import os from flask import Flask, request, abort, send_from_directory from flask.ext import restful from flask.ext.restful import reqparse from flask.ext.pymongo import PyMongo from flask import make_response import bson.json_util import json from datetime import datetime import dateutil.parser MONKEY_DOWNLOADS = [ { 'type' : 'linux', 'machine' : 'x86_64', 'filename' : 'monkey-linux-64', }, { 'type' : 'linux', 'machine' : 'i686', 'filename' : 'monkey-linux-32', }, { 'type' : 'linux', 'filename' : 'monkey-linux-32', }, { 'type' : 'windows', 'machine' : 'x86', 'filename' : 'monkey-linux-32.exe', }, { 'type' : 'windows', 'machine' : 'amd64', 'filename' : 'monkey-windows-64.exe', }, { 'type' : 'windows', 'filename' : 'monkey-windows-32.exe', },] MONGO_URL = os.environ.get('MONGO_URL') if not MONGO_URL: MONGO_URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017/monkeyisland"; app = Flask(__name__) app.config['MONGO_URI'] = MONGO_URL mongo = PyMongo(app) class Monkey(restful.Resource): def get(self, **kw): guid = kw.get('guid') timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp') if None != guid: return mongo.db.monkey.find_one_or_404({"guid": guid}) else: result = {'timestamp':} find_filter = {} if None != timestamp: find_filter['modifytime'] = {'$gt': dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp)} result['objects'] = [x for x in mongo.db.monkey.find(find_filter)] return result def patch(self, guid): monkey_json = json.loads(; update = {"$set" : {'modifytime', 'keepalive'}} if monkey_json.has_key('config'): update['$set']['config'] = monkey_json['config'] return mongo.db.monkey.update({"guid": guid},\ update,\ upsert=False) def post(self, **kw): monkey_json = json.loads( if monkey_json.has_key('keepalive'): monkey_json['keepalive'] = dateutil.parser.parse(monkey_json['keepalive']) else: monkey_json['keepalive'] = monkey_json['modifytime'] = # try to find new monkey parent parent = monkey_json.get('parent') if (not parent or parent == monkey_json.get('guid')) and monkey_json.has_key('ip_addresses'): exploit_telem = [x for x in mongo.db.telemetry.find({'telem_type': {'$eq' : 'exploit'}, \ 'data.machine.ip_addr' : {'$in' : monkey_json['ip_addresses']}})] if 1 == len(exploit_telem): monkey_json['parent'] = exploit_telem[0].get('monkey_guid') # if new monkey, change config according to general config. db_monkey = mongo.db.monkey.find_one({"guid": monkey_json["guid"]}) if not db_monkey: general_config = mongo.db.config.find_one({'name' : 'generalconfig'}) or {} monkey_json['config']= monkey_json.get('config', {}) monkey_json['config'].update(general_config) else: monkey_json.update(db_monkey) return mongo.db.monkey.update({"guid": monkey_json["guid"]}, {"$set" : monkey_json}, upsert=True) class Telemetry(restful.Resource): def get(self, **kw): monkey_guid = kw.get('monkey_guid') timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp') result = {'timestamp':} find_filter = {} if None != monkey_guid: find_filter["monkey_guid"] = {'$eq': monkey_guid} if None != timestamp: find_filter['timestamp'] = {'$gt': dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp)} result['objects'] = [x for x in mongo.db.telemetry.find(find_filter)] return result def post(self): telemetry_json = json.loads( telemetry_json['timestamp'] = telem_id = mongo.db.telemetry.insert(telemetry_json) # update exploited monkeys parent try: if telemetry_json.get('telem_type') == 'exploit': update_parent = [] for monkey in mongo.db.monkey.find({ "ip_addresses" : {'$elemMatch' : { '$eq' : telemetry_json['data']['machine']['ip_addr'] }}}): parent = monkey.get('parent') if parent == monkey.get('guid') or None == parent: update_parent.append(monkey) if 1 == len(update_parent): update_parent[0]['parent'] = telemetry_json['monkey_guid'] mongo.db.monkey.update({"guid": update_parent[0]['guid']}, {"$set" : update_parent[0]}, upsert=False) except: pass return mongo.db.telemetry.find_one_or_404({"_id": telem_id}) class GeneralConfig(restful.Resource): def get(self): config = mongo.db.config.find_one({'name' : 'generalconfig'}) or {} if config.has_key('name'): del config['name'] return config def post(self): config_json = json.loads( return mongo.db.config.update({'name' : 'generalconfig'}, {"$set" : config_json}, upsert=True) class MonkeyDownload(restful.Resource): def get(self, path): return send_from_directory('binaries', path) def post(self): host_json = json.loads( host_os = host_json.get('os') if os: result = None for download in MONKEY_DOWNLOADS: if host_os.get('type') == download.get('type') and \ host_os.get('machine') == download.get('machine'): result = download break if result: real_path = os.path.join('binaries', result['filename']) if os.path.isfile(real_path): result['size'] = os.path.getsize(real_path) return result return {} class Root(restful.Resource): def get(self): return { 'status': 'OK', 'mongo': str(mongo.db), } def normalize_obj(obj): if obj.has_key('_id') and not obj.has_key('id'): obj['id'] = obj['_id'] del obj['_id'] for key,value in obj.items(): if type(value) is bson.objectid.ObjectId: obj[key] = str(value) if type(value) is datetime: obj[key] = str(value) if type(value) is dict: obj[key] = normalize_obj(value) if type(value) is list: for i in range(0,len(value)): if type(value[i]) is dict: value[i] = normalize_obj(value[i]) return obj def output_json(obj, code, headers=None): obj = normalize_obj(obj) resp = make_response(bson.json_util.dumps(obj), code) resp.headers.extend(headers or {}) return resp @app.route('/admin/') def send_admin(path): return send_from_directory('admin/ui', path) DEFAULT_REPRESENTATIONS = {'application/json': output_json} api = restful.Api(app) api.representations = DEFAULT_REPRESENTATIONS api.add_resource(Root, '/api') api.add_resource(Monkey, '/api/monkey', '/api/monkey/', '/api/monkey/') api.add_resource(Telemetry, '/api/telemetry', '/api/telemetry/', '/api/telemetry/') api.add_resource(GeneralConfig, '/api/config/general') api.add_resource(MonkeyDownload, '/api/monkey/download', '/api/monkey/download/', '/api/monkey/download/') if __name__ == '__main__':'', debug=True, ssl_context=('server.crt', 'server.key'))