From c8a742674f1109058e2512f4c652dfaf0224577d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shay Nehmad <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 17:41:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Replaced ping with curl/wget and Invoke-WebRequest

 .../actions/        | 39 +++++++++++--------
 .../infection_monkey/utils/windows/   |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/monkey/infection_monkey/post_breach/actions/ b/monkey/infection_monkey/post_breach/actions/
index 2a1a79b91..1e4ce4e66 100644
--- a/monkey/infection_monkey/post_breach/actions/
+++ b/monkey/infection_monkey/post_breach/actions/
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ from infection_monkey.post_breach.pba import PBA
 from infection_monkey.telemetry.post_breach_telem import PostBreachTelem
 from infection_monkey.utils.environment import is_windows_os
-CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_PING_SUCCESS_FORMAT = "Created process '{}' as user '{}', and successfully pinged."
-CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_PING_FAILED_FORMAT = "Created process '{}' as user '{}', but failed to ping (exit status {})."
+CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_SUCCESS_FORMAT = "Created process '{}' as user '{}' and the process succeeded."
+CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_FAILED_FORMAT = "Created process '{}' as user '{}', but the process failed (exit status {})."
 USERNAME_PREFIX = "somenewuser"
 PASSWORD = "N3WPa55W0rD!1"
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class CommunicateAsNewUser(PBA):
-    This PBA creates a new user, and then pings google as that user. This is used for a Zero Trust test of the People
-    pillar. See the relevant telemetry processing to see what findings are created.
+    This PBA creates a new user, and then creates HTTP/S requests as that user. This is used for a Zero Trust test of the
+    People pillar. See the relevant telemetry processing to see what findings are created.
     def __init__(self):
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ class CommunicateAsNewUser(PBA):
         username = CommunicateAsNewUser.get_random_new_user_name()
             with create_auto_new_user(username, PASSWORD) as new_user:
-                ping_commandline = CommunicateAsNewUser.get_commandline_for_ping()
-                exit_status = new_user.run_as(ping_commandline)
-                self.send_ping_result_telemetry(exit_status, ping_commandline, username)
+                http_request_commandline = CommunicateAsNewUser.get_commandline_for_http_request(INFECTION_MONKEY_WEBSITE_URL)
+                exit_status = new_user.run_as(http_request_commandline)
+                self.send_result_telemetry(exit_status, http_request_commandline, username)
         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
             PostBreachTelem(self, (e.output.decode(), False)).send()
         except NewUserError as e:
@@ -47,21 +47,28 @@ class CommunicateAsNewUser(PBA):
         return USERNAME_PREFIX + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5))
-    def get_commandline_for_ping(domain=PING_TEST_DOMAIN, is_windows=is_windows_os()):
-        format_string = "PING.exe {domain} -n 1" if is_windows else "ping -c 1 {domain}"
-        return format_string.format(domain=domain)
+    def get_commandline_for_http_request(url, is_windows=is_windows_os()):
+        if is_windows:
+            format_string = "powershell -command \"Invoke-WebRequest {url}\""
+        else:
+            # true || false -> 0.  false || true -> 0.  false || false -> 1. So:
+            # if curl works, we're good.
+            # If curl doesn't exist or fails and wget work, we're good.
+            # And if both don't exist: we'll call it a win.
+            format_string = "curl {url} || wget -O/dev/null -q {url}"
+        return format_string.format(url=url)
-    def send_ping_result_telemetry(self, exit_status, commandline, username):
+    def send_result_telemetry(self, exit_status, commandline, username):
-        Parses the result of ping and sends telemetry accordingly.
+        Parses the result of the command and sends telemetry accordingly.
-        :param exit_status: In both Windows and Linux, 0 exit code from Ping indicates success.
+        :param exit_status: In both Windows and Linux, 0 exit code indicates success.
         :param commandline: Exact commandline which was executed, for reporting back.
         :param username: Username from which the command was executed, for reporting back.
         if exit_status == 0:
             PostBreachTelem(self, (
-                CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_PING_SUCCESS_FORMAT.format(commandline, username), True)).send()
+                CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_SUCCESS_FORMAT.format(commandline, username), True)).send()
             PostBreachTelem(self, (
-                CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_PING_FAILED_FORMAT.format(commandline, username, exit_status), False)).send()
+                CREATED_PROCESS_AS_USER_FAILED_FORMAT.format(commandline, username, exit_status), False)).send()
diff --git a/monkey/infection_monkey/utils/windows/ b/monkey/infection_monkey/utils/windows/
index cf6eb73c4..c6e46a690 100644
--- a/monkey/infection_monkey/utils/windows/
+++ b/monkey/infection_monkey/utils/windows/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class AutoNewWindowsUser(AutoNewUser):
                 ".",  # Use current domain.
-                win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,  # Logon type - interactive (normal user). Need this to open ping
+                win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,  # Logon type - interactive (normal user).
                 # using a shell.
                 win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT)  # Which logon provider to use - whatever Windows offers.
         except Exception as err: