# OS compatibility ## About OS compatibility is an environment on AWS that is designed to test monkey binary compatibility on different operating systems. This environment is deployed using terraform scripts located in this directory. ## Setup To setup you need to put `accessKeys` file into `./aws_keys` directory. Contents of `accessKeys` file should be as follows: ``` [default] aws_access_key_id = <...> aws_secret_access_key = <...> ``` Also review `./terraform/config.tf` file. Launch the environment by going into `terraform` folder and running ```angular2html terraform init terraform apply ``` ## Usage 1. Launch os_compat_ISLAND machine and upload your binaries/update island 2. Launch/Reboot all other os_compat test machines 3. Wait until machines boot and run monkey 4. Launch `test_compatibility.py` pytest script with island ip parameter (e.g. `test_compatibility.py --island`)