#!/bin/bash source config # Setup monkey either in dir required or current dir monkey_home=${1:-`pwd`} if [[ $monkey_home == `pwd` ]]; then monkey_home="$monkey_home/$MONKEY_FOLDER_NAME" fi # We can set main paths after we know the home dir ISLAND_PATH="$monkey_home/monkey/monkey_island" MONKEY_COMMON_PATH="$monkey_home/monkey/common/" MONGO_PATH="$ISLAND_PATH/bin/mongodb" ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH="$ISLAND_PATH/cc/binaries" INFECTION_MONKEY_DIR="$monkey_home/monkey/infection_monkey" MONKEY_BIN_DIR="$INFECTION_MONKEY_DIR/bin" handle_error () { echo "Fix the errors above and rerun the script" exit 1 } log_message () { echo -e "\n\n-------------------------------------------" echo -e "DEPLOYMENT SCRIPT: $1" echo -e "-------------------------------------------\n" } sudo -v if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "You need root permissions for some of this script operations. Quiting." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d ${monkey_home} ]]; then mkdir -p ${monkey_home} fi git --version &>/dev/null git_available=$? if [[ ${git_available} != 0 ]]; then echo "Please install git and re-run this script" exit 1 fi log_message "Cloning files from git" branch=${2:-"develop"} if [[ ! -d "$monkey_home/monkey" ]]; then # If not already cloned git clone --single-branch -b $branch ${MONKEY_GIT_URL} ${monkey_home} 2>&1 || handle_error chmod 774 -R ${monkey_home} fi # Create folders log_message "Creating island dirs under $ISLAND_PATH" mkdir -p ${MONGO_PATH} mkdir -p ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH} || handle_error # Detecting command that calls python 3.7 python_cmd="" if [[ `python --version 2>&1` == *"Python 3.7"* ]]; then python_cmd="python" fi if [[ `python37 --version 2>&1` == *"Python 3.7"* ]]; then python_cmd="python37" fi if [[ `python3.7 --version 2>&1` == *"Python 3.7"* ]]; then python_cmd="python3.7" fi if [[ ${python_cmd} == "" ]]; then log_message "Python 3.7 command not found. Installing python 3.7." sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt install python3.7 log_message "Python 3.7 is now available with command 'python3.7'." python_cmd="python3.7" fi log_message "Updating package list" sudo apt-get update log_message "Installing pip" sudo apt install python3-pip ${python_cmd} -m pip install pip log_message "Install python3.7-dev" sudo apt-get install python3.7-dev log_message "Installing island requirements" requirements="$ISLAND_PATH/requirements.txt" ${python_cmd} -m pip install --user --upgrade -r ${requirements} || handle_error log_message "Installing monkey requirements" sudo apt-get install libffi-dev upx libssl-dev libc++1 cd ${monkey_home}/monkey/infection_monkey || handle_error ${python_cmd} -m pip install -r requirements_linux.txt --user --upgrade || handle_error # Download binaries log_message "Downloading binaries" wget -c -N -P ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH} ${LINUX_32_BINARY_URL} wget -c -N -P ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH} ${LINUX_64_BINARY_URL} wget -c -N -P ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH} ${WINDOWS_32_BINARY_URL} wget -c -N -P ${ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH} ${WINDOWS_64_BINARY_URL} # Allow them to be executed chmod a+x "$ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH/$LINUX_32_BINARY_NAME" chmod a+x "$ISLAND_BINARIES_PATH/$LINUX_64_BINARY_NAME" # Get machine type/kernel version kernel=`uname -m` linux_dist=`lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null` # If a user haven't installed mongo manually check if we can install it with our script log_message "Installing MongoDB" ${ISLAND_PATH}/linux/install_mongo.sh ${MONGO_PATH} || handle_error log_message "Installing openssl" sudo apt-get install openssl # Generate SSL certificate log_message "Generating certificate" cd ${ISLAND_PATH} openssl genrsa -out cc/server.key 2048 openssl req -new -key cc/server.key -out cc/server.csr -subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Global Security/OU=Monkey Department/CN=monkey.com" openssl x509 -req -days 366 -in cc/server.csr -signkey cc/server.key -out cc/server.crt # Update node log_message "Installing nodejs" cd "$ISLAND_PATH/cc/ui" || handle_error sudo apt-get install curl curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm install sass-loader node-sass webpack --save-dev npm update log_message "Generating front end" npm run dist # Making dir for binaries mkdir ${MONKEY_BIN_DIR} # Download sambacry binaries log_message "Downloading sambacry binaries" wget -c -N -P ${MONKEY_BIN_DIR} ${SAMBACRY_64_BINARY_URL} wget -c -N -P ${MONKEY_BIN_DIR} ${SAMBACRY_32_BINARY_URL} # Download traceroute binaries log_message "Downloading traceroute binaries" wget -c -N -P ${MONKEY_BIN_DIR} ${TRACEROUTE_64_BINARY_URL} wget -c -N -P ${MONKEY_BIN_DIR} ${TRACEROUTE_32_BINARY_URL} sudo chmod +x ${monkey_home}/monkey/infection_monkey/build_linux.sh log_message "Deployment script finished." exit 0