@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
import logging
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Mapping
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import UnknownServiceError
from monkey_island.cc.services import aws_service
from monkey_island.cc.services.reporting.exporter import Exporter
__authors__ = ["maor.rayzin", "shay.nehmad"]
from common.aws import AWSInstance
from monkey_island.cc.services.reporting.issue_processing.exploit_processing.exploiter_descriptor_enum import ( # noqa:E501 (Long import)
# noqa:E501 (Long import)
from monkey_island.cc.services.reporting.issue_processing.exploit_processing.exploiter_report_info import ( # noqa:E501 (Long import)
@ -25,376 +19,351 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
INFECTION_MONKEY_ARN = "324264561773:product/guardicore/aws-infection-monkey"
class AWSExporter(Exporter):
def handle_report(report_json):
findings_list = []
issues_list = report_json["recommendations"]["issues"]
if not issues_list:
logger.info("No issues were found by the monkey, no need to send anything")
return True
current_aws_region = aws_service.get_region()
for machine in issues_list:
for issue in issues_list[machine]:
if "aws_instance_id" in issue:
AWSExporter._prepare_finding(issue, current_aws_region)
except AWSExporter.FindingNotFoundError as e:
if not AWSExporter._send_findings(findings_list, current_aws_region):
logger.error("Exporting findings to aws failed")
return False
def handle_report(report_json: Mapping, aws_instance: AWSInstance):
findings_list = []
issues_list = report_json["recommendations"]["issues"]
if not issues_list:
logger.info("No issues were found by the monkey, no need to send anything")
return True
def merge_two_dicts(x, y):
z = x.copy() # start with x's keys and values
z.update(y) # modifies z with y's keys and values & returns None
return z
for machine in issues_list:
for issue in issues_list[machine]:
if "aws_instance_id" in issue:
findings_list.append(_prepare_finding(issue, aws_instance))
except FindingNotFoundError as e:
def _prepare_finding(issue, region):
findings_dict = {
"island_cross_segment": AWSExporter._handle_island_cross_segment_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.SSH.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: AWSExporter._handle_ssh_issue,
CredentialType.KEY.value: AWSExporter._handle_ssh_key_issue,
"tunnel": AWSExporter._handle_tunnel_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.SMB.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: AWSExporter._handle_smb_password_issue,
CredentialType.HASH.value: AWSExporter._handle_smb_pth_issue,
"shared_passwords": AWSExporter._handle_shared_passwords_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.WMI.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: AWSExporter._handle_wmi_password_issue,
CredentialType.HASH.value: AWSExporter._handle_wmi_pth_issue,
"shared_passwords_domain": AWSExporter._handle_shared_passwords_domain_issue,
"shared_admins_domain": AWSExporter._handle_shared_admins_domain_issue,
"strong_users_on_crit": AWSExporter._handle_strong_users_on_crit_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.HADOOP.value.class_name: AWSExporter._handle_hadoop_issue,
if not _send_findings(findings_list, aws_instance.region):
logger.error("Exporting findings to aws failed")
return False
configured_product_arn = INFECTION_MONKEY_ARN
product_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{region}:{arn}".format(
region=region, arn=configured_product_arn
instance_arn = "arn:aws:ec2:" + str(region) + ":instance:{instance_id}"
# Not suppressing error here on purpose.
account_id = aws_service.get_account_id()
logger.debug("aws account id acquired: {}".format(account_id))
return True
aws_finding = {
"SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08",
"Id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"ProductArn": product_arn,
"GeneratorId": issue["type"],
"AwsAccountId": account_id,
"RecordState": "ACTIVE",
"Types": ["Software and Configuration Checks/Vulnerabilities/CVE"],
"CreatedAt": datetime.now().isoformat() + "Z",
"UpdatedAt": datetime.now().isoformat() + "Z",
processor = AWSExporter._get_issue_processor(findings_dict, issue)
def merge_two_dicts(x, y):
z = x.copy() # start with x's keys and values
z.update(y) # modifies z with y's keys and values & returns None
return z
return AWSExporter.merge_two_dicts(aws_finding, processor(issue, instance_arn))
def _get_issue_processor(finding_dict, issue):
processor = finding_dict[issue["type"]]
if type(processor) == dict:
processor = processor[issue["credential_type"]]
return processor
except KeyError:
raise AWSExporter.FindingNotFoundError(
f"Finding {issue['type']} not added as AWS exportable finding"
def _prepare_finding(issue, aws_instance: AWSInstance):
findings_dict = {
"island_cross_segment": _handle_island_cross_segment_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.SSH.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: _handle_ssh_issue,
CredentialType.KEY.value: _handle_ssh_key_issue,
"tunnel": _handle_tunnel_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.SMB.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: _handle_smb_password_issue,
CredentialType.HASH.value: _handle_smb_pth_issue,
"shared_passwords": _handle_shared_passwords_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.WMI.value.class_name: {
CredentialType.PASSWORD.value: _handle_wmi_password_issue,
CredentialType.HASH.value: _handle_wmi_pth_issue,
"shared_passwords_domain": _handle_shared_passwords_domain_issue,
"shared_admins_domain": _handle_shared_admins_domain_issue,
"strong_users_on_crit": _handle_strong_users_on_crit_issue,
ExploiterDescriptorEnum.HADOOP.value.class_name: _handle_hadoop_issue,
class FindingNotFoundError(Exception):
configured_product_arn = INFECTION_MONKEY_ARN
product_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{region}:{arn}".format(
region=aws_instance.region, arn=configured_product_arn
instance_arn = "arn:aws:ec2:" + str(aws_instance.region) + ":instance:{instance_id}"
account_id = aws_instance.account_id
logger.debug("aws account id acquired: {}".format(account_id))
def _send_findings(findings_list, region):
logger.debug("Trying to acquire securityhub boto3 client in " + region)
security_hub_client = boto3.client("securityhub", region_name=region)
logger.debug("Client acquired: {0}".format(repr(security_hub_client)))
aws_finding = {
"SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08",
"Id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"ProductArn": product_arn,
"GeneratorId": issue["type"],
"AwsAccountId": account_id,
"RecordState": "ACTIVE",
"Types": ["Software and Configuration Checks/Vulnerabilities/CVE"],
"CreatedAt": datetime.now().isoformat() + "Z",
"UpdatedAt": datetime.now().isoformat() + "Z",
# Assumes the machine has the correct IAM role to do this, @see
# https://github.com/guardicore/monkey/wiki/Monkey-Island:-Running-the-monkey-on-AWS
# -EC2-instances
import_response = security_hub_client.batch_import_findings(Findings=findings_list)
logger.debug("Import findings response: {0}".format(repr(import_response)))
processor = _get_issue_processor(findings_dict, issue)
if import_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200:
return True
return False
except UnknownServiceError as e:
"AWS exporter called but AWS-CLI security hub service is not installed. "
"Error: {}".format(e)
return False
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("AWS security hub findings failed to send. Error: {}".format(e))
return False
return merge_two_dicts(aws_finding, processor(issue, instance_arn))
def _get_finding_resource(instance_id, instance_arn):
if instance_id:
return [{"Type": "AwsEc2Instance", "Id": instance_arn.format(instance_id=instance_id)}]
def _get_issue_processor(finding_dict, issue):
processor = finding_dict[issue["type"]]
if type(processor) == dict:
processor = processor[issue["credential_type"]]
return processor
except KeyError:
raise FindingNotFoundError(f"Finding {issue['type']} not added as AWS exportable finding")
class FindingNotFoundError(Exception):
def _send_findings(findings_list, region):
logger.debug("Trying to acquire securityhub boto3 client in " + region)
security_hub_client = boto3.client("securityhub", region_name=region)
logger.debug("Client acquired: {0}".format(repr(security_hub_client)))
# Assumes the machine has the correct IAM role to do this, @see
# https://github.com/guardicore/monkey/wiki/Monkey-Island:-Running-the-monkey-on-AWS
# -EC2-instances
import_response = security_hub_client.batch_import_findings(Findings=findings_list)
logger.debug("Import findings response: {0}".format(repr(import_response)))
if import_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200:
return True
return [{"Type": "Other", "Id": "None"}]
def _build_generic_finding(
severity, title, description, recommendation, instance_arn, instance_id=None
finding = {
"Severity": {"Product": severity, "Normalized": 100},
"Resources": AWSExporter._get_finding_resource(instance_id, instance_arn),
"Title": title,
"Description": description,
"Remediation": {"Recommendation": {"Text": recommendation}},
return finding
def _handle_tunnel_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Weak segmentation - Machines were able to communicate over unused ports.",
description="Use micro-segmentation policies to disable communication other than "
"the required.",
recommendation="Machines are not locked down at port level. "
"Network tunnel was set up from {0} to {1}".format(issue["machine"], issue["dest"]),
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return False
except UnknownServiceError as e:
"AWS exporter called but AWS-CLI security hub service is not installed. "
"Error: {}".format(e)
return False
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("AWS security hub findings failed to send. Error: {}".format(e))
return False
def _handle_smb_pth_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0}({1}) is vulnerable to a SMB attack. The Monkey "
"used a pass-the-hash attack over "
"SMB protocol with user {2}.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _get_finding_resource(instance_id, instance_arn):
if instance_id:
return [{"Type": "AwsEc2Instance", "Id": instance_arn.format(instance_id=instance_id)}]
return [{"Type": "Other", "Id": "None"}]
def _handle_ssh_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using SSH passwords supplied by the user during "
"the Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0} ({1}) is vulnerable to a SSH attack. The Monkey "
"authenticated over the SSH"
" protocol with user {2} and its "
"password.".format(issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]),
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _build_generic_finding(
severity, title, description, recommendation, instance_arn, instance_id=None
finding = {
"Severity": {"Product": severity, "Normalized": 100},
"Resources": _get_finding_resource(instance_id, instance_arn),
"Title": title,
"Description": description,
"Remediation": {"Recommendation": {"Text": recommendation}},
def _handle_ssh_key_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return finding
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using SSH passwords supplied by the user during "
"the Monkey's configuration.",
description="Protect {ssh_key} private key with a pass phrase.".format(
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a SSH "
"attack. The Monkey authenticated "
"over the SSH protocol with private key {ssh_key}.".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], ssh_key=issue["ssh_key"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_island_cross_segment_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_tunnel_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Weak segmentation - Machines were able to communicate over unused ports.",
description="Use micro-segmentation policies to disable communication other than "
"the required.",
recommendation="Machines are not locked down at port level. "
"Network tunnel was set up from {0} to {1}".format(issue["machine"], issue["dest"]),
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Weak segmentation - Machines from different segments are able to "
description="Segment your network and make sure there is no communication between "
"machines from different "
recommendation="The network can probably be segmented. A monkey instance on \
{0} in the networks {1} \
could directly access the Monkey Island server in the networks {2}.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["networks"], issue["server_networks"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_shared_passwords_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_smb_pth_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0}({1}) is vulnerable to a SMB attack. The Monkey "
"used a pass-the-hash attack over "
"SMB protocol with user {2}.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Multiple users have the same password",
description="Some users are sharing passwords, this should be fixed by changing "
recommendation="These users are sharing access password: {0}.".format(
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_smb_password_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_ssh_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using SSH passwords supplied by the user during "
"the Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0} ({1}) is vulnerable to a SSH attack. The Monkey "
"authenticated over the SSH"
" protocol with user {2} and its "
"password.".format(issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]),
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0} ({1}) is vulnerable to a SMB attack. The Monkey "
"authenticated over the SMB "
"protocol with user {2} and its password.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_wmi_password_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_ssh_key_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using SSH passwords supplied by the user during "
"the Monkey's configuration.",
description="Protect {ssh_key} private key with a pass phrase.".format(
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a SSH "
"attack. The Monkey authenticated "
"over the SSH protocol with private key {ssh_key}.".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], ssh_key=issue["ssh_key"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a WMI "
"attack. The Monkey authenticated over "
"the WMI protocol with user {username} and its password.".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], username=issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_wmi_pth_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_island_cross_segment_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Weak segmentation - Machines from different segments are able to " "communicate.",
description="Segment your network and make sure there is no communication between "
"machines from different "
recommendation="The network can probably be segmented. A monkey instance on \
{0} in the networks {1} \
could directly access the Monkey Island server in the networks {2}.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["networks"], issue["server_networks"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a WMI "
"attack. The Monkey used a "
"pass-the-hash attack over WMI protocol with user {username}".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], username=issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_shared_passwords_domain_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_shared_passwords_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Multiple users have the same password",
description="Some users are sharing passwords, this should be fixed by changing "
recommendation="These users are sharing access password: {0}.".format(issue["shared_with"]),
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Multiple users have the same password.",
description="Some domain users are sharing passwords, this should be fixed by "
"changing passwords.",
recommendation="These users are sharing access password: {shared_with}.".format(
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_shared_admins_domain_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_smb_password_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {0} ({1}) is vulnerable to a SMB attack. The Monkey "
"authenticated over the SMB "
"protocol with user {2} and its password.".format(
issue["machine"], issue["ip_address"], issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Shared local administrator account - Different machines have the same "
"account as a local administrator.",
description="Make sure the right administrator accounts are managing the right "
"machines, and that there isn't "
"an unintentional local admin sharing.",
recommendation="Here is a list of machines which the account {username} is "
"defined as an administrator: "
username=issue["username"], shared_machines=issue["shared_machines"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_strong_users_on_crit_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_wmi_password_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a WMI "
"attack. The Monkey authenticated over "
"the WMI protocol with user {username} and its password.".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], username=issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Mimikatz found login credentials of a user who has admin access to a "
"server defined as critical.",
description="This critical machine is open to attacks via strong users with "
"access to it.",
recommendation="The services: {services} have been found on the machine thus "
"classifying it as a critical "
"machine. These users has access to it:{threatening_users}.".format(
services=issue["services"], threatening_users=issue["threatening_users"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_hadoop_issue(issue, instance_arn):
def _handle_wmi_pth_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Machines are accessible using passwords supplied by the user during the "
"Monkey's configuration.",
description="Change {0}'s password to a complex one-use password that is not "
"shared with other computers on the "
recommendation="The machine {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to a WMI "
"attack. The Monkey used a "
"pass-the-hash attack over WMI protocol with user {username}".format(
machine=issue["machine"], ip_address=issue["ip_address"], username=issue["username"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
return AWSExporter._build_generic_finding(
title="Hadoop/Yarn servers are vulnerable to remote code execution.",
description="Run Hadoop in secure mode, add Kerberos authentication.",
recommendation="The Hadoop server at {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to "
"remote code execution attack."
"The attack was made possible due to default Hadoop/Yarn "
"configuration being insecure.",
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_shared_passwords_domain_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Multiple users have the same password.",
description="Some domain users are sharing passwords, this should be fixed by "
"changing passwords.",
recommendation="These users are sharing access password: {shared_with}.".format(
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_shared_admins_domain_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Shared local administrator account - Different machines have the same "
"account as a local administrator.",
description="Make sure the right administrator accounts are managing the right "
"machines, and that there isn't "
"an unintentional local admin sharing.",
recommendation="Here is a list of machines which the account {username} is "
"defined as an administrator: "
username=issue["username"], shared_machines=issue["shared_machines"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_strong_users_on_crit_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Mimikatz found login credentials of a user who has admin access to a "
"server defined as critical.",
description="This critical machine is open to attacks via strong users with "
"access to it.",
recommendation="The services: {services} have been found on the machine thus "
"classifying it as a critical "
"machine. These users has access to it:{threatening_users}.".format(
services=issue["services"], threatening_users=issue["threatening_users"]
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,
def _handle_hadoop_issue(issue, instance_arn):
return _build_generic_finding(
title="Hadoop/Yarn servers are vulnerable to remote code execution.",
description="Run Hadoop in secure mode, add Kerberos authentication.",
recommendation="The Hadoop server at {machine} ({ip_address}) is vulnerable to "
"remote code execution attack."
"The attack was made possible due to default Hadoop/Yarn "
"configuration being insecure.",
instance_id=issue["aws_instance_id"] if "aws_instance_id" in issue else None,