Daniel Goldberg 0c82f0e98f Don't randomly install mongod unless required 2020-02-09 11:20:43 +02:00
.. Remove reference to CMD. It's 2020 2020-02-08 22:37:01 +02:00
config Remove unused variables 2020-02-03 08:58:42 +02:00
config.ps1 Missing URL path parameter 2020-02-03 11:15:46 +02:00 Don't randomly install mongod unless required 2020-02-09 11:20:43 +02:00
deploy_windows.ps1 Newline at end of deploy_windows.ps1 2020-02-09 11:14:30 +02:00

Deployment guide for a development environemnt

This guide is for you if you wish to develop for Infection Monkey. If you only want to use it, please download the relevant version from our website.


Before running the script you must have git installed. If you don't have git installed, please follow this guide.

Deploy on Windows

Run the following command in powershell:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile deploy_windows.ps1

This will download our deploy script. It's a good idea to read it quickly before executing it!

After downloading that script, execute it in powershell.

The first argument is an empty directory (script can create one). The second argument is which branch you want to clone - by default, the script will check out the develop branch. Some example usages:

  • .\deploy_windows.ps1 (Sets up monkey in current directory under .\infection_monkey)
  • .\deploy_windows.ps1 -monkey_home "C:\test" (Sets up monkey in C:\test)
  • .\deploy_windows.ps1 -branch "master" (Sets up master branch instead of develop in current dir)


  • If you run into Execution Policy warnings, you can disable them by prefixing the following snippet: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command "[original command here]"
  • Don't forget to add python to PATH or do so while installing it via this script.

Deploy on Linux

Linux deployment script is meant for Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 18 machines.

Your user must have root permissions; however, don't run the script as root!


This will download our deploy script. It's a good idea to read it quickly before executing it!

Then execute the resulting script with your shell.

After downloading that script, execute it in a shell. The first argument should be an absolute path of an empty directory (the script will create one if doesn't exist, default is ./infection_monkey). The second parameter is the branch you want to clone (develop by default). Some example usages:

  • ./ (deploys under ./infection_monkey)
  • ./ "/home/test/monkey" (deploys under /home/test/monkey)
  • ./ "" "master" (deploys master branch in script directory)
  • ./ "/home/user/new" "master" (if directory "new" is not found creates it and clones master branch into it)