It just means that not all dependencies were pre-installed on your system. That’s no problem! Just run the following command, which will install all dependencies, and then install the Monkey Island:
If you’re trying to install the Monkey Island on Ubuntu 16.04 or older, you need to install the dependencies yourself, since Python 3.7 is only installable from the `deadsnakes` PPA. To install the Monkey Island on Ubuntu 16.04, follow these steps:
Currently, there's no "upgrade-in-place" option when a new version is released. To get the updated version, download the new `.deb` file and install it. You should see a message like `Unpacking monkey-island (1.8.2) over (1.8.0)`. After which, the installation should complete successfully.
If you'd like to keep your existing configuration, you can export it to a file using the *Export config* button and then import it to the new Monkey Island.