index 2744fac11..035eb0124 100644
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
Thanks for your interest in making the Monkey -- and therefore, your network -- a better place!
-Are you about to report a bug? Sorry to hear it. Here's our [Issue tracker](https://github.com/guardicore/monkey/issues).
+Are you about to report a bug? Sorry to hear it. Here's our
+[Issue tracker](https://github.com/guardicore/monkey/issues).
Please try to be as specific as you can about your problem; try to include steps
to reproduce. While we'll try to help anyway, focusing us will help us help you faster.
-If you want to contribute new code or fix bugs..
+If you want to contribute new code or fix bugs, please read the following sections. You can also contact us (the
+maintainers of this project) at our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/infectionmonkey/shared_invite/enQtNDU5MjAxMjg1MjU1LTM2ZTg0ZDlmNWNlZjQ5NDI5NTM1NWJlYTRlMGIwY2VmZGMxZDlhMTE2OTYwYmZhZjM1MGZhZjA2ZjI4MzA1NDk).
## Submitting code
@@ -20,7 +22,17 @@ The following is a *short* list of recommendations. PRs that don't match these c
* **Don't** leave your pull request description blank.
* **Do** license your code as GPLv3.
-Also, please submit PRs to the develop branch.
+Also, please submit PRs to the `develop` branch.
+#### Unit tests
+**Do** add unit tests if you think it fits. We place our unit tests in the same folder as the code, with the same
+filename, followed by the _test suffix. So for example: `somefile.py` will be tested by `somefile_test.py`.
+Please try to read some of the existing unit testing code, so you can see some examples.
+#### Branch naming scheme
+**Do** name your branches in accordance with GitFlow. The format is `ISSUE_#/BRANCH_NAME`; For example,
+`400/zero-trust-mvp` or `232/improvment/hide-linux-on-cred-maps`.
## Issues
* **Do** write a detailed description of your bug and use a descriptive title.
diff --git a/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md b/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
index b792b16f4..a8c0687fc 100644
--- a/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
+++ b/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Requirements:
To deploy:
1. Configure service account for your project:
- a. Create a service account and name it “your\_name-monkeyZoo-user”
+ a. Create a service account (GCP website -> IAM -> service accounts) and name it “your\_name-monkeyZoo-user”
b. Give these permissions to your service account:
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ To deploy:
**Project -> Owner**
- c. Download its **Service account key**. Select JSON format.
+ c. Download its **Service account key** in JSON and place it in **/gcp_keys** as **gcp_key.json**.
2. Get these permissions in monkeyZoo project for your service account (ask monkey developers to add them):
a. **Compute Engine -\> Compute image user**
@@ -82,20 +82,30 @@ To deploy:
../monkey/envs/monkey\_zoo/terraform/config.tf file (don’t forget to
link to your service account key file):
- > provider "google" {
- >
- > project = "project-28054666"
- >
- > region = "europe-west3"
- >
- > zone = "europe-west3-b"
- >
- > credentials = "${file("project-92050661-9dae6c5a02fc.json")}"
- >
- > }
- >
- > service\_account\_email="test@project-925243.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
+ provider "google" {
+ project = "test-000000" // Change to your project id
+ region = "europe-west3" // Change to your desired region or leave default
+ zone = "europe-west3-b" // Change to your desired zone or leave default
+ credentials = "${file("../gcp_keys/gcp_key.json")}" // Change to the location and name of the service key.
+ // If you followed instruction above leave it as is
+ }
+ locals {
+ resource_prefix = "" // All of the resources will have this prefix.
+ // Only change if you want to have multiple zoo's in the same project
+ service_account_email="tester-monkeyZoo-user@testproject-000000.iam.gserviceaccount.com" // Service account email
+ monkeyzoo_project="guardicore-22050661" // Project where monkeyzoo images are kept. Leave as is.
+ }
4. Run terraform init
To deploy the network run:
@@ -500,6 +510,42 @@ fullTest.conf is a good config to start, because it covers all machines.
Nr. 11 Tunneling M3 +( |
+(Exploitable) | +
OS: | +Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64 | +
Software: | +OpenSSL | +
Default service’s port: | +22 | +
Root password: | +3Q=(Ge(+&w]* | +
Server’s config: | +Default | +
Notes: | +Accessible only trough Nr.10 | +