--- title: "Scoutsuite" date: 2021-03-02T16:23:06+02:00 draft: false description: "Scout Suite is an open-source cloud security-auditing tool." weight: 10 --- ### About ScoutSuite Scout Suite is an open-source cloud security-auditing tool. It queries the cloud API to gather configuration data. Based on configuration data gathered, ScoutSuite shows security issues and risks present in your infrastructure. ### Supported cloud providers Currently, the Infection Monkey only supports AWS. ### Enabling ScoutSuite First, Infection Monkey needs access to your cloud API. You can provide access in the following ways: - Provide access keys: - Create a new user with ReadOnlyAccess and SecurityAudit policies and generate keys - Generate keys for your current user (faster but less secure) - Configure AWS CLI: - If the command-line interface is available on the Island, it will be used to access the cloud API More details about configuring ScoutSuite can be found in the tool itself, by choosing "Cloud Security Scan" in the "Run Monkey" options. ![Cloud scan option in run page](/images/usage/integrations/scoutsuite_run_page.png "Successful setup indicator") After you're done with the setup, make sure that a checkmark appears next to the AWS option. This verifies that ScoutSuite can access the API. ![Successfull setup indicator](/images/usage/integrations/scoutsuite_aws_configured.png "Successful setup indicator") ### Running a cloud security scan If you have successfully configured the cloud scan, Infection Monkey will scan your cloud infrastructure when the Monkey Agent is run **on the Island**. You can simply click on "From Island" in the run options to start the scan. The scope of the network scan and other activities you may have configured the Agent to perform are ignored by the ScoutSuite integration, except **Monkey Configuration -> System info collectors -> AWS collector**, which needs to remain **enabled**. ### Assessing scan results After the scan is done, ScoutSuite results will be sorted and applied to the ZeroTrust Extended framework and displayed as a part of the ZeroTrust report. The main difference between Infection Monkey findings and ScoutSuite findings is that ScoutSuite findings contain security rules. To see which rules were checked click on the "Rules" button next to the relevant test. You'll see a brief overview of the rules related to the test and a list of those rules. Expand a rule to see its description, remediation and more details about resources flagged. Each flagged resource has a path so you can easily locate them in the cloud and change the value that is deemed insecure. ![Open ScoutSuite rule](/images/usage/integrations/scoutsuite_report_rule.png "Successful setup indicator")