's
$CPP_URL = ""
$NPM_URL = ""
$UPX_URL = ""
2021-04-26 20:43:51 +08:00