forked from p15670423/monkey
Documentation & order
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
import time
import logging
from import AwsService
from common.cmd.aws_cmd_result import AwsCmdResult
from common.cmd.cmd_result import CmdResult
from import AwsCmdResult
from common.cmd.cmd_runner import CmdRunner
from common.cmd.cmd_status import CmdStatus
@ -14,10 +12,10 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AwsCmdRunner(CmdRunner):
Class for running a command on a remote AWS machine
Class for running commands on a remote AWS machine
def __init__(self, instance_id, region, is_linux):
def __init__(self, is_linux, instance_id, region = None):
super(AwsCmdRunner, self).__init__(is_linux)
self.instance_id = instance_id
self.region = region
@ -37,8 +35,8 @@ class AwsCmdRunner(CmdRunner):
return CmdStatus.FAILURE
def run_command_async(self, command):
def run_command_async(self, command_line):
doc_name = "AWS-RunShellScript" if self.is_linux else "AWS-RunPowerShellScript"
command_res = self.ssm.send_command(DocumentName=doc_name, Parameters={'commands': [command]},
command_res = self.ssm.send_command(DocumentName=doc_name, Parameters={'commands': [command_line]},
return command_res['Command']['CommandId']
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
__author__ = 'itay.mizeretz'
class Cmd(object):
Class representing a command
def __init__(self, cmd_runner, cmd_id):
self.cmd_runner = cmd_runner
self.cmd_id = cmd_id
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
__author__ = 'itay.mizeretz'
class CmdResult(object):
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import time
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from common.cmd.cmd import Cmd
from common.cmd.cmd_result import CmdResult
from common.cmd.cmd_status import CmdStatus
@ -12,7 +13,17 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CmdRunner(object):
Interface for running a command on a remote machine
Interface for running commands on a remote machine
Since these classes are a bit complex, I provide a list of common terminology and formats:
* command line - a command line. e.g. 'echo hello'
* command - represent a single command which was already run. Always of type Cmd
* command id - any unique identifier of a command which was already run
* command result - represents the result of running a command. Always of type CmdResult
* command status - represents the current status of a command. Always of type CmdStatus
* command info - Any consistent structure representing additional information of a command which was already run
* instance - a machine that commands will be run on. Can be any dictionary with 'instance_id' as a field
* instance_id - any unique identifier of an instance (machine). Can be of any format
# Default command timeout in seconds
@ -23,21 +34,45 @@ class CmdRunner(object):
def __init__(self, is_linux):
self.is_linux = is_linux
def run_command(self, command, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
def run_command(self, command_line, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
Runs the given command on the remote machine
:param command: The command to run
:param command_line: The command line to run
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds for command.
:return: Command result
c_id = self.run_command_async(command)
self.wait_commands([(self, c_id)], timeout)
c_id = self.run_command_async(command_line)
return self.wait_commands([Cmd(self, c_id)], timeout)[1]
def run_multiple_commands(instances, inst_to_cmd, inst_n_cmd_res_to_res):
Run multiple commands on various instances
:param instances: List of instances.
:param inst_to_cmd: Function which receives an instance, runs a command asynchronously and returns Cmd
:param inst_n_cmd_res_to_res: Function which receives an instance and CmdResult
and returns a parsed result (of any format)
:return: Dictionary with 'instance_id' as key and parsed result as value
command_instance_dict = {}
for instance in instances:
command = inst_to_cmd(instance)
command_instance_dict[command] = instance
instance_results = {}
command_result_pairs = CmdRunner.wait_commands(command_instance_dict.keys())
for command, result in command_result_pairs:
instance = command_instance_dict[command]
instance_results[instance['instance_id']] = inst_n_cmd_res_to_res(instance, result)
return instance_results
def run_command_async(self, command):
def run_command_async(self, command_line):
Runs the given command on the remote machine asynchronously.
:param command: The command to run
:param command_line: The command line to run
:return: Command ID (in any format)
raise NotImplementedError()
@ -46,9 +81,9 @@ class CmdRunner(object):
def wait_commands(commands, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
Waits on all commands up to given timeout
:param commands: list of tuples of command IDs and command runners
:param commands: list of commands (of type Cmd)
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds for command.
:return: commands' results (tuple of
:return: commands and their results (tuple of Command and CmdResult)
init_time = time.time()
curr_time = init_time
@ -56,7 +91,7 @@ class CmdRunner(object):
results = []
while (curr_time - init_time < timeout) and (len(commands) != 0):
for command in list(commands):
for command in list(commands): # list(commands) clones the list. We do so because we remove items inside
CmdRunner._process_command(command, commands, results, True)
@ -109,8 +144,8 @@ class CmdRunner(object):
:param should_process_only_finished: If True, processes only if command finished.
:return: None
c_runner = command[0]
c_id = command[1]
c_runner = command.cmd_runner
c_id = command.cmd_id
command_info = c_runner.query_command(c_id)
if (not should_process_only_finished) or c_runner.get_command_status(command_info) != CmdStatus.IN_PROGRESS:
@ -3,116 +3,30 @@ from flask import request, jsonify, make_response
import flask_restful
from cc.auth import jwt_required
from import ConfigService
from import AwsInstance
from import RemoteRunAwsService
from import AwsService
from common.cmd.aws_cmd_runner import AwsCmdRunner
from common.cmd.cmd_runner import CmdRunner
class RemoteRun(flask_restful.Resource):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteRun, self).__init__()
self.aws_instance = AwsInstance()
def run_aws_monkeys(self, request_body):
instances = request_body.get('instances')
island_ip = request_body.get('island_ip')
instances_bitness = self.get_bitness(instances)
return self.run_multiple_commands(
lambda instance: self.run_aws_monkey_cmd_async(instance['instance_id'],
instance['os'], island_ip, instances_bitness[instance['instance_id']]),
lambda _, result: result.is_success)
def run_multiple_commands(self, instances, inst_to_cmd, inst_n_cmd_res_to_res):
command_instance_dict = {}
for instance in instances:
command = inst_to_cmd(instance)
command_instance_dict[command] = instance
instance_results = {}
results = CmdRunner.wait_commands(command_instance_dict.keys())
for command, result in results:
instance = command_instance_dict[command]
instance_results[instance['instance_id']] = inst_n_cmd_res_to_res(instance, result)
return instance_results
def get_bitness(self, instances):
return self.run_multiple_commands(
lambda instance: RemoteRun.run_aws_bitness_cmd_async(instance['instance_id'], instance['os']),
lambda instance, result: self.get_bitness_by_result('linux' == instance['os'], result))
def get_bitness_by_result(self, is_linux, result):
if not result.is_success:
return None
elif is_linux:
return result.stdout.find('i686') == -1 # i686 means 32bit
return result.stdout.lower().find('programfiles(x86)') != -1 # if not found it means 32bit
def run_aws_bitness_cmd_async(instance_id, os):
Runs an AWS command to check bitness
:param instance_id: Instance ID of target
:param os: OS of target ('linux' or 'windows')
:return: Tuple of CmdRunner and command id
is_linux = ('linux' == os)
cmd = AwsCmdRunner(instance_id, None, is_linux)
cmd_text = 'uname -m' if is_linux else 'Get-ChildItem Env:'
return cmd, cmd.run_command_async(cmd_text)
def run_aws_monkey_cmd_async(self, instance_id, os, island_ip, is_64bit):
Runs a monkey remotely using AWS
:param instance_id: Instance ID of target
:param os: OS of target ('linux' or 'windows')
:param island_ip: IP of the island which the instance will try to connect to
:param is_64bit: Whether the instance is 64bit
:return: Tuple of CmdRunner and command id
is_linux = ('linux' == os)
cmd = AwsCmdRunner(instance_id, None, is_linux)
cmd_text = self._get_run_monkey_cmd_line(is_linux, is_64bit, island_ip)
return cmd, cmd.run_command_async(cmd_text)
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_linux_line(self, bit_text, island_ip):
return r'wget --no-check-certificate https://' + island_ip + r':5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-linux-' + \
bit_text + r'; chmod +x monkey-linux-' + bit_text + r'; ./monkey-linux-' + bit_text + r' m0nk3y -s ' + \
island_ip + r':5000'
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_windows_line(self, bit_text, island_ip):
return r"[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {" \
r"$true}; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://" + island_ip + \
r":5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-windows-" + bit_text + r".exe','.\\monkey.exe'); " \
r";Start-Process -FilePath '.\\monkey.exe' -ArgumentList 'm0nk3y -s " + island_ip + r":5000'; "
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_line(self, is_linux, is_64bit, island_ip):
bit_text = '64' if is_64bit else '32'
return self._get_run_monkey_cmd_linux_line(bit_text, island_ip) if is_linux \
else self._get_run_monkey_cmd_windows_line(bit_text, island_ip)
def init_aws_auth_params(self):
access_key_id = ConfigService.get_config_value(['cnc', 'aws_config', 'aws_access_key_id'], False, True)
secret_access_key = ConfigService.get_config_value(['cnc', 'aws_config', 'aws_secret_access_key'], False, True)
AwsService.set_auth_params(access_key_id, secret_access_key)
return RemoteRunAwsService.run_aws_monkeys(instances, island_ip)
def get(self):
action = request.args.get('action')
if action == 'list_aws':
is_aws = self.aws_instance.is_aws_instance()
is_aws = RemoteRunAwsService.is_running_on_aws()
resp = {'is_aws': is_aws}
if is_aws:
resp['instances'] = AwsService.get_instances()
return jsonify(resp)
return {}
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
from import ConfigService
from import AwsInstance
from import AwsService
from import AwsCmdRunner
from common.cmd.cmd import Cmd
from common.cmd.cmd_runner import CmdRunner
__author__ = "itay.mizeretz"
class RemoteRunAwsService:
aws_instance = None
def __init__(self):
def init():
Initializes service. Subsequent calls to this function have no effect.
Must be called at least once (in entire monkey lifetime) before usage of functions
:return: None
if RemoteRunAwsService.aws_instance is None:
RemoteRunAwsService.aws_instance = AwsInstance()
def run_aws_monkeys(instances, island_ip):
Runs monkeys on the given instances
:param instances: List of instances to run on
:param island_ip: IP of island the monkey will communicate with
:return: Dictionary with instance ids as keys, and True/False as values if succeeded or not
instances_bitness = RemoteRunAwsService.get_bitness(instances)
return CmdRunner.run_multiple_commands(
lambda instance: RemoteRunAwsService.run_aws_monkey_cmd_async(
instance['instance_id'], RemoteRunAwsService._is_linux(instance['os']), island_ip,
lambda _, result: result.is_success)
def is_running_on_aws():
return RemoteRunAwsService.aws_instance.is_aws_instance()
def update_aws_auth_params():
Updates the AWS authentication parameters according to config
:return: None
access_key_id = ConfigService.get_config_value(['cnc', 'aws_config', 'aws_access_key_id'], False, True)
secret_access_key = ConfigService.get_config_value(['cnc', 'aws_config', 'aws_secret_access_key'], False, True)
AwsService.set_auth_params(access_key_id, secret_access_key)
def get_bitness(instances):
For all given instances, checks whether they're 32 or 64 bit.
:param instances: List of instances to check
:return: Dictionary with instance ids as keys, and True/False as values. True if 64bit, False otherwise
return CmdRunner.run_multiple_commands(
lambda instance: RemoteRunAwsService.run_aws_bitness_cmd_async(
instance['instance_id'], RemoteRunAwsService._is_linux(instance['os'])),
lambda instance, result: RemoteRunAwsService._get_bitness_by_result(
RemoteRunAwsService._is_linux(instance['os']), result))
def _get_bitness_by_result(is_linux, result):
if not result.is_success:
return None
elif is_linux:
return result.stdout.find('i686') == -1 # i686 means 32bit
return result.stdout.lower().find('programfiles(x86)') != -1 # if not found it means 32bit
def run_aws_bitness_cmd_async(instance_id, is_linux):
Runs an AWS command to check bitness
:param instance_id: Instance ID of target
:param is_linux: Whether target is linux
:return: Cmd
cmd_text = 'uname -m' if is_linux else 'Get-ChildItem Env:'
return RemoteRunAwsService.run_aws_cmd_async(instance_id, is_linux, cmd_text)
def run_aws_monkey_cmd_async(instance_id, is_linux, island_ip, is_64bit):
Runs a monkey remotely using AWS
:param instance_id: Instance ID of target
:param is_linux: Whether target is linux
:param island_ip: IP of the island which the instance will try to connect to
:param is_64bit: Whether the instance is 64bit
:return: Cmd
cmd_text = RemoteRunAwsService._get_run_monkey_cmd_line(is_linux, is_64bit, island_ip)
return RemoteRunAwsService.run_aws_cmd_async(instance_id, is_linux, cmd_text)
def run_aws_cmd_async(instance_id, is_linux, cmd_line):
cmd_runner = AwsCmdRunner(is_linux, instance_id)
return Cmd(cmd_runner, cmd_runner.run_command_async(cmd_line))
def _is_linux(os):
return 'linux' == os
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_linux_line(bit_text, island_ip):
return r'wget --no-check-certificate https://' + island_ip + r':5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-linux-' + \
bit_text + r'; chmod +x monkey-linux-' + bit_text + r'; ./monkey-linux-' + bit_text + r' m0nk3y -s ' + \
island_ip + r':5000'
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_windows_line(bit_text, island_ip):
return r"[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {" \
r"$true}; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://" + island_ip + \
r":5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-windows-" + bit_text + r".exe','.\\monkey.exe'); " \
r";Start-Process -FilePath '.\\monkey.exe' -ArgumentList 'm0nk3y -s " + island_ip + r":5000'; "
def _get_run_monkey_cmd_line(is_linux, is_64bit, island_ip):
bit_text = '64' if is_64bit else '32'
return RemoteRunAwsService._get_run_monkey_cmd_linux_line(bit_text, island_ip) if is_linux \
else RemoteRunAwsService._get_run_monkey_cmd_windows_line(bit_text, island_ip)
Reference in New Issue